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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. The fairing completed with no frame damage. That's a first! The garboard strake was interesting. Chucks pre-spiled planks are real nice but they do require some work on our part. Below you see the aft most pieces and how much they need to be twisted and bent to the correct form for a nice tight fit. They were heat bent with a hair dryer I commandeered from the Admiral sometime ago. Ok I asked nicely and she gave it to me. It took about and hour per side to get a nice fit. One down 8 to go!
  2. Very nice workmanship. I think we all should put SLOW DOWN signs in our shops. I feel you pain weather wise. We've had sub zero temps and a foot and a half of snow already and it's was only November. The upside is more shop time!!!!!
  3. Boy that is beautiful! I've faired the frames and added the tick marks as instructed. I also used some pinstripe tape to "line off" the run of the planks. I used a batten to check the frames as I went. I used 220 and 320 sandpaper. Slow and gentile. This is the initial laying out of the lines. I'll tweek them to get a nice run and the mark the frames.
  4. Hi Jim, When I did mine all but one matched up which showed me I had that one frame slightly off center. I compensated for that when I lined it out.
  5. Hi Jim. Ok you made me curious and that can be a bad thing for me. I have finished fairing the stern area so I did a test removal of the additional strip placed on the frame. I took my x-acto and slowly stripped the piece off and when almost to the frame I gently finished with a sanding stick. As you can see you can barely see where it was. I'll leave the others in place and once I get to the eight row of planking I'll remove the others. I hope this helps you.
  6. Hi Rob, Thanks and I look forward to seeing your progress. Thanks Chuck. I'll probably jinx myself now but everything has been going together like a charm! Hi Jim, Chuck said add them so I did. Really I used thin, 1/32', thick cedar from the kit and it should cut easily. Also I'm confident that if they do show I can remove them later. I would rather have to do that then risk breaking a frame fairing them which I'm currently doing. So far so good.
  7. All the frames have been added to the keel, dried and both halves of building board taped together with the ever popular duct tape. Next it's time to delicately fair the frames. I will be sanding them with 220 and 320 grit sandpaper.
  8. Cold, dank miserable weather has settled in and that means .............More Shop Time!!!!!! All of the frames have been completed and each one went together without any issues. I then proceeded to test fit them to the building board and the keel. Just like the first single frames adjustments only needed to be made to the building board slots. They all had a nice snug fit but slid out nicely so hopefully when the time comes to remove them from the building board all will go smoothly. The fore frames are glued to the keel and drying. The aft frames will be glued in later today once the glue has set. I am using titebond glue and having built the Royal Barge this kind of seems like a larger deja vu moment. Thanks for stopping by.
  9. I've prepared the five single frames and test fit them to the building board and the keel. The frames needed minor sanding to fit the building board and no adjustment to fit the keel. I've started to assemble the two parts frames. The floor and top timbers only need a little sanding of the laser char. Take it from past experience that forgetting to do this makes for extra work later on. Here is the first frame ready for assembly and then assembled. The laser reference line makes lining the the top timber and the floor much easier. One down fourteen to go!
  10. The fun continues!!!!!! I have glued the transom to the stern post being careful to keep it perpendicular to the keel at a right angle. I've now started on the various frames. First I'll prep the 5 one piece frames. To temporarily strengthen the frames heavy packing tape was placed across the laser cut seam. It is placed on both sides with little folded over tabs for easy removal. Also a small piece of wood strip was glued across the top of the frame. These frames are thin and delicate especially if you heavy handed like me.These wood pieces will not be seen once the model is planked . One of the frames with tape and strip wood added. After this there are 15 two piece frames to make.
  11. I would think that like other water based finishes the water based version of wipe on ploy may raise the woods grain. I would test it on scrap pieces first.
  12. Thanks Kurt. Already put it on my "tool I need" list. Also the key to your statement "unless you screwed up the math" which is one of my specialties.
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