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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Trees are naturally tapered.
  2. I'm not happy with those binnacles. My work is too rough. I'll have to look for a plan B.
  3. Happy planking. The best advise I ever got was by a member who told me to treat each plank as if it's its own model since no two are alike.
  4. I forgot to mention that only I will move my moveable parts. I tell lookers to look but don't touch. I just like it that I made a pump that pumps, etc.
  5. Good luck with this difficult planking project. The best advise I ever got from this site was.....treat each plank as if it is its own model. Basically, that's correct since no two planks were or are ever the same. .
  6. Since Constructo didn't provide for binnacles, I've asked for help and Jeff came through. I'm copying as best I can his binnacles.
  7. I've rough finished all three fife rails. I've set them in position for the pics, but I have to fine finish them next before gluing them..
  8. It looks like you're doing everything right....staying ten steps or more ahead of where you're at.
  9. What do you know about the portholes beneath the gun deck? Constructo just gives me open rivets. Portholes should have glass. What did you do?
  10. Some parts can be made to move like rudders and pumps and wheels.
  11. I chose a Constructo model because I did not want to paint the beautiful wood work. Constructo gives you dark and light woods to achieve the contrasts. Let's face it, these models are a work of woodworking art as well as historic models.
  12. I have found wood in the strangest places. Even Ace Hardware. Most hobby stores have some variety. The trouble comes when you need millimeter stuff and only find inches. Good luck
  13. Try asking your local trophy business if they can engrave a plate to your size and liking. I did that with my first model.
  14. It's very slow going making these fife rails. The mizzen rail is done, now I'm 3/4 through the foremast rail. I hope to get all three done before I give leave to my shipyard crew Friday night so we can all go to the Caribbean .
  15. I just discovered my Constructo USS Constitution doesn't show any binnacles? How can they make a model with no compass? I'll just copy yours.
  16. Slow progress with the mizzen fife rails. My fat thumbs don't help, but the sticky tape does. Drilling the holes caused the wood to split, so I had to glue the underside for reinforcement.
  17. Sawing miniature wood is very tricky. We all have trouble with it. My stiff back saw that came with my miter box is best.
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