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Everything posted by 42rocker

  1. marius Your doing great with this. Like the different wood colors. Later 42rocker
  2. Well said that I was going to try to cut wood today and not grass. Not sure if I'm happy or unhappy that I did get a chance to cut some wood. Feed some basswood to the table saw tonight, no fingers. I used to think that I knew how to do a good job on cutting wood. Well the mic proved that I'm not really that good. So back to the drawing board. I have three ideas to make my cuts better. So please wait to see how I do before you give me any new ones. I "think" that I know the errors of the ways that I'm doing things and will work things out. Cutting strips to .375 and .500 for the two cross sections that I'm going to be working on. More later. Later 42rocker
  3. A lot of very interesting info here. Thanks for the share. Later 42rocker
  4. It is so nice to have things in the same scale next to each other. Good Luck on the HMS Atalanta project. Later 42rocker
  5. Your work as normal looks great and your wood colors look great also. Enjoy the ride. Later 42rocker
  6. While I have had the pleasure of seeing several bone models I can state yours is one of the best that I've seen. Thanks for sharing pics with us. Later Tim
  7. Grant Would love to see and hear more about this rope walk. Later 42rocker
  8. Pete38 I'll think about it as I'm sitting here cooling down from spending the last hour and a half cutting the back area of the store grass. Did front half yesterday and back half today. Friday night is cutting two front yards mine and a renters. So after I get done with those I'll think about driving up to do it. Wait by then I'll need to start cutting over again in another area. Sorry Pete just does not seem like I'll be able to make it this summer. How about next Oct 10th thru the 13th I'll be in your area again at that time. Same place if you want to meet there. Wood need to cut wood not grass wood. LOL Later 42rocker
  9. Good Ideas, Thanks for sharing them. Later 42rocker
  10. Ron You seem to get a lot more done than I do. Tonight was cut 1/2 of the grass at work then come home and pull weeds. 2nd half of grass at work tomorrow. And so on and so on you folks know how the grass grows. But will sure try to get some saw time in to work on wood for the frames this week and yes I'll try to take and post some pics. Was reviewing plans for the bomb vessel today. Looking forward to working on both in a nice scale. Later 42rocker
  11. Sounds like someone is going for a walk on the darkside. I agree on the wood conditioner. Later 42rocker
  12. Pete38 What you said about your weather was very true. Was planning to camp a few nights, then saw the down to 32 degrees statements and became the third party on the floor in a friends hotel room for a few nights. We got in late Wednesday night and then went to the event on Thursday morning. Rain 50's to 60's all day, Friday no rain mid 40's instead. Saturday I started the drive back down to Tampa, Fla area. Hopefully this sickness bug is past. One of my clients has it bad also and she stated it takes about 4 weeks to get over it. Well this week planning to cut grass and then out to the shop to cut some more wood for the frames. Then cut some paper patterns then glue down and cut out some wood frames or that's the plan. Lets see what try's to mess it up this time. Later 42rocker
  13. Thanks Paddy. Wood is always something nice to spend some hobby time with. Later 42rocker
  14. Small minor update. For the first time since I was up in pete38's area in Kentucky I'm starting to feel better. My mother-in-law made it out of the hospital and into rehab from her fight with pneumonia so things are starting to look up. So grabbed a couple of pieces of cherry wood logs that a friend gave me while I was in Kentucky and ran them through the planner till smooth and had a 90 degree angle then ran them into the bandsaw and set them aside to dry. I'm guessing about 1 year from now they should be ready for something. I cut them using a quarter sawn pattern. Also Thanks to Michael Mott for his how to words that he posted. Thanks Again. Also found some wood that I bought from Grizzly a few years ago. Now to get a few things done then get going on this build. Thanks for the get better thoughts everyone. Later 42rocker
  15. Sick, under the weather for the last two or so weeks got just after I got back from Pete38's area in Kentucky. About the only thing I have been up to is sit watch tv, do the internet and sleep and try to get better. Also go to work then home rest etc I think you know the drill. Another day, can't wait to get back to it. Today eyes stopped watering all of the time so can see a few details better.. Later 42rocker
  16. You still have cake?? And where are you again?? LOL. Enjoy my friend Enjoy. Just looked at the map. I know the area to the North of you. If you get near the Ellsworth area I have a great place for curds and great cheese at low prices. Just let me know as it seems almost all of the small cheese factories have been bought up. Later 42rocker
  17. As it is said ""Enjoy the ride"". Hope the ice cream cake went down well and enjoy the incoming saw. Someday I hope to have one. Later 42rocker
  18. First looks Well Done.. Second my thoughts, don't short cut it. Start over again and use the good stuff, you might always be looking back saying I wish I had redone this. Also agree with Chuck, add a bulkhead or something don't leave those planks without support. Later 42rocker
  19. Your build is looking real good and nice and big of course. Stay safe on your trip. Later 42rocker
  20. Very Interesting.. Thanks for bringing this up again. Later 42rocker
  21. Nice looking rope work. Hope to get to that point someday. Later 42rocker
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