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Posts posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Whew! I finished mounting the rudder. Thanks for the tip of doing the top & bottom hinge first. It really helped. I used a drop of crazy glue in each hinge and set the pin so it wouldn't keep falling out while I tried to mount it to the hull. Then I used a wood sliver as a wedge to keep the hull hinge full deflection so as to  make a tight fit while I nailed it. It worked. About every third nail bent and had to be pulled out.





  2. Thanks for the tip on epoxy. What brand is best for our type models?


    Here I am working on the rudder. It isn't any easier than my first model...it's probably twice as difficult. The hinges Constructo provided are not the right size, so I have to straighten out and then re-bend them to fit a much thicker rudder.


    I made the simulated plank effect with my miter box saw. It made very nice and straight cuts that really look like I glued together three planks.


    Also, the pin material they provided is way too thick, so I had to scrounge up some smaller stuff. Since I can't seem to make absolutely square bends when I re-bend the brass, I compensated and rounded the rudder to accommodate the slight roundness. It seems to work, but I've been at just one of four cuts I have to make, so I'm planning on two more days at this.


    I'm not complaining, it's just my Admiral keeps asking when I'm starting the masts and rigging??? She has no idea what it takes...?


  3. After I finish trimming the wood parts on the transom, I'm going to take a break before tackling the whole bow section since it is chuck full of complex parts I must fabricate myself since there are no pre-cuts. I'm going to take that time to micro sand and scrape all the glue smudges I've left in my wake. I will also fill in many of the small cracks and voids left while I plunged ahead to get to this stage.

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