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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Rising of main deck under "mod" layer. Every strip is here, every caulking between strips is visible, and deck surface is smooth
  2. Nice progress, keep on posting. That parts are in front of me, and I am very curious about
  3. Thank you David. When I saw results, just start thinking about another step into "dark side" - about weathering whole model... I must talk about with myself and with Her Majesty, is She rather be a playful nice girl or proud ancient lady ...
  4. Final sanded foredeck with 220, 280 and 400 sandpaper granulation, after applying "wooden mod" technique
  5. So, here is my "wooden mud" method of filling "trenches" between planks and finishing deck planking Sanding is done with very light preasure with little piece of sandpaper catched in medical pean, applied particulary on places where veneer strips are little ubder surface Sand with 150. dont clean dust, then "cover" with light acrylic and let it dry. Then sand with 220, cover, dry, again with 280. cover, dry. Two effects are there: first - "wooden mud" made of acrylic and sand dust stay in trenches and permanently fill them, become plastic when dry. Second, better sanding. I remembered time when I have got my first job in small carpenter company, and from workers I learned - if you wish maximum of sanding, get surface wet, wait until dry and then sand.I applied this lesson long ago when I was making beds for children from solid wood, and it works , so, why it didnt work heere ? After that sand again with 220. 280 and 400 without further acrylic covering . At the end, there are not trenches any more, caulking is visible, and whole decking is nice and smoth. Here is first mud on main deck after 150 granulation sanding and here is fore deck after last mud before final sanding
  6. Johnroy You can order plans here Historic Photographs and Ship Plans Section National Maritime Museum Greenwich London SE10 9NF E-mail: plansandphotos@rmg.co.uk
  7. In Serbia, it is tradition to make some barbecue on May 1st, so ... I drink a bit too much beer during barbecue works, and eat a bit too much for lunch, and ... sleeeeeep a bit to much after..... At the afternoon, I found that Hothead has occupied my work space and there was no progress with CS. He/we was/were making some wooden box for his studio
  8. I think I found new (?) way to fill "trenches" between planks on decks which have to be painted, more tomorrow when sit on PC and make some pictures. Idea came from watching how ceramic tiles on floor/wall are mounted (method of filling joints of tiles)
  9. Final sanding of aft deck Importance of caulking is very visible, and it seems to be good
  10. Your log inspired me to learn. What are "braces" ( my poor english) ... a ha ! Allmighty Wiki for ship modelling begginers http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brace_(sailing) Thank you !
  11. So, business and family earthquake seems to be done, and regular day time approach to my life again. For birthday from family I have got nice complete of acrylic colors and couple of nice thin paintbrushes, so there is a little playing in front of me next days Grabbed some time before "Game Of Thrones" and start with final sanding and painting of decks. Works started on aft deck with sandpaper 220 and 280, then little color correction. Next is sandpaper 400 and final coloring as on earlier test But, first must sanding main and fore decks before coloring, to assume all decks to have same color Here are pictures, but I am not so sure that it can be seen smoothness I have got with sanding aft deck Damn camera ... detects errors that do not see by eye ... Maybe I can patent this method of errors discovering ?
  12. She got card panel dressed in same wallpaper as on walls above deck, she is happy and made my birthday cake. In meantime, downstairs, intruders and alliens go wild ... This make me angry, declared war to them, and after two hours of hard bloody battle, I win, and retake workplace for Her Majesty, and improve it a little Tomorrow I can finnaly keep on forward and make some sand dust
  13. Cable job .... Before And after five hours under table and Admiral is not satisfied ... "I do not want to see any cable " $"$"%$"#$%
  14. Office is finally moved and established and fully functional. There are still some jobs to be done, but main fire is turned off . Full two weeks I didnt worked on Her. Think that this weekend I'll call for cavalery rescue squad to beat and get out intruders and alliens from Her working place, and to continue with Her Majesty
  15. Still drilling wholes on walls and making furniture ... and traditional wide family gathering day ... Edit on april 22. 2014 Furniture is done, and I have terrible sore muscules. Whole day under the deck and in cabinets, mounting some closet shelves, aligning, fastening, remounting, correcting mistakes ( as on CS) , and mounting again, endless up and down from garrage to the floor Party starts tomorrow when I must dive in a "cable job" - to reconnect office network, to bring and to connect it to home network (all under working desk in office - 3 PC with monitors, mouses and keyboards +1 laptop, wireless router, two splliters ( one for ADSL another for network, 2 telephone lines, must change 2 cables from router to TV in main room, also must change 2 network cables in office and to make two new for children rooms in upper floor, two 2.1 speaker system with all their cables and transformers, printer cables, telephony bases cables and transformers, fax machine, 2 table lamps, USB hub and additional USB cables) and the lighting of office. Only network cables are long more than 50 m It is not my first time to do this, but it`s so easy to make complete mess if you do not care which cable you unplug from which socket, and if you do not pack them orderly and with patience
  16. Part of library occupied bedroom
  17. Sure Denis, when finish actual works. Plan is : tomorrow walls in office, and wall shelves, then until monday mounting work benches in office and fix and harden them with ... I do not know jet ... and makeing some "boxes" and masks for computers and jungle of wires, so from Thurstday to Friday to move and mount computers, establish network, and to move files and rest of furniture ... intend to sail in regular life to next weekend. I do not believe to have time for Her Majesty untill then
  18. And, here are intruders and aliens on Her Majesty's workplace ... Why every time I make furniture, I make this mountine of tools ???
  19. Nice collection, Bob. In Belgrade there some "gold mines" with chip and (for me) valuable books. Couple of years ago, I was researching some questions about WW2, and Omaha beach landing, and , you can not believe : on a vegetable market, on one shelf, one man was selling old books ... there I find memoars of German generals , four for 3€ !!!! Retired army officer was selling his military library !!! And there was a couple of such a "hits"
  20. Possible solution to connect parts of piece No 20 Under and above is empthy space as I understand Sergal sheets, so you have space to "fill" missing parts od piece No 20
  21. Thx Bindy, not mine, friends daughter finished Economy. Princess will be a doctor Time ? I suppose I get used to me to be overload For other things I do not know, but time for books ... normal people go to bed with his/her wife/husband. Unnormal (me) with book. Fortunately, one house, one job, one wife, one cat. If there are some more ( some more wife ...), I`ll probably shave house, cut wife instead grass, and build cat from scratch
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