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Posts posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Another day...another problem. I went to set pins in the channels before mounting to the hull and found out the channel material is much softer than the iron hard Sapele hull. When I pushed the channel into the hull...the pin just disappeared into the channel. So, I experimented and settled on setting the pin into the channel with Crazy Glue, then drilling the same size hole in the hull as the pin, then driving a small nail into the hull hole to widen it just enough for the channel pin to slip in but remain tight. It works! The channel is nice and tight even without any glue.


  2. Just finished putting the side trim and making the chainplate holes in the channels. I read ahead in my instruction book to see if placing the holes where I did would give me a problem down the rigging road. I didn't see one so I plunged ahead. Tomorrow I'll glue on the front trim followed by pins, then mounting all six of them. 


    Also, I'm experimenting with making chainplates as well as looking at other choices.


  3. After I shaped them to fit the hull, I layed out the channels and here I am putting Sapele veneer on them. I marked where the chainplate holes will be drilled. After I put the edge trim on them I will pin and glue them in place. I have taped them on to their own well marked slot on a sheet of paper so I don't mix them up.





  4. Except for the new lights over my workbench, my new shipyard is complete. All the stuff I had piled to the left and right of my workbench have been neatly stored on the nearby closet that my Admiral allotted me. I also added two feet of working space on my bench and of course my new drydock. I'll shall resume ship building forthwith. I'm still trying to get 2mm x 2mm ayous trim with no luck. I've found every size but 2mm x 2mm?





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