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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Nice Piet, But one question...... How do you find that sub on that worktable???????? There are so many stuff on it
  2. Thank you everyone that you like the picture from the two ships. And no worries that they are standing close to the edge...... There was nobody at home then me and I'll keep distance ! @ Larry, That is not me on THAT waterbus. See picture below with the Euromast in the background in Rotterdam
  3. I have to look out that I'm not spoiled them with those pictures. Otherwise they want more.....
  4. Hi Andy, This is what they say on the drawings.... I was looking at myself and found it a little bit strange but ok. If they want it that way, there gonna get it that way
  5. Because I post picture in the log of the San Ildefonso, also pictures in this log
  6. It called a bowsprit Kimberly. I can not give you an answer if it is in the right place. Maybe someone else can give you that answer?
  7. I have to agree with the rest. That looks just great !!!!!! You are ready for the Syren! A few parts and then finished? So finally we can see what you do with the Syren???
  8. Augie and Popeye, I pay the bill ( no I didn't, Anja is responsible for that ) We have sunday night a heavy thunder storm and I think that the lightning has strike here in the neighbourhood. This time it was not the provider. And they are not that bad. After the troubles of the last time, we have a refund of a month. But it is working again ! Still no pictures because it is dark ( 6.30 in the morning ) Later this day it wil coming. And now I have the late shift again ,so at day time I can do some building @ Kimberly, Thank for bringing me a visit No worries about your skills. When you start a wooden build, start with something small and easy. Not the big ones ! Try a longboat or a small tugboat. Not a full rigged ship. And I think that the virus got you. And after few builds, you can do it also with all the help that you've get from all your friends here on MSW.
  9. Wow Bill, Are you sure you want to make a model and not a real ship ?????????? The tools that I see , I think they build the Titanic with that It's just what Augie is saying....think small !!!!!! I think that the most important tools that you can use is a set of small file's, little clamps,Exacto knife ( scalpel or a set that you can buy complete with different knifes ) small hammer ( no sledge hammer.) wood glue sandpaper and a lot of enthousiasme !!!!!!! Then it comes all together. You told me that Sateash has make room for the popcorn machine. Ok, here it is I hope she will found a nice place for it.
  10. Hi Gil, A little late but from me also welcome back ! I hope to see soon some progress
  11. Thanks Mark, I want to post pictures today but......no internet And now it is to dark to take pictures. So I hope that tomorrow I can post a few.
  12. That looks just for real Theo. Amazing what those tiny things can do to a build ! And still 100 to go.........good lick with it ! But you can do it, I'll be sure for that !
  13. HI Grant, When do you think the curtain gets open and we see something? And where is Augie, normally he is not that late !
  14. Nice view Adriaan. A complete steering house on a unfinished ship When she are sailing now, she can make turns
  15. If I understand it correctly, you order the kits? And now you have to go for a search of tools you needed? When you go to a modelshop be sure you have enough money with you The first time I went to that shop, it cost me almost a fortune. There is so much that you want but not always need When you get started I'll be at the first row to see. And before anyone else beats me on this....I love pictures !!!!!!!!!! One question...do you have space for a popcorn machine? We like to watch but also love's popcorn !
  16. That's a nice structure you have over there Bill. Just what Sateash is saying, it should looking very nice with tools and kits When do you gonna start the build ?
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