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Everything posted by 42rocker

  1. Nice Job. Hope that you enjoyed the build and had lots of fun doing it. I have the kit how just to do the build someday. Later Tim
  2. Thoughts and Prayers for your mom and your family as they will be her support. Lost my mom to double lung cancer back in 1990. The medical field has improved a lot since then. Good Luck and God Bless. My wife is also a teacher that works long hours as she feels her job calls for it. May your time with your modeling help you fill your heart with thoughts of good times and relax you. Enjoy the build as I and others have said before. Some days we don't put in the time and other days the time just goes to fast while we work. The model will be there for you. Enjoy what time that you can with your mom. Again Thoughts and Prayers to her and your family. Looking forward to seeing the pics that you talked about. Later Tim
  3. Welcome to the new house. Looking forward to seeing more on the build. Later Tim
  4. Michael Nice job and Thanks for sharing the info and pics Later Tim
  5. I did read some place that Gary keeps his small working crew well supplied with grog. Lots of it. LOL. Gary Your work is outstanding! I sent you a pm about the Warrior pics that I've shared with you. Later Tim
  6. Thoughts and Prayers to you and yours. My wife and I are looking forward to our first Grandchild sometime in August this year so I understand a little, very little. But as said Thoughts and Prayers. A great idea for the build and may you enjoy the build also. Later Tim
  7. I said this on the other site and needs repeating. Are you working on this 24/7 or what?? You are doing great. I'm guessing that in a few weeks you will be done and working on the cross cut of the bomb vessel next. Enjoy and it's looking real good and I do hear the singing in the back ground. Later Tim
  8. Your reviewing a lot of interesting thoughts on this build. Thanks for sharing. Later Tim
  9. 1:96 wow you will be working at a small scale. Enjoy Later Tim
  10. Working at work, I like it. If I get any ship parts in a shipping order I think that I'll know where they came from. Looking Good, Enjoy the lunch build. Later Tim
  11. Mark I don't know what type of mill or lathe that you have, but one of the better help sites that I've found is the Sherline site. Check out the following link and see if anything can help you. http://sherline.com/hlpsheet.htm Good Luck Later Tim
  12. Stuart Well going to jump in on this one and tell a little story and share a few pics. I"m not posting a few pics off the outsides of the complete ship, HMS Warrior. I will another day if you want. Time 2004 my wife and I went to Paris, France and saw a lot of stuff. Next stop was London where we rented a car and headed South to Portsmouth. Made a large mistake. We were hungry. Saw a Little Chef and thought can't be that bad, well it turned the stomach bad, more on that later. Checked into our B&B on Portsmouth Point. Nice Place, nice people. Had a morning appointment to tour the inside on the HMS Victory one on one with a guide. Special extra cost, yes. At that time you could not take pics inside or on the HMS Victory. This one on one tour allowed it as long as they were personal use pics. Ok, back to the HMS Warrior part. Got our folding bikes out of the car biked over to the docks and such. Took a few pics of the HMS Warrior and HMS Victory. Went to the shop saw the HMS Warrior model that William Mowell had made. Super nice to see after you have read and reviewed his book, "Building a Working Model Warship". Like the real thing, working steam engines and such. Really need to review the book. I have not read it in around ten years of course. Well we saw a fish and chips store and got some and sat down at the docks to eat and look at the ships, etc. Well got to be time to head back and on the way back my wife got sick. A "light" case of food poisoning, we think. She was sitting and throwing till around 3:00 in the morning. I started in around 2:00 in the morning. Of course this canceled the HMS Victory tour that was very important to me. After we got up later that day we toured the HMS Warrior where the diesel fumes did not set well. Finally did get to take a regular tour of the HMS Victory towards the end of the day. After which we drove up to London for a few days. Got to see a lot of great ship models there also. Any rate on with the picture show. If this is to much in your build thread let me know and I'll take it down. Later Tim myself and the HMS Warrior model Decks that they were working on my wife and the decks and mast (she was still under the weather) Mast gun deck
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