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Posts posted by HIPEXEC

  1. HELP!


    Any tips how to make gratings out of these pre-cut pieces Constructo gave me? I have to make quite a few of different shapes.. I suppose a jig of sorts would help, but that would take some precision cutting tools that I do not have. Maybe some mildly sticky pads to hold the rows of pieces while I snap the top layer on? I have no idea. I just tried to put some together with no success.


  2. My electrician has just installed some great new halogen lights over my workbench. Wow...what a difference!


    I'm working on the deck trim and even though Constructo has finally given me three drawings and a photo of the large grated area on the main deck. I'm having a tough time figuring out exactly what to do. I'm just plunging ahead doing what I think will result in the whole structure looking like the photo. I guess if I knew what the deck structure did I'd have a better idea how to build it. 







  3. While I'm pondering my next steps, I'm mounting the cannons so I can construct and mount the gunport covers. If I put the covers on before the cannon, my fat fingers won't let me insert the cannons into the holes I'd drilled way back in November. I've also glued on the starboard bow ornament. The wooden wedges will be removed when the glue dries.


    A comment about Constructo: They give you a nice kit, but the drawings and instructions are extremely lacking in many areas. I have to figure out an awful lot on my own. When I built my first kit, the instructions were much better.



  4. I salvaged the starboard gallery windows, but I have no idea how I'll salvage the aft windows. I don't even want to show you them. They are a product of one of the few pre-cut pieces Constructo provides. The per-cut holes were too big, so I had to shrink the holes before installing the windows. Now I don't like the  way they look, so I'll probably tear them all out and start over. Oh well! They say model ship building is a series of error corrections. The first error we make is starting!


  5. Constructo calls for me to give my ship its first coat of poly. Constructo didn't say it in their instructions, but I could see the change in the photos, so I e-mailed Constructo and they e-mailed back to give it its first coat but to be mindful of the areas that still needed gluing. I masked the critical areas and will sand the other smaller spots when the time comes.







  6. Thanks Kevin, but it's too big. I found a dollhouse eagle that will fit with some minor cutting. I only have 1/4 inch in height to play with. They're shipping me two eagles so I can adjust them and if I screw up, I can make the second one fit. But, I keep surfing the web looking for the perfect Eagle, still. 


    I can't find your build log on this site?

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