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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Thanks Mark. Couple of details for Captains`s Gig left, and then two more boats (both life boats) to go. This will be much easier, because I decided to show in dinal look boats interior on Jolly Boar and Captain`s Gig, and clinker planking on Life Boats, which will be turned upsiede down. So, i do not have to do any work in Life Boars interior , still have to make clinker plates as much precise and clean as I can I must admit that I am little borred with boats, and hardly wait to make something other All the best my friend
  2. Thank you all, dear friends, for your intrest in my experiments. I am afraid I shall not be able to spent more time than I wish with Her Majesty for couple of reasons (I think I mentioned that early) Princes definitely have got employment certificate in one hospital in Germany for her specialization in anesthezy, and she is here at home only next 2-3 months. Having in mind that Hothead is also here at home couple of months, we all just want to spent as much is possible quality time together. "Rhea the beast" also demands her time, my job also ... my social activities are reduced for next couple of months also, and my hobby... Also, cataract grows and make me some dificulties working with thiney pieces last two months. Operation is sheduled at the end of February, so this dificulty will be solved. But I am still here on MSW, lookling what is new every day "Big Brother is watching you"
  3. I tried this, my friend, but ciggarette paper is too thin and fragile in this scale, and having i mind I use diluted white glue, in this scale it shows two different difficulties - first - when get moisture from glue, it tears up; second - it is so thin that clinker relief can not be seen. So, after many experiments, I decided to use regular 80gr copy paper. Strong enough not to tear up, elastic enough to allow me to lay it and "tilt" ut to left and right and lead it just the way I want paralel with previous planking line, thin and thick right enough to imitate clinker relief just as it has to be and to look like. When glue dry, it get additional strenght. Covering with thin white acrylic paint over give particular look I want Thanks Mark. I hope you and Admiral go well
  4. Mhm ... pretty, but it depends which is yout point of view, and depends what do you know about Kusturica except his real gret movies ... But here is not the place to discuss about this things
  5. Neverlasting question - depends which period of Her life you want to reproduce - at present day or some decades earlier, or much much much earlier I tried to do some research, mentioned it in my build log, and decide for "middle" solution - combination of present stage and look of Her shown in Campbel`s plans She is very old ship, changed Her look many many times, particulary on details, so ... in my opinion, there is not "universal truth" here All the best Nenad
  6. Yes I have Try https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzxUQf9ppp1zQTR5Yk5ybmRyeVE
  7. I just beat kids in Monopoly game two days in a row,!!!!
  8. Sometimes, life is not fair as we want to be. Simply, life do not fulfill all our wishes So, it reproduces ... hmm ... pretty complicated days/weeks/moths, which results with chronic lack of time Did anybody find somewhere extended day option? If yes, please let me know! Actual court season started in desired way - with many new jobs, so I found myself in situation I was four years ago, before "reform" of judical system (with moving court houses) and our strike against goverment, which slowed me down four years. Just to mention that I was forced to work with only 50% of my capacitity. Another 50% was occupied with undesired tragic events I was posting earlier. Now, my private life is stabilized, and actual court season started good, and I worked almost every day 12-13 working hours, even during weekend days. For a difference comparing to period before 4 years, on that time there was my Admiral with me in office and a legal prentice, so I was able to distribute excess of work to them. Now I am alone in office, and life circumstances and work conditions do not allow me to engage new legal prentice to help me. But, what to to - you ask for it, Nenad. Be quite and enjoy in show At the same time, both kids are in home now. Princes finished her B1level of Goethe language exam, started C1 level, and also started applying for job and specialization in Anesthetic to different hospitals in Germany. Hothead finished with listening all his batchelor exams, and he is back home for next year, to prepare for his residual exams and batchelor graduate work, which he can do from home (no need to rent a flat in Novi sad any more), with idea to get his master degree starting next september. So, they are here at home, and want to talk, to consort, to spend as much is possible quality time together with me, unil they spread their wings and fly to their own lifes. It is Ok, but it is also time demanding Rhea also need some time At the same time, my social life also grows, because I have strong decision - my life just will not be in circle office-kids-cooking-cleaning-homeyard-Rhea-laundry-office. There are artist exibitions, Opera and Theatre i want to see, books I want to read, movies I want to see, places I want to visit, people I want to meet, and ... ... someone on a good way to something as a girlfriend. More than one (shy) to be honest ... Also time demanding So, lack of time for hobby, in a way I want it to be But, I stoled some time from me, and made a little step forward yesterday with second boat I hope I will continue soon Thanks for you all for support and nice words ! camcic.mp4
  9. Thank you all for likes and nice words Unfortunately, I am "pretty" occupied with start of Court seasson and some new office jobs, and with a new content of my free time and have no time to continue. Hope it will be in regular order soon Thanks Piet, it was amazign experience Hello Marc. All in home are well, all of us have luck of time ... life is ... let`s say ... in warp speed ... Hope to return in "normal" life soon ... and to finish my boats
  10. Hello, Dave. This is the best I can pull out from my cellphone But, my soul is filled with nice days I spent there, and I am recycled at al !!! That is most important Hello Denis. A lot of work with boats, if I want to reproduce details which give them unique spirit as on pictures. Even Serbia is small country, I was amased with things I discovered and have seen last month. Both caves were discovered not more than 20 years ago, and opened for public only couple years ago. Can you inagine that there is another 650 m of "bathtubes" behind wall, which will be opened for public next year ? Materials ... improvisation. I was looking for material which can easily follow lines and imitate clinker planking on such a scale, at the same time to provide fast glue hardening, do some unsuccesful tests, and find my fortune with regular copy paper and diluted white glue. Thank you Michael. I did my best So, lets move forward
  11. Some of the reasons I didn`t continue my work. (Un)fortunately vacation is over, so I`ll continue one of this days Kustendorf Famous bridge on Drina river From boat in Drina Canyon This is REAL colour of water ! Tornik, ski centre Stopića Cave Waterfall near cave Podpecka Cave All near Zlatibor mountain
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