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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Looking to new rounded molding on aft deck, it seems that I made it little wider that it have to be ? What do you think ? To leave it as it is, or to replace ? Visually, above will be bucket`s line, on sides two ladders, under, two "Hem coops" (?) and mast with nail ring to the front, deck-house with boats as relatively high structure also to the front. Under, there is also rope ladder lead to the mast If I thin that rounded molding, it will be almost invisible and almost visualy "covered" by other details. If I leave it little wider, maybe it will be nice emphasis detail ?
  2. Day full of anxiety and nervousness, evening for ... GAME OF THRONES ... finally !! Will we live long enough to the Winds of Winter ???
  3. Anyway, what a colour differences when wet and when dry !!!
  4. Looking your job, I must admit that I am litle frightened about rigging works. I hope to learn your skils until I reach that staage Very good work Nenad
  5. Alex, please repost missing pictures in your log, and keep on working Very precise hands you have, and your work is marvelous
  6. Front deck "finished" - rough works Fore deck started. Two hours playing with makeing, mounting and shapeing new rounded molding, and with a "threshold", which also has to be "older" than decking about 0,5 mm, same as on a front deck And here arise question about colour of front and rear "threshold" See next pictures It seems that on aftdeck, "threshold" is in same colour as decking, but I think that is not so much important, because almost all of it is covered with fire bucket holder. Maybe is not, maybe it is made of teak as on front deck, but , as on front, footsteps change its colours But, on front deck, it seems that "threshold" is same colour as rounded molding/panels ... as it is made of teack, and footsteps leave traces My decision is to paint both "thresholds" in same colour as deck. Interesting detail for weathering, if weathering ... I made them little wider than in scale, just to be more visible, and if I paint them in teack colour, I think that will be on some way, excessive, "screaming" contrast of this detail
  7. Hairy monster (Adrian, Prince of Persia) is caught somewhere fleas, take him to Vet, and as he is only a home cat that never comes out, the whole house (270 m2 including basement, attic, garage and heat-room) was ransacked, sucked, licked and sprayed with insecticide. That chaos ... In the evening, little progress Before and now (not finished, jet) BTW, I must move office from downtown to house ... another upcoming chaos ... Definitely not boring life
  8. Bindy, this could be interesting build ... with shaveing ...
  9. Also Ignore Hothead ... Yesterday he ask me : "Old Man, do you really really need full week for this space 5x5cm ? Will you finish this deck ever ? I can do it for a hour " Yes you can do it - on your ship, not on mine. First have one
  10. Thanks everybody for kind words, likes and support. There is a hope for me to become master builder in one of the my next life after reincarnation (unless I wake up as an animal or as a plant or tree... Just imagine ... wake up as a Mahogany, or Cherry or Oak tree, and somebody embed you in a ship model !!!!). In this life ... so much always present impatience which is obviously too hard attached to my personality ... Talking about internally multi-conversation, I must share (with his permit) brilliant thought of Dognut, member of CS fleet “ I talk to myself. Because I need intelligent conversation” BTW, there inside, on chat table, can be even four, five or six of us I, me, myself, Id, Ego and Superego (*) Enough for chess tournament, or for a beach volley game Too noisy inside, sometime Thinking to visit again our Dr. Per .... http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/474-therapy-for-shipaholics/#entry5142 ... It seems that someone of us six need hard fix and his therapy ... The only question is - which one ? (* Sigmund Freud) PS Bindy, don t stay too much close, it is contagious ! Better to shave my beard and transform CS, than transform me and shave my Cutty ...
  11. Further carefull analyze of photos lead to two addditional conclusions 1. rounded molding has to be little wider verticaly 2. behind rounded molding, there is some kind of frame, made of molding which is a biit "older" than deck planking ( arrows on picture ) Rounded molding I did yesterday does not match, and , oh what a supprise , it was not glued properly So, it had to be removed And then start little conversation between me and me. I ask myself : can you do, or are you able to do something, at least try to do, to look as, at least to look like work of real master ? Another me didn`t know what to say, so first me decided to try And here is result, after 3,5 hours of working, so I wait your opinion Colours are unadequate and dont match, and that will stay until whole decking get final colour Maybe just a little bit of sanding ? Or it is only because macro photographing
  12. It happens, Bob little attack of impatience sometimes happen anybody or all times ( to me ) Deep breath, double or triple Hmm , cigarette or two if you smoke, little scratching your head, and just fix it Considering in mind how precise and in scale you go , maybe to make a new ? Nenad
  13. O-ho-ho !!! Wellcome John. One more member of CS fleet You have a lot of time and work untill you reach to metal works, to get help. Hardly waiting for your log Nenad
  14. OK, reparation time, make-up exam for fools And as I am where I am, analyzing situation, I notices one detail which can be nice to add Half round molding on the edge of the fore deck .... But, there must be some order of moves First, rip of all veneer moldings, and copy foredeck details for C-plans on trace papir It obviosly will be much easier than I expect Cutting excess parts of deck, sanding, little putty And attempt with toothpicks cutted longitudinaly to half. Tomorrow after fine correcting, I ll decide if it stays or to make new one Thats all for today
  15. Bob, what is yout oppinion What will be there on our models Pinrails, as on C-plans or ladders as in Greenwich There can`t be both at the same time ? Confusing , isn`t it ?
  16. Bob I collected 37 MB - 147 photos from main deck inside ( Google, Flicker, and other sources) Would you like to send them for you ? Maybe in some of them are details you are looking for. If you need this, send me your e-mail in PM Also have over 80 photos of fore and aft deck inside Nenad
  17. Hello, I´ve just dropped Amazing work As I remember well, Black Pearl finished in a bottle ? Together with Captans Jack monkey I like very much complete look and feel of Her. As on movie
  18. Wellcome CaptanSteve. Beard was gone yesterday , but it grows everyday, and hope pirates will consider that when catch me If they catch me Admiral said I look much younger ( o-ho-ho !!! ) but less serious Hmmmm ... Anyway, first class comedian with my build, ready to go right in the movie, as David said When I show to my crew last bo-boo, they said: We dont see any difference What does it matter ? Hothead salted with words : you can play if you wish. Princese said - dad, you overheat over this. This is only model WHAT DOES IT MATTER ??? ONLY MODEL ??? Whuh ...
  19. Speaking of devil ... On C-plans, there are pinrails On CS in Greenwich - ladders Ha ! What to do ?
  20. Well ... what to say ? We all know that kind of feeling, when everything looks good, but ... something ... something is missing ... something is wrong ... something on whole picture is not adequate ... and that sense last a while, and you do not know what is this Starting on re-planking fore deck, whole time I had that feeling, and that bothered me ... That was a reason I stopped re-planking, thinking that morning is smarter than evening Not first morning, not second, and "wrong" feeling is still here And finally I realised today, looking on photos of fore deck, and seeing something did not match. Asking myself - how will ladders be made, I realise ....... Quickly opened C-plans, and ...... BANG !! My inpatinece - again, 101th anniversary time Main mistake : I made second version of fore deck at september 14th. 2013, and I had at that time C-plans in digital , and ( WHY ? WHY ? WHY? ) I made this without consulting C-plans, going on TEHNODIDAKTA plans - I just do not know to explain. And this is what happened Part "A" is too wide Part "B" is too narrow Part "C" must be deeper to the bow I think I can fix this without deep surgery Good thing: chance for meticulous planking
  21. Mark, you are reading my mind. That are between options I am considering. But first I must bring decision about technique how to make strips. They have to be narrow as much as possible in scale, with "edges" and "rivets" visible enough, but not too evident at the same time. Have some ideas ... There is enough time for testing, in mean time I have to finish deck planking, make rudder, think about and make prepare for Her standing system - I am thinking about elegant version with two built-in thin stanchions in hull which must be done before "coopering" Something like as on next picture , but not quite sure about that Just try to think forward Thanks for support and kind words
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