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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Dave, this is Dave. Welcome to the forum! 🙂
  2. Hi All, Masking for the Lady went well, painting went well. De-masking went well. However... I have some spots around the top that say "look how thick the bottom paint is". What's the best way to feather acrlic? Or should I even bother? From 2' away, you cant see it. Up close... 😯
  3. Hi John, 3 years will be a blink... I just retired in December and remember the countdown. Savor it Brother, it goes faster everyday. That being said, I have crazy enjoyed being in the shipyard more. You will as well. 😀 I have a Rattler on the shelf, so I'm following you. 👍😎
  4. Hey Dion, Welcome aboard mate, glad to have you.
  5. Bug, Did you hand paint all that pretty yellow trim under a magnifier? What size brush? What color yellow is that? Crazy good work Sir! 👍😀
  6. I have many, in fact most of what I have seen here on the forum. That will soon include Lego blocks. 😁 As a newb ship builder, doing my research, I run across all these “special tools”. That’s why I bring them to the forum, because I know I will get the answers and advice I need! Thank you all! 👍😀
  7. I'm on the hunt for a basic lego set before I start!!! Cool Man! 😎
  8. Thanks Guys, I’m kind of wondering is it necessary at all? I see a ton of ships made without a dock… I put the Lady together without one. Are larger ships (even if they are still 1:64) more susceptible to frame misfair? I’ve seen some pretty ingenious methods here on MSW.
  9. Hi Evan, Welcome do the forum! You can edit your post by clicking the 3 dots on the upper RH corner and edit your post. 👍
  10. Hi Mary, Welcome aboard. Jump in! I’ve found this forum to be much more than just model ship questions and answers. Friendly, knowledgeable, helpful folk reside here. 😊
  11. Concur completely. So… wanting to be more accurate than not… rudder will match the hull waterline.
  12. Hi All, Getting ready to paint the Lady's hull white. I've seen several models (of many different ships) where they did not have the rudder painted white and the rudder hinges not painted either. I'm going to guess this might be for athetics and not historically accurate? Input?
  13. Hi All, Model Expo has the USS Rattlesnake I'm ready to purchase, and they have a big kit that includes the "fair-a-frame", a plank bender and a 10 bottle set of paints for the ship. Anyone have experience with the fair-a-frame? I
  14. OK Fellas (and any Ladies visiting), I got the rudder hinge kit from the Syren store. These little rudder parts had to be the smallest parts I’ve worked with in recent memory. The saving grace perhaps is all the hinges will be painted. However it was a good first experience. Next step, painting. 😎
  15. Welcome to the forum! Keep reading. 😄
  16. Thank you all very much. Another interesting point (for me anyway) has been the history of the ship itself. I love all the period sailing ships (and tv shows and movies), and found that the early United States had part in their ongoing development and purpose on the ocean. After doing a lot of research on the colonial period ships (didn’t know there were so many actually), I decided to look and see how many kits there were available for United States Ships. Note… I’m not a scratch builder and know I’ll never be one, so the next best task is to find the best kits for representation of ship accuracy and then If I want to substitute or upgrade (bashing I think is what you call it) I certainly have the option. Thought I was building models and now I’m enjoying research on Naval history. 😀
  17. I guess it was Mamoli... never heard of them.
  18. Hi All, IF, you were to have decided you wanted to build the Rattlesnake, which company would you buy it from, Mamoli or Model Shipways?
  19. Welcome Aboard Sir! Good place to hang out if your a modeler for sure! 👍
  20. Hi All, Just a goofy question I was pondering as I get ready to mark the waterline. After the procedure of marking, there will be a pencil line. Do you mask allowing the pencil line to be covered by the white? Does the white paint cover the pencil line OK?
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