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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Good Morning Everyone, While I wait for the wire to arrive to make split rings needed for cannon rigging, thought I’d take a crack at the mast or the bow sprit. I have searched many build logs to see lots of lathes. I have yet to see any photos of masts being tapered by hand. Does anyone really do all the tapering required for a ship by hand? I went out last night and bought a dowl, cut it to length (I have enough for 3 practice masts) and will try the drill motor method and the small plane, file and sandpaper method. I obviously don’t have a lathe and am not going to get one, and will therefore readily accept all suggestions and tips for the other two methods. 😀
  2. Welcome Aboard Shipmate! This is the place to lean and hone all your hobby skills concerning wooden ships. Several lifetimes of model building experience to help you… just ask. You can even start a build log for say… an EA-6B. 👍😀
  3. Don’t be to hard on yourself. We’ve all “been there, done that”. 👍😁
  4. 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32 gauge darkened annealed wire available at Blue Jacket Shipcrafters.
  5. Sorry All, I’m changing plans after all. Thanks to David Lester for a valuable source of wire tip, so I ordered some 26 and 28 gauge black annealed wire and wait for it to arrive before I continue. So Since I’m really close to to being done with the hull, I’ll spend the week learning how to taper masts and spars. 😀
  6. Thanks Allan! I have ordered so much thread for seizing and rope lately trying to “go scale”, I’ll use the 24 gauge wire to finish the LN. I cannot find 26 gauge annealed blackened wire anywhere. I did find 28 gauge however. The Admiral is asking me why I have so many ordered extras that weren’t in the kit. 😆 I’ve saved your data and will be trying to build the Rattlesnake as best I can regarding scale, bashing etc..
  7. Just made a handful of split rings using 24 gauge annealed blackened wire. This stuff is cool! Good needle noses under the glass and I’m able to make these things beautiful circles. Very little if any touch up to do for shiny spots at the cut area. 👍😀 L N kit on the left, mine on the right.
  8. Good Morning All, The LN did not come with an abundance of rings to go with the eyelets. I ran out, so thought I’d look into making some. My Rattlesnake from MS comes with 24 gauge brass rings and is a 1:64 kit. The LN kit came with .32mm rings (26 gauge?). Which of these sizes would be more scale correct? I’m guessing to close to call? Also looking for a good tutorial on how to make said rings. Thanks!
  9. My bad for assuming it was wood.
  10. Hi There, Welcome to the paint shows everything show. 😁 The same thing happened to me on my Lady Nelson build. Here’s all I can say based on my one hull of experience and lots of knowledge from the forum: Unless the planking is done literally to perfection and then filled to perfection... it’s going to happen. Now, that being said, I’ve seen build logs where the paint job on the hull looked almost to good, to perfect. I think seeing a plank or two here and there is authentic. My .02.
  11. Hi All, Thought I’d let you know which direction I went. I purchased the Model Shipways Rattlesnake. I didn’t immediately open it up for a detailed inspection and when I did… I was sort of disappointed. The hype that I thought I was reading concerning Model Shipways didn’t materialize as I dug into the box. 😳 The cast parts are terrible. Instruction book is a bazillion times better than the LN I’m building now, however not what I was expecting. For example the cannon page, just says “make the cannons” (paraphrasing). So… I’m really glad I’m building the NL first with virtually no instructions. I do plan to “bash”, modify and substitute parts etc. extensively on the Snake.
  12. Insane! All those started from flat stock? I’m showing my card modeling ignorance, but do the kits come with objects that are already built to scale like pilots or wheels or guns?
  13. Thread and scale rope storage solved for now. I’m sure it might evolve as I get deeper into the hobby.
  14. Good Evening All, I received my rope for the cannons from Syren this week and the 6/0 line for seizing. I just spent the last 2 hours learning how to do this, but I think I got it. One down, nine to go. Had Master and Commander playing for inspiration. 😀 The other nine will have rings on the eyelets, I ran out. I also saw in the photo the shiny spots where I used CA on the seizings. I’ve done a lot of research on that one and it appears to be a personal choice with no clear winner. At this point of my abilities, I’d be hard pressed to be using thinned Elmers or Titebond.
  15. I NEVER would have thought to do that Mark. 😆 But I'll try it. I like the storage you have going. Off to Hobby Lobby. 😁
  16. WOW! Thanks John. I will definitely be copying you on this move! 👍😀
  17. Good Morning Chris, Is it your intent to offer the Indy as a completed ship, or without parts of the hull or decks for visibility?
  18. If you wouldn’t have told me that was paper, I’d have never even considered it was not wood. Wood, paper/card, 3D… everyone has their own take on “purity”. I like it. 👍(paper is a byproduct of wood, no)? 😀
  19. Hi B.E. Thanks again. That’s exactly what I did. I’ve ordered from Syren a couple times, so I used Ropes of Scale this time, getting a couple sizes like you say. If I stick with this hobby, I’ll end up with copious amount of scale rope (like most of the veteran builders). 😁
  20. Welcome Ian. I would encourage you to start a build log. That will get you the most help possible as many experienced modelers will be able to see how your doing and give you all manner of advice and help. 👍😀
  21. Took me a few minutes to get the math straight, but once I was able to duplicate Blue Ensign’s math converting the circumference to diameter figured out a rope size based on the beam of the Lady Nelson. 👍
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