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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. It looks like the real thing!
  2. I saw these in the jewelry making section and wondered about them. Thanks.
  3. Here's my mast station factory in full swing. I had to reverse engineer the dimensions from the photos. There's a lot more work with the three of these than meets the eye. I do not know the correct of these stations. They sit behind each mast for tying down halyards, etc.
  4. I'm still shell shocked from my Admiral's lambasting of me varnishing my ship on a bed. I moved to operation to the garage. I want to give her a few coats this week since I'm closing my shipyard and taking all my workers on a cruise to do some snorkeling in the Caribbean this Saturday. I'll get all the workers back the following Sunday for a prompt Monday workday.
  5. You're right, Sam, it's great exercise for my 75 year old brain. Now, when I wind up standing in my garage, I can remember why I went there at least half the time instead of never!
  6. Here we go again with Constructo. I have to build these three units for installation behind each of the three masts. The only info Constructo gives is some photos and the dimensions of some of the components. There are no drawings? I'll have to interpolate dimensions and spacing by reverse engineering them from the pictures and some known dimensions, like the size of the chosen wood.
  7. I gave the hull a second coat of varnish while I work on some miniature carpentry stuff. My Admiral had a major fit because I did it on a bed, even though I covered the bed with towels.
  8. Believe it or not....when I was taking out these 14 - 3/8" pieces from their envelope to put on my sticky tape workholding, the last one slipped out of the tweezer! It took me a half an hour of crawling to find it. It didn't land on the floor, but bounced of my leg into the recesses of one of the shelves under my workbench. All's well that ends well! Now I shall mark exactly where each piece goes on the tape and begin the building process without chasing tiny falling parts.
  9. The heads are installed. The men of the USS Constitution all shouted...."Hooray!"
  10. Here I'm using my sticky tape to hold the ship's heads while I work on them. I also used it to hold the capstan parts tht had to be held vertically in a star shaped pattern. That was an impossible task until I thought of the tape. By the way, Constructo's plans do not include installing the heads in the bow area. However, when you gotta go....you gotta go! The ship need some heads.
  11. My Admiral and I spent an hour looking for the tiny drum for the ship's wheels only to find it crushed because we stepped on it. I had to fabricate a new one.
  12. My clumsy thumbs have forced me to invent a way to hold tiny parts while I work on them without them slipping and sliding all over my workbench. I just took some masking tape and laid it face UP, then I scotch taped the tape on a small board for easy rotation. When I lay the tiny part on the tape...it stays put! Yet it's very easily removed with no trace of sticky stuff.
  13. I just finished constructing the capstan. Constructo's instructions were sparse, so I did a redesign using stuff from my.....you guessed it... my scrap pile. I even added a star at the top.
  14. It's worth it when you find the one piece you need. I always have to remind my Admiral when I find that exact piece on how valuable my junk piles are. It's my Admiral's junk, but my stuff!
  15. I'm building a Constructo USS Constitution and agree 100% with your assessment of their wood and bending it. I have a big scrap pile to prove it. Keep up the great work!
  16. Augie and I have been swapping tall tales about scrap piles we managed to collect. I decided to look deeply into this hoarder's delight. First, I have a tube on my workbench that holds current or recently used pieces. Second, when I don't think I'll have an immediate need for some of it, it goes into my primary scrap pile in the front of my supply closet. After that, any good stuff goes into my secondary scrap pile a little deeper in my storage closet, then after that, I have a complete junk pile that I keep just in case all the other scrap piles fail me. I also have all the cut out forms for shaping and bending wood. Last resort is my lumber scrap pile in my garage. I guess I am an addicted hoarder. You never know when one of those scrap piles will yield a trophy!
  17. I installed the ship's wheel just now. I had to paint cast aluminum, silver colored parts to look like wood. I failed miserably, but my Admiral, who is an excellent oil painter matched the ship's wood perfectly. Gluing the unit and feeding the lines through the deck holes proved once again that I'm all thumbs. I knocked another davit off and had to re-glue it.
  18. I just did a survey of my scrap piles Believe it or not I have six different piles! Pile one is a tube of recently used wood scraps that sits on my workbench. Pile 2 is where pile 1 goes when I don't think I need it anymore. Pile three is what's left over from the Constructo provided wood. Pile 4 is leftover cutouts that I use to shape parts. Pile 5 is any and all kinds of junk I think might come in handy one day, and pile six is my garage pile which is a source of last resort.
  19. I see you used the thumb tacks correctly. When I first tried them, I let the wood touch the metal instead of the plastic part of the tack and had to dump the pieces because the metal made black marks on the wood.
  20. Scrap box? I have a scrap pile...and scrap box...and a real junk scrap box. Funny thing is.....I wind up rummaging through them all when I have a problem.
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