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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. Man you trashed the stem!You have to be careful.I know because I did the same thing on my Scientific Sark and had to carve a whole new stem that connects to the keel!
  2. Yes I agree!The rigging is very structural and really anchors the masts down.
  3. Dude!I forgot to mention that I reinforced the plastic dolphin striker with a section of an old airbrush needle that I epoxied behind it on my Revell Thermopylae.I wish I would have told you sooner to avoid the breakage!.
  4. Can you post a close up pic of the bowsprit/jibboom?I want to see how how you rigged it and if you pit the chains on yet.
  5. Finishing up the running rigging and nearing completion.I like the way this one turned out!
  6. Yeah I dont like slack lines so I have to be careful to keep the tension in balance.
  7. Thanks!It is coming out much better than expected!
  8. Don't forget that the Sark was beating the Thermopylae badly when her rudder was torn off in a storm. in subsequent races the Curry beat the Thermopylae frequently. The Thermopylae still holds the record of 63days from Graves end to Melbourne.
  9. Looks great too me!It is true that we modelers are our own harshest critics.
  10. Thanks!guys!It is coming along nicely and I ran another line and added a 5th jib.Looks much better now!i assembled and installed the main mast and tied up the main mast rat lines.The sails are all laced to the yards and are installed on the masts.I can run the standing rigging ok just have to be careful.The running rigging may be a challenge but the ship is large enough that enough space exists to do ok.Thanks for the compliments!
  11. Began assembling the main mast and used the plastic yard mounts on the brass tube.
  12. Added the jibs.i may add another jib to make it look right.
  13. Rigged up the front.Had to use an old chain from my wife's jewelery box,as it was the only one I could find that fit the holes in the dolphin striker.
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