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Everything posted by mischief

  1. Nice! that is slicker then snot on a sleeve
  2. I use the small condiment cups from fast food joints.
  3. 1 apply a thin coat of sealer 2 rub with 4/0 steel wool 3 clean with Everclear 4 repeat steps 1,2,&3 5 apply a THIN coat of paint 6 repeat steps 2 & 3 7 keep repeating steps 5 & 6 Yes it is a pain ,however, the results are worth the effort.
  4. The complete Wasa kit for sale can be found on page 2 of Buying and Selling of this forum
  5. Your "fiddly" rigging craftsmanship is SUPERB. Thank you for sharing.
  6. Use the bamboo that are in the mats they use to roll Sushi, much better to reduce then then the BBQ skewers, and get the Byrnes draw plate for sure.
  7. Flax thread is/was used in the shoe industry,might try your local shoe repair shop. If you have no luck PM me as I have some ,however, it is on the large size.
  8. I have good results using Tamiya Putty, white no. 87095
  9. I use cherry veneer .043mm size for my second planking ,cutting strips from the veneer sheet.
  10. Did you apply a coat of sealer first ?
  11. I turnover weekly all of my paints,sealers and give them a good shake in the process. works for me. Cleaning the container lip after each use helps a lot
  12. Bob B. I have around 2 dozen + copies of the plans from the old Popular Science mags. Steam ship,Tankers,Civil War Ships ,HMS Bounty,Scooners, etc. Several of the plans by Capt. E Armitage McCann. I would classify them as BARE Bone plans. When I got them I was hoping for Liberty Ship plans, however, no luck
  13. Look for magnets in the welding section at Harbor Freight the angle ones are great for squaring frames, cabins, etc. on a large metal cookie sheet
  14. Cathead I am proficient at planking my post was more general in nature based on the originator of this topic #1
  15. I have a pile of Holly that was purchased 30+ years ago by my uncle and to this day it is as white as fresh snow, He bought a pickup load of cutoffs from a NC sawmill for the price of firewood. I will purchase Holly anytime when I can find a bargain price for holly. and it is great for decking and carving. yes some holly will degrade in color, was I lucky ,yes. We have a member who sells Holly,his name escapes me now, in PA I believe, who sells QUALITY white holly.
  16. This is one area that turns off new people to modeling some not all do not have either the skill or patience with planking.You would think that some co. or individual would create a simple planking LEARNING kit that is priced reasonable and with clear common TERMS.I have bought many partial kits for parts as the the individual just gave up because of either poor planking instructions or lack of interest in the planking process. Not all kit designers have the ability to transfer knowledge to verse, especially when it comes to 101 kit planking
  17. I like seeing what tools, tread, rope and glues you use, keep your work bench as is. How about listing some of your chosen glues, pins and treads that you use. Also some hints on your methods of locating the treads and ropes. Fabricating them is not a issue, locating ready made is. Your work is great I have the a Billings WASA that is 14th in line to build,however, at age 75 I know I will not get to it so I will soon put it up for TRADE for a Bluejacket Liberty Ship or a Cross section model and readjust my schedule of builds, MAYBE FANTASTIC WORK
  18. Small drill press
  19. Came across a few when I lived in the Florida Keys and they all were live aboards and had nothing but praise for the Cat Boat. One couple routinely sail the Cat to the Bahamas. For in harbor maneuverability most used a rubber dingy with a small motor and tie it along side the Cat. I will also add my chair in the shipyard.
  20. Try using a piece of broken glass.in place of a spoke shave for masts
  21. BEST explanations for not using the evil CA ever.
  22. I totally agree with you about Ca on rigging
  23. I have had good results with Holly also
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