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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. I'm running out of words now. I think I go further in the Dutch langue ( sorry for that ) Grandioos !!!!!!! Sjors
  2. Sam, you make me smile....... "As if we expected any less....." Are you sure you are looking at my build ??? Sjors
  3. Morning Greg,Hennie and Murphy and all of you who give me likes....... @ Greg, Thanks !!!!!!! @ Hennie, I'm working and I still find the time to open a build log So that's no excuse Next, you are right about the flintlocks. It's so tiny and fragile that it's almost a shame to put that on the cannon....... You don't see it and you bump it off ,almost when you only looking at it !!!!! When I have to glue metal on metal I use Bison kitt. 0ne second glue. They are in those bottles shaped in a pyramid vorm. You cab by it in any supermarket to pharmacy. When I want my brass black, I just paint it with Admirality paint , dull black ! A few layers and it works perfect. Otherwise I can not help you. @ Murphy, You are building the RW.... Next one the Aggy ??? And a build log is not boring ! Everyone shows his or hers skills in it and tips and trucs that we can all use........ So be my friend and opens a build log .....please `?????? Sjors
  4. Hi Hennie, Thank you ! About your question....those are flintlocks. If I'm correct ( or somebody will give us the right direction ) these are for firing the gun. They has to go at the end,on the top, of the cannon. I understand that you also build the Aggy ? If so, open a build log and let us see what you are doing. If you have any questions.....just ask !! Sjors
  5. Small update. I have create the masts but not painted yet ! I will start painting this afternoon and somewhere next week you will see the painted result. A few more things to do before the masts are totally finished. But first.....painting time Sjors
  6. Kkevin, Why not a first rate ship anymore ???? To big and no place in the house anymore ? I have plenty of room because all the ships , San Ildefonso. Le Mirage, Spirit of Mississippi are gone........ They are at a high school. Sjors
  7. Thanks Kevin, Eastern.....2017 are you meaning ???? And what's next......also a good question ! I'm waiting till the HMS Victory is on the market designed by Chris Watton. Then my wish list contents the Mordaunt Also on the shelf there is the Hannah ( scratch build ) and the Sovereign of the Seas. I still have a Stage Coach ! Maybe I'm just gonna play ping pong ( table tennis ) Let me surprise all of you when the Aggy is finished. Sjors
  8. Thanks Murphy You have to be more around here. What are you building at the time ? I ( and Anja ) are still admiring your Mordaunt ! That one is still on my wish list but also a few others. I want to win a lottery !!!!!!!!! Thanks John, We had a wonderful time and now it's almost back to normal ( work ) For you and your love ones also all the best for 2016 ! Sjors
  9. ............... ( you know for your self what kind of words I want to wright ) Sjors
  10. A milestone update and not a picture yet....... I'll be waiting patiently !!!!! No I don't !!!!!!! pffffffff Sjors
  11. Thanks Piet and Popeye, I know a little late but as Piet is saying all ready......work ! I'm playing a little with the masts and when I can show you something I will post pictures. In the meanwhile......yep. Sjors
  12. Thanks Sam, For you also all the good stuff for 2016. And an update again. I don't put the blocks and deadeyes on it yet. I want to do that when all the masts are ready. Sjors ( Maybe better if I also post pictures.....)
  13. Thank you, thank you, thank you ! Also for the likes ! The Christmas days are over so on to the next party....... Today I have make the bowsprit and maybe I will post a picture tomorrow. My vacation is already over and I have to go to work tomorrow again.... More time at my bus then on the model Sjors
  14. Andy, You have to do it as you like it. With my San Ildefonso the manual is saying painting but I love to see the wood so I leave it naturel. Only a few layers of varnish. Don't forget....you re the captain and you are doing it your way ! Sjors
  15. Thank you very much my friends and also for the likes !!!!!!! In a few months I will beat the record of Mark with the likes We still have our second Christmas day in Holland so for everyone.....Happy Christmas !!!!!!!!! Then.....yesterday evening when we are watching 3 movies......Santa Claus 1 , 2 and 3 .....with Tim Allen. At the time that they have the commercials, I painted the figure head in between....... And make a picture for you to take a look how it looks. Sjors .
  16. Wow, This is history and rigging lesson at high class I'm happy that I know that a row boat needs a paddle.......... But ok, these guy's knows more then I do. Long live the Dutch ! Sjors
  17. Thanks Kevin, For you and the family also a Merry Christmas. Here my promised picture of the finished rudder. Sjors
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