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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Since the bowsprit doesn't penetrate the deck for support, the way it is, it will only have glue where it meets the deck and glue where it passes through the hull. That seems fragile to me. Any ideas as to how to lock the bowsprit so it will be held robustly?
  2. Well, the nose of the camel is now under my tent when it comes to rigging. I've had to fit the bowsprit into the hole I had drilled months ago in order to finish all the deck trim. I'm still a ways from rigging,, but it's the first step.
  3. I've decided to install a pin in each davit since they stick up so far and can easily be bumped.
  4. Here's my deck that I used a straight edge to cut the cross cuts and then a number two pencil to simulate caulk and nails. I made sure the pencil point was always sharp to set the graphite deep so it will never smear.
  5. These are not hammock cranes, they are trim just for the davits. I haven't figured out exactly how I'm approaching those hammock cranes.
  6. Paul0367, You're right....the Victory is wall to wall gunports. Some models give you pre-cut slabs, but Construco tells you to plank the whole ship and then cut the holes. That's quite a big difference!
  7. Davit factory still going strong. My fat, shaky fingers had to bend these tiny brass trim pieces that will adorn the side davits. I managed to drop everyone of them at least once on the floor and have to get on my hands & knees to find them. You think I'd have learned by now to set up in the center of a big table to avoid these frustrations. I guess I'm un-trainable!
  8. mtdoramike I'd like to see your build forums of your Connies.
  9. My davit factory is still humming. Here I've cut the davits to size and filled in the bonding lines between the two laminated bent planks. I've also lessened the curvature to better match the davits on the USS Constitution in Boston. Constructo wanted them bend almost 90 degrees, the Davits in Boston are not as extreme.
  10. Thanks for a great forum! I'll be starting rigging soon.
  11. When I built my first ship...I took a vacation with my grandkids to a week on the beach. I got a chance to watch flags blowing in the wind. It changed the whole way I now look at flags flying. They do not wave neatly....they ripple and fold in crazy patterns. Nice job on your flags....and they do blow in the correct direction.
  12. Thinking about the rigging is making me nervous. Compared to my first build, this is big!
  13. ship building is a good distraction from day to day stress. You just go into another world.
  14. Here's my side davit factory in full swing. I had to pre-bend the stock and now I'm gluing two together to form the rough davits.
  15. By the way, I clamped the two pieces of stock together and shaped them as if they were one so they would be identical.
  16. I just finished shaping, pinning and gluing on the stern davits.
  17. I'm building a Constructo USS Constitution and it's a nice kit with poor instructions.
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