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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Slowly I'm getting the natural color back after my spray fiasco. I'm sanding with extra fine paper, scraping, rubbing. using thinner and a light coat of satin finish poly. The contrasts between the light and dark wood is returning. I'm also getting the smoothness to return. Boy...I really made a mess for myself.
  2. I'm jealous of all your Dremel tools! Good luck! You've selected the hardest model there is to build. Take your time and ask a lot of questions. Like they say....How do you eat an elephant?......You start chewing on the toe!
  3. What's a footrope stirrup?
  4. If you chose woods that showed the correct contrast like the paint would show, and your wood work is good, I say leave it unpainted to show the art of your wood working.
  5. I pinned and glued the skylight in place. Constructo called for this installation, but now I have read that the skylight was a very late addition? Oh well. I also installed the two compasses even though Constructo didn't provide for them. I just fabricated them. The fife rail in the picture is not yet finished so it is not installed, only sits there for the picture.
  6. Thanks for the drilling suggestions, but the double saw blade trick was the only simple solution that popped out at me. My Admiral would plotz if I bought a mini drill press for my Dremel just to drill 135 holes. Any other simple suggestions? I'm thinking of a mini jig or something.
  7. I'm about to tackle my anchors, so I'll refer to your build from time to time.
  8. Geoff, I've restored that old beat up helicopter so many times I can't count. My kids used to play with it when I wasn't looking. My Connie keeps me too busy to even think about that.
  9. I've filled up a display case with plastic aircraft models that I flew over a long career of being a pilot. My favorite, which was my first model I built, is a "scratch built". It's the first helicopter I ever flew and I used the flight handbook for plans and used "Q" tips without the cotton for the frame, a ping pong ball for the cockpit, balsa wood block for the engine, paperclip for the tail rotor guard and pencil erasers for the wheels. I built this in 1963 and is has gotten beat up with all the moves I've made. The main rotor is missing and half the tail rotor.
  10. HELP! How do you drill multiple holes and keep them all lined up and equally spaced? Everytime I try the drill manages to take me off my line.
  11. My remarks weren't meant as a put down to plastic models....lord knows I've built many myself. They're just not the same as wood built.
  12. Try E-Bay.
  13. How do you do that extremely small stuff? I'm in wonder!
  15. As far as the hammocks go, I'm rejecting my above experiment. It was worth a try.
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