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Everything posted by mischief

  1. Thank you all. After I quit kicking my butt for selling mine many years ago now you have to remind me to start kicking again. THANKS A Hoooooooooo Lot.
  2. You will not regret obtaining the PanaVise. I have several heads for it the 303 & 361 I use the most.
  3. Shot Garland A wooden rack running along the ships side from one gunport to another and holding the ROUND SHOT for Great Guns. Not a clear answer just another clue.
  4. IMAI 1/60 scale of the CUTTY SARK Plans & Instructions are in Japanese OHHHHHHHHHHHH so Modelson,otherwise a nice kit
  5. A soda or beer bottle cap also works great with CA
  6. Any info on use of a printed circuit board drill press for our addiction ?
  7. The site needs a English version
  8. Fiebins leather dye is one of the "secret" items used in antique restorations.
  9. The Trewax that I mentioned is in paste form and very easy to apply and do not belive it will cause any ship modeling harm in any of our lifetimes.
  10. I have been trying "TREWAX" which contains Carnauba and petroleum solvents,So far, I like the hard finish it gives and the luster.
  11. How do you want it to look slick as in shiny model or more like the real vessel a little worn , if slick use the primer and sand light between coats.
  12. Q.A Revenge the same weathering stuff by Tanmiya can be found in Dollar stores in the makeup section,I make sure my wife is with me, also pastels can be found in many, many shades in art supply shops and work well. Using a small brush that looks like a hair comb ,Wisp brush, also helps with some great coloring.
  13. I second Midwest for a first model and the Flattie is a very good choice. I'm helping my Grandson with one.
  14. Banyan that jig is slicker then the snot on a Admirals sleeve.
  15. Very nice all you members who have or are doing the Willie have inspired me to make another one, and do it right this time. Years ago I cobbled one together that even a blind cat would have laugh at. Will have to keep an eye out for one on sale at ModelExpo. Nice job mhass2
  16. All depends on how long you want to stay dry the shorter the plank the shorter the walk
  17. They are for carving miniature Caw's----- Sorry I just had to do it.
  18. Modeling the Brig-of-War "IRENE" by E. W. Petrejus for period ships. Rigging,Equipment and Outfit of Shjps Part 1 & 2 by J.P. DE Haan ING for merchant ships and war ships 1961
  19. Dremel vs Foredom...same thing only different
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