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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Bob Just to mention, Admiral and I are "book freaks", and books, simply, do not go out from our place in any way Before WWII, my grandfather ( senior civil servant) had over 5.000 books which were blasted during German bombing 1942.g. house they lived. About 1.000 leaves. Other grandfather ( doctor of medicine, graduated on Sorbone, Paris) had about 1000-1500 which were separated between his four sons ( all engineers) after his death, couple of hundred finished with me. My parents and Admiral`s parents are book freaks too And two of us bye and read books continuosly. When time comes, I simply do not know where to place all this in house. To alienate them is out of question. And I am pretty proud of my existing and future library Forunately, I we do not intend to move out from our house (own property), apartment has about 130 m2 with 5 rooms, and we`ll find some place ... kids plan to live and work somewhere in Europe or world ... But, life is strange kind of buddy, who knows what will bring future days and nights. Only 25 years ago, if somebody told me that I`ll live in country that will have greatest hiperinflation ever, and survive, and after that civil war, and after that NATO bombing, if somebody tell me that I ll drive the same car (Yugo !!!) 16 years (1990-2006) and second car 8 years (2006 untill now), I`d probably tell him - why do you hate me so much ? What I have did to you to wish me such a black things ? All these things were presented in our lives, but life must go on in optimistic way I ll put some pictures this days to ilustrate the curent state of chaos in my home. Her Majesty is quiet and peaceful in her living place, quiety grumbling something in her dark and silence ( when I pass by her living wall cabinet, I think I hear "Sound of silence" by Simon and Garfunkel ...) Her working place is demolished and complete occupeid by intruders, all shipyard workers are on unpaid leave ... calvary rescue troops are not present ... jet ... So, back to work ... follow 4 non-working days of holiday ( Orthodox ) and I hope to finish "furniture job" ant to rescue Her from aliens
  2. Holly cow !!!! Future office room was designated as home library and optionaly work-room, and most of the books are there Today we start to empthy this room to free space for mounting new work desks for Admiral and me ... books are in whole house ( 2500-3000 pieces) When books are in shelves, nobody think about how much space them need ....
  3. Bob I had not enough time this days for longer posts. I am sure that you will fix this "ouch" in best way you decide to do this Maybe to think about to get something invisible under deck to make it stronger. Many forces will be collected there when rope time comes, and your deck seem so fragile ...
  4. Bob, my best friend, and most educated and most interesting among all people I know is electro - engineer of high class ( electro projects and supervision of building of industrial objects about 500.000-1.000.000 m2). So, I was just joking But, when he resolves some home installations in my office, I cut my veins ... Same thing he said when I work over his real estate documentation and trade contracts ... It was close. As I mention earlier, He have picked up fleas somewhere, and ... whole house was upside down by disinsection, He was bathed couple of times, and He was lucky, if even one single flea remain, He would be shaved This days and couple of next days I shall not have any news for you about Her Majesty On some way, moving is starting ... But, to move in office to certain room in house, first I have to move out Hothead and his studio from this room To move Hothead to his room, first we have to make desk for him To make a desk for him, I first have to bring home two old desks from office and to separate all parts And entertainment begins a week ago with endless projecting ... ( engineers ...) And endless discussing about project ... In Friday, project was finally done, and I started with demolition of furniture in one office room,... and moving it from down-town to my home , and and making space in Hothead`s room for new desk (including removing 5 wall shelves, rearranging furniture and installations, ...... Sunday, early went to carpenter to cut parts, and both try to understand cutting lists Hothead have made ( Hothead did not come with me, because political disagreement with carpenter - He did not learn still to separate politic and business) Ok, this was done, back to the garage, first to rearrange desk to mount big vise, find somewhere my bench plane, then couple of hours banding 1000000 slices, and then join and glue them together, with several jumps to hardware for missing parts (which were not in project ... ) Bob, not bad for attorney, I think ...It is not my first furniture I made ... In the evening, went to mentioned friend to celebrate his daughters Master degree in Economic ( until 03:00 ) In the morning ... Admiral engaged bulldozer crane to get me from bed ... And then move this all to the second floor, then mounting, and here is first look at future desk studio This is, as Hothead said, the most important part ( ...) - standing for mixing board. I screwed up cutting, so some modeller experiences must be applied (masking of mess I made) Deadly tired after full two days of carpenter job. This morning, instead 06:30 I woke up at 09:30, even is a regular working day ... . Did not even hear two repeating alarms beneath my head ... Admiral was deep frozen too ( all day cutting grass from whole back and front yard ...) What is youth ... Hothead works all day with me, and at the evening, simply went out with friends, while I was unconscious on couch watching TV ... "Star Trek - into darkness" begins, I watched first 10 minutes and insensibly fall to sleep ... Admiral waked me to move to my bed, where I couldn't sleep because so much tired ... And show has just started ... So, Her Majesty must wait a while ... in workshop and in garage is complete chaos made from different tools, wooden parts, cables, jack screws, drills, grinder, sandpaper, glues, iron, hand tools, everywhere extension cords ... as every time I work similar job ... and I need almost a hour to clean it up ... and carpenter works are far away to be finished ...
  5. Hard choice - C-plans or photos Bob, even similar questions banged me, folks here are right - who will see it exept you and followers of your log ? Or some modeler who know exactly where and what to look at. So, I think 99% watchers of finished beauty with all sails spread have no chance to see that there is no nibbing. In my log I started question about big mistake I made - if anybody can see it ? Nobody And to tell you a secret : Number of stanchions and vertical rivet slices on the right and of the left side IS NOT THE SAME !!!! Working automaticaly with 1/4 of brain ... stuppid me, but I simply had no will to ripp it all and to go again You think anybody will see it ? I dont think so So, between ripping wrong side, and leave it as it is, I decide to leave it Keep on my friend, you have exelent decking work, and believe me, that is only that watchers will see
  6. To be honest, often engineers think that attorneys make things complicated ... And there is "dead race" between attorneys, engineers, doctors and economists who is smarter. Everybody declare " I am the smartest gay in universe"
  7. Peace on earth ... kids are in town, Admiral is in Gym, and I am alone ready to work Aft deck finished Nibbing was not so hard as on front deck And again cat`s hair on my model !!!!! I do not see it, but camera does. I need to think about this. And here is She with brand new dress, struting like a peackok !!! Next stage, sanding decks and colouring to final colour
  8. Admiral brought decision for yesterday night, that it was more important then my hobby to do endless discussion about, and to make it with several plans with many variations - how to rearrange/make/remake furniture in future home office after moving ... And Hothead joins ( for God, this is his education as architect !!!) ... and he likes to complicate as every engineer ... and there was born urgently rearranging of attic space for archive ... and his new workdesk for his studio which must be drown in ACad and represented in 3D ... where will be installations ... Never ended ... I wish my day last minimum 30 hours ...
  9. Good fix Bob. It will not be visible. There will be pretty crowd on this place .... some day ....
  10. Domestic joke: in my home I am bringing decissions about all important things Admiral bring decissions only about what things are important
  11. Oh ... I have been just promoted to Captain ! Drink for everybody !!!!
  12. Mr. Dogan I marked points to pay special attention while mounting, BEFORE planking Be ready to add extra parts to ribs and to cut excessed parts. Nothing serious, it happen almost every time when use "plank on ribs" method, we are not master modellers If you plan to make second plank layer, and paint model in natural colours of real Cutty, then sanding and putty will resolve problems. But, if you do not plan second layer, or intend to keep natural wood colour, then you must pay extra attention to this details. Planks must run smooth around ship, and symmetrical on both sides. If do not, you will have unsymmetrical model, and you do not want this Also you can apply different techniques of filling spaces between ribs, to help planks to lay better. There is a lot articles on MSW about that Keep good work !
  13. It not seems to me tedious on Santa Maria, but ... maybe you are right, we`ll see Tedious is this I do now - cut veneer to 5cm sheets, paint, wait to dry, cut slices 3mm, sand and align edges two times with different sandpaper, apply caulking on edges, wait caulking to dry, and then trim and glue it on deck, and in circle several hundreds times. Ah, yes, and the nibbing, and constantly removing of glue excess, cleaning constantly paint brushes, ............. Fortunately, I see end And then, "coopering" ... whole circle again - measure, draw, "nail it", cut, glue, "weather or something" and also in circle, this time several thousand times Tedious stage, but there is also joy when you after daily work look at Her, and notice that something has happened, and your wooden pet is growing and begin to look like a real model Keep on working !
  14. You are doing well, Bruce Keep on posting every detail you can if you are pleased to do
  15. So do I, and to say I am very happy that Admiral and Princess are really tough and strong (their poor husbands ...), and only on some really really hard times I saw their tears (close family loss funerals) But, both of them have tongues long more than a mile ... and sometimes when they are angry, make noise as F-16 afterburner ... But, I clean my ears very well, on one ear get in, on another get out, nothing stayed inside ...
  16. I do not know if this is because of angle you take this photo, but be careful and check this, and all other similar positions to be 100% symmetrical. If not, there will be a lot of problems later Nenad
  17. Bob, keep on good work Tears can soften things, and maybe "teared" them will be much easy to mount BTW do you know which is the most powerfull water force in the world/space/universe ? Woman tears
  18. Thank you Popey, YES I am interested, and I ll send you a PM Scared of rigging ? YES, but there is great challenge. I think that technique of glueing upper edge of sail to yard and glue rope to the sail and to tie it somewhere you think it have to be, as I did in simply Heller kits I made, can not be called - riggin. My last and only "rigging" if it deserve that name at all, was about 35 years ago with very simplified TEHNODIDAKTA Santa Maria, without any blocks, dead eyes etc if I remember well. So, my "experience" in rigging actually do not exist. For change, I intend to try/do real rigging on CS with full set of sails spread and with every possible detail I can make. There is I think quite enough time infront of me to learn about rigging, and to study sails and rigging plans, details of masts and yards etc etc, and think MSW will be irreplaceable help I wish I was in this stage 25 years ago ... Today work Ugh, I didnt put pictures on laptop wait a little ... ( ... time is passing ...) where we stop ... a ha ... pictures and coments Not so much work today, only some strips made, caulked and glued nice and easy. Not too much dedicated and precise as on fore deck, almost all surface will be covered with deck house, so edges to bulwarks are important Little correction of rounded molding ( I could not resist ...) , front connection rear connection And I must connect me to the bed, tomorrow will be a long day ... Note 08-04-2016 At this point it is very important to think about content of aft deck which will be laid down to end of aft deck. I made mistake, and transverse plank not surface-lined with another planks, it is a bit "older" Right on that place, construction of fire-buckets will be laid, and that "flat" surface may cause problems when time to mount bucket construction comes This "problem" can be raised if you plan to make front entrance as on present stage of CS in Greenwich, when emtrance box comes right to the transverse plank, as on next picture
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