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Everything posted by rudybob

  1. I am pleased and excited to announce the new parts came today. I sent Model Expo a Thank You. I must also report that the new pieces don't fit together any better but in fact a bit worse then the originals. Onward I say!!
  2. "(crappy weather motivates Model Building, I think) " Yes it does
  3. My build is a series of issues and flaws. I won't overcome all but learning is a good thing
  4. I concur regarding the replacement parts. I wanted to be sure I did not get a bum kit so I was waiting. My thought on computer controlled cutting is that it is only as bad as the programming and calibration allow it to be. I now have a definition for what's good enough. Yep. A critically important gap in my opinion. Everything comes off the keel so get that right. They did not. This is not billed as an advanced model this is for beginners. I have enough to learn out of the gate and one of them should not be jimmying the keel. A problem right out of the gate for those not in the know...Me :-) I can appreciate and sympathize with the work involved in moving an operation. I have done it twice. I waited two weeks for correspondence before I recontacted them. I told them if you aren't going to replace the part and what they viewed in the picture I sent is "normal" let me know and I will move on. No threats, no harsh words. Not a word back until I contacted them again. When they wrote...I dunno when. I am not angry with Model Expo but I don't mind reporting what I have experienced so others may be advised. I really like the time you took to comment. It was well thought out and fair. Thanks
  5. Important point: It's not an "order" it's replacement for poorly crafted pieces. Why would I cancel that? I appreciate your post and hope you are correct. I just don't think you are
  6. It has been 28 days since I requested from Model Expo replacement parts. I sent three follow up e-mails. Here is what I believe will be their last response which I received today "The order for your parts has been entered, but we are experiencing parts shipping delays due to our move to a new location. I can't say when the order will be shipped. Let me know if you wish to cancel. Best Regards, Parts Dept Model Expo/Model Shipways The key component of the e-mail is "I can't say when the order will be shipped. Let me know if you wish to cancel." I think that roughly translates to go away kid ya bother me :-)
  7. Looking around is what I am good at in this hobby :-) Thanks
  8. I looked for but could not find Model Dromedary. Do you have a link? Thanks
  9. http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/Planking primer.pdf page 5 "One can bend a plank in two planes, but not three" Does it mean I cannot edge bend, twist and curve all in a short length of a plank?
  10. I'm having a similar experience with them now. I am anxious to get parts that may have been poorly crafted. I won't know for certain if it's a one off until the new parts arrive and it is taking longer (3.5) weeks then I would like. Responses from Model Expo are not that helpful. Thank You for your reply. I appreciate it
  11. I would like to know why you would not buy anything from Model Expo.
  12. It has been quite a process. First let me state that when you read that laying planks isn't hard don't believe that. It is a difficult process. There is not only the bending which is the most difficult there are many other considerations. I read that forced clamping isn't necessary when the plank is correctly bent. Well that's true and a goal to strive for which I have. The shear on the pinnace is a very difficult bend. There is an edge bend, a twist and a curve all to be made in a short space. I enjoyed reading and trying all the methods at this forum. In my case the hardest part was to keep the shear's lower edge flat on the first 3 or 4 bulkheads as I curved it around the bow. The edge bend gets the shear to lie flat. In the subsequent process of putting in the twist and bend I have been unable to create a plank that I can get to lie flat along all the bulkheads AND keep the previously made edge bend like it needs to be. I shaped the plank to lie flat along the first four bulkheads. I also shaped it to generally follow the hulls course to the stern. After gluing down the shear on the first four bulkheads I wet the plank and shaped it to fit the rest of the way and clamped.
  13. Is there any reason a CAD design cannot be essentially perfect and that data feed to the cutting laser which cuts what is programmed? If the cut(s) is/are off would that be a function of the CAD design, the laser being misaligned or wrongly programmed or all three?
  14. Thank You for the reply. I agree with your first paragraph. I spent 11 years on the NY Pilot Boat and I would have dropped this build otherwise. If there was a time limit I might do better. HA!! I set schedules and am way behind on this one. I was not clear enough in my post. I can bend and trim planks and have them fit nicely. I have ticked the bulkheads. Post #30 in Blue Ensign's log, "It is the short curve at the bow that has defeated me using just water and heat; aft of the first three bulkheads the treatment works fine to achieve the more gentle 'S' curve. On your original Pinnace build, where I think you just used water and heat to achieve the shape, did you have to start the short bow curve well back in a longer length of strip to give you the leverage to form the bend?" Chuck replied, "Yes indeed....it is impossible to bend that severe a curve on the end of the strip. The curve was made closer to the middle and then the excess snipped off and discarded. " Chuck linked to his barge build and on pg 12 of the pdf is the picture I posted where the problem Blue Ensign had and I am having is addressed. http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Barge instructions.pdf I can make the acute bend but I cannot make the acute bend and the twist needed to go along with the lateral bending all at the same time I do not follow Chuck's explanation and was hoping someone could help me out. His planks are pre-bent (see picture 2) The planks I have are not pre-bent though I can and have bent them like Chuck's but I still am not up to speed and need further clarification.
  15. Having a heck of a time coming up with the " impossible to bend that severe a curve on the end of the strip." bend. This is something I need to get right. It'll either happen or it won't. I'll keep trying. I LOL at some of my bends. On the follow up build I have formed the rabbet pretty good. Model Shipways replied that they are sending my part request to shipping. I look back on this log and I have a good time laughing at myself. I am sure there is more of that to come. I bought some tools. I seen in many build logs tools used to ensure something is straight and square. I picked up a couple 1-2-3 blocks and a machinist square. Both will be of tremendous help on this project and other crafts. For as much time as I think I have spent on the pinnace I ain't getting very far and I sure like shopping for clamps
  16. Nice build. Where did you get those green clips first seen in post #8. Can we get a close up of one please
  17. The part only fits one way. There is no "turning around". I moved it for best fit the first time I made this model. Space shuttle tolerances...no. Reasonable... Yes. I requested new parts. If they say "Sure" I will see if it is just the way it is and then I will deal with "pretty good" tolerance. Thanks
  18. If it cannot be seen then I just don't do it. So much to hone skills on... the unseen is not one of them for me. I was going to do a Sabre but just down the Hwy there is an F-84 on a pedestal. I have driven by it many times so I picked the F-84
  19. The first picture shows I did not even take the char off. I should not have to fit and sand a laser cut this much. Thanks.
  20. The first picture indicates that I did not sand anything off of either side of the pieces, plenty of visible char. I merely tapered. When I fit them I can look out the window between the pieces. This is the Model Shipways English pinnace
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