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Posts posted by HIPEXEC

  1. I'm almost though laying the new floors in my house and still managed to make some progress with my model. I'm trying to rectify the mistake of the wrong angle on the transom by retrofitting the whole gallery. I've fabricated a lower frame to hold the pre-cut window provided by Constructo (this happens to be the tarnished one that Construct says they will replace. I'll have to fabricate fore and aft spacers to compensate for the wrong angle. The window will be final installed when I get the replacement. While I was fiddling with this project, I managed to break an upper gunport. Like Wes told me, It glued back just fine.



  2. Important all Constructo model builders. Now that I've rectified all the errors made way back when, let me alert all future Constructo builders.


    When mounting the false stern piece to the false keel, double check the correct angle with the plan. I glued mine to the pre-cut angle and didn't check the drawing and when I got around to finishing the stern area, the angle is off by at least 2 to 4 degrees. That screws up many things that I have already fixed or will have to fix at a great amount of time consuming work.


  3. Here we go again!


    I opened the plastic bag containing the transom & bowsprit decorations and they are bent, stained with some kind of dried liquid spots, the black contrast background is gone, so it's just brass on brass, missing stars, and to top it off, the angle on the windows is a few degrees off from my build....and my build is right off the built in angle the kit came with. Go figure!?


  4. I used my trusty Dremel again to rough in the tops for the aft galleries or castles. I've included in the photos the pieces Constructo provided to to that job. It seems I would have had to build these parts up with a layer or layers, so making my own seems a better way to go.


    By the way...I researched what goes on in these aft galleries. It turns out that's where the ship's captain's quarters are and in one of those protruding wings resides his toilet. I wonder for the sake of realism I should make a hole in the bottom of the wing  where this toilet opened to the sea?




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