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Everything posted by 42rocker

  1. Good Luck with the new rope machine. I've heard several good reports about it. Later 42rocker
  2. """Ham fist hands""" I like that phrase. Your planning and your work is great as per normally. I keep looking at the great different color woods that you used, well done Sir, well done. Later 42rocker
  3. Michael Looks great Myself I used cedar in a kayak build 1:1 scale that is of course. Red color looks great next to the white cypress that I used. Later 42rocker
  4. Your frame looks great. Like the way that your joints are showing. Later 42rocker
  5. You can always use more clamps. LOL. Looking Good. Later 42rocker
  6. For myself 1:24 seems like a great scale for cross sections of older ships. Next 1:48 and 1:64 is what I would like to work in. Have a few 1:98 and higher and don't really enjoy working at those scales as much as I do the others. To each their own. Main thing is to enjoy the build whatever the scale. Later 42rocker
  7. Robbyn Stay safe. And there is that bottle of mini wax pretreatment. Remember to take the time to enjoy the build also. You and the other half "Glide Free". Later 42rocker
  8. One of the topics of a Wood Working mag was sharpening with a sheet of glass with wet and dry sandpaper on it. Chisel was held a block of wood with rollers on the bottom. I have several pieces of counter top stone that I'll be using when I do this. Till then I have a Sears wet sander. Also use a sears grinding wheel for the rough sharpening. Later 42rocker
  9. Glad to see that you are done with the frame piece cutting. Long work. I'm doing it now. Later 42rocker
  10. Grant Thanks for the show and tell on the brass and cutting it. I really like and going to remember the hole drill for blade turning. Great work. Later 42rocker
  11. I have but the simple sherline mill and lathe. I think that it's a great starting point. To have all of the extra cnc etc is great but what are you going to do with it? If you are going to be making a lot of the same gun parts over and over then a cnc setup is great. Making several cannons can be done with a simple setup. Sherline is one of the best out there for sure. Later 42rocker
  12. Mark Hope that the labeling that I did on the frames will keep things together. But I'm planning to start to glue up a frame after I get frame parts B, A, 0 cut out. I'm saving frames C and 5 till I figure out a little bit more on the scraf joints that I'm going to add, end frames that you can see a scraf joint on that is. Of course chocks will be added to those two frames also but those can be cut in. Thanks for the Best Wish's everyone. On cutting close, well hope that the fellows that drew that frames were true on their lines. In 1:24 scale my frames will be 3/4 inch thick. Adds a little to the sanding. Later 42rocker
  13. Mark and everyone else A few pics. One is of all the paper cutouts glued down and the other two are of the first couple of frame pieces cut out with my wife's RBI Hawk. She lets me use it as long as I don't break to many saw blades. I'm close on a couple of passes but I think that it will all work out and later if it looks like it will not then I'll redo it. lets see 5 pieces one side, 6 pieces the other side, that's 9 pieces total per frame making a total of 99 pieces to cut out then sand. 3 down 96 to go. I think that after I have enough for frame ( , I'll try to set up and do a glue up before I cut the rest out. Later 42rocker
  14. Thank You for that treenail info. Hope to get to that stage someday. Later 42rocker
  15. Robbyn What did you just say """but dang it, why buy a kit if you always have to switch out the wood, might as well just do scratch, then you only pay for stuff once.""" What was that you said?? LOL.. Now you know one of the reasons that I said to sit back and don't pile kits in the closet yet. You will do well on this with the lighter sand paper or so I hope as I just started cutting out frame parts on my scratch build HMS Triton with the jigsaw and noted the same fuzz on the bottom edge and will have to deal with it without rounding the edge off. Did think of you and the minwax pre stain at that time. Good Luck. Later 42rocker
  16. Mark Not much to show. Will try to take some over the weekend and such but with visiting the mother-in-law 1 hour each way at her rehab and other things might be Wednesday before I get another chance. Paddy I wish that a lot of folks would take the time and be with their families more. Everyone Build a small sail boat or something with your kids or grand kids. Later 42rocker
  17. Well took a plank with glued down paper to my wife's RBI Hawk Jigsaw last night and started a cutting. Ra Ra. Paper held down and cutting was slow but the test worked. Will cut more later. My son is down in town for a few more days and doing things with him more than working on cutting frame pieces. Family first. He is 33 years old and a great son. Proud to say my wife and I have been lucky enough to have had a great couple of kids. Daughter is only 30 To everyone take the time to be with them and support them as they grow. Time well spend. For our ship models they will be there when our children have returned to their homes. Later 42rocker
  18. Buck Thank You (I think) for posting those links as I just might have to buy those books now. LOL. Anyone have any spare change?? Later 42rocker
  19. BareHook pointed out another series by Alexander Kent that was around Richard Bolitho in which he grows from midshipmen to Admiral. See following link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Bolitho A great series that I have read many times. I have tried to read the Hornblower stories and the O'Brien series and found that I've always enjoy the Bolitho series far more. To each their own. Enjoy. Later 42rocker
  20. While your eyes may be on several other kits. Thinking about them for a while might be a good thing. Do this Longboat build, work on the Syren. Then you might have changed or learned things that make you favor doing something different. If you have bought several kits already then you might feel pressure or want something different. Enjoy these builds then work for there you don't need a closet full of models hanging over you, trust me I have that closet. Later 42rocker
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