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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Thanks for the likes and the comment I'm happy that I see that one person takes me serious So I'm not Captain Ahab and I'm not chasing Moby Dick or any other gold fish !!!!!!!!! And for the other cannons....it can take a while because of work Sjors
  2. Really a great job Sam !!!! Led light.....brave man you are So shine the light please !!!!!!!!!! Sjors
  3. Question..... Is it wale or whale ????????? If I choose the wrong wale or whale ......I have no big fish on the hull !!!!!!!! Sjors
  4. Very nice Denis !!!! And for all the American, Russian or where they are from......IRL means..... In Real Life !!!!!! Or in our circumstance by Skype ! And Pfffffffffff is a normal, Dutch word !!!!!!!!!! Pffffffffffffff Sjors
  5. Thank you Before I forget how it work s I have a little update...... The cannons on the port side are done. The wales are also done. They give me metal wales and it was not easy to work with because there is no space tp put clamps on but oke, they are there. Still not cleaned the deck so no pictures of that yet....... Sjors
  6. I'm late for the party but I agree what every one is saying........to the entire log !!!!!!!!! Just kidding my friend, it looks marvellous ( correct word ? ) Sjors
  7. The pictures are not telling the truth when you see the AG IRL !!!!!!! Just beautiful ! Sjors
  8. Very nice Mark but only one thing..... You are asking for something when you take a look at the second picture and the trashcan is prominent in sight ! Sjors
  9. Wow, I don't know what to say.....so I only saying WOW, That should be enough ! Sjors
  10. Very nice work with the copper Robert ! I have also put copper plates on the rudder but not place the rudder. I'm afraid that I hit it of all the time...... Sjors
  11. You have done one side so the other side is a piece of cake for you Have faith !!!! Sjors
  12. Congrats Harmut !!!!!!! Beautiful model !!!!!! I will take a seat to follow the Utrecht !!! Sjors
  13. You still know where everything goes.......amazing !!!! Keep on going with those little tutorials Just love it !!! Sjors
  14. You did a fine translation Larry We are knowing what you are meaning..... Nice carronades ! Sjors
  15. Thanks you all. I have take a look at the second picture and when I magnify it I have the feeling to run away !!!!!!!! That looks really.......... Next time I shall try to make better pictures.......without dust !!!! Or is it the tung oil ????? I found out that that stuff gives white dots. Look as dust but it isn't....... Maybe I have to go back to the yacht varnish ????? Sjors
  16. Popeye, Is there more space on the ship where you can put some more things ??????? Unbelievable...... Your next build has to be a model of a meter long. I want to see what you are doing with that ! But please, keep on going and I enjoy ! Sjors
  17. Hi Indian You have the nerve to put all the blocks on the cannons....... But looks great !!!!! Sjors
  18. Wow Grant, I'm away for a few days and I missed al the fun A new hip !!!! Take your time and you will be as new in a few days Sjors
  19. A small update...... Cannons are done on the upper gun deck. Stairs are also done and the railings . I really need a cleaning person Nope, not Anja I have to do it by myself. Maybe a good idea to do it before I take pictures ? Maybe something for the next time ????? Or I have to use a camera with has no High definition ........... Oh well..... Sjors
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