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  1. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jaxboat in Floquil enamels - getting harder to find   
    I too am a Floquil user.
    They've been discontinued due to the environmental issues with enamel paints and apparently safety concerns as well.
    Hit my local supplier as soon as I heard. Loaded up on about 4 - 5 colors I use. They'll probably end up drying out before I can get to them. Although I still have a couple of jars of the old Classic Sailing Color line that I'm nursing along believe it or not.
  2. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Sjors in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    Hi folks,
    Well since my last post much has happened. I have had serious technical, construction and philosophical discussions with JMaitri (Jay) regrading where to take BOUNTY. Also a lot of soul searching on my part as I really don't have a great amount of interest in BOUNTY - but being the glutton for punishment that I am and not shying away from a challenge - here we go!
    Jay and I have gone back and forth regarding getting the scale correct (as much as possible) and I have gone so far as to work on the NMM plans as well as conduct some additional BOUNTY research I promised myself I wouldn't do (for time considerations). 
    There were a number of discrepancies between the AOS book and the Mamoli plans (not surprising) but the differences were significant enough for me to go the additional research route as well.
    Here's what I'm now doing in my "re-fit"
    I have stripped the hull down to the skin. I'll build the bulwarks back up to correct height (they were low and uneven) The deck was single sheet (although nicely done in scale) it was de-laminating from the false deck. I will replace with strip decking,  this will also allow me to lower the Bow which is about 10" high in scale due to higher bulkhead arms. The original builder attempted to 2nd plank just below the LWL and copper over this. It didn't work out so well so I'll finish planking below and re-copper with tape plates in scale. The deck fittings will be addressed as they come into play. The masts and yards are accurate to the AOS and not to badly done. They lack a little detail and finesse so I'll keep and touch up. The one launch at present will serve as the "famous" 23' launch Bligh was set off in. It's pretty accurate in scale and not too poorly done. I'll repaint though. I'll also add in a 20' cutter. NO SAILS!!!!! (had to add that in)
    I'd like to thank Jay publicaly for his help and humor.  Being able to "talk" with everyone is what makes MSW so great!

  3. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jaxboat in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    There's a list and now you're on it for the sail comment..........
    I will have discipline on this ship!
  4. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jay 1 in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    There's a list and now you're on it for the sail comment..........
    I will have discipline on this ship!
  5. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from mtaylor in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    Hi folks,
    Well since my last post much has happened. I have had serious technical, construction and philosophical discussions with JMaitri (Jay) regrading where to take BOUNTY. Also a lot of soul searching on my part as I really don't have a great amount of interest in BOUNTY - but being the glutton for punishment that I am and not shying away from a challenge - here we go!
    Jay and I have gone back and forth regarding getting the scale correct (as much as possible) and I have gone so far as to work on the NMM plans as well as conduct some additional BOUNTY research I promised myself I wouldn't do (for time considerations). 
    There were a number of discrepancies between the AOS book and the Mamoli plans (not surprising) but the differences were significant enough for me to go the additional research route as well.
    Here's what I'm now doing in my "re-fit"
    I have stripped the hull down to the skin. I'll build the bulwarks back up to correct height (they were low and uneven) The deck was single sheet (although nicely done in scale) it was de-laminating from the false deck. I will replace with strip decking,  this will also allow me to lower the Bow which is about 10" high in scale due to higher bulkhead arms. The original builder attempted to 2nd plank just below the LWL and copper over this. It didn't work out so well so I'll finish planking below and re-copper with tape plates in scale. The deck fittings will be addressed as they come into play. The masts and yards are accurate to the AOS and not to badly done. They lack a little detail and finesse so I'll keep and touch up. The one launch at present will serve as the "famous" 23' launch Bligh was set off in. It's pretty accurate in scale and not too poorly done. I'll repaint though. I'll also add in a 20' cutter. NO SAILS!!!!! (had to add that in)
    I'd like to thank Jay publicaly for his help and humor.  Being able to "talk" with everyone is what makes MSW so great!

  6. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jay 1 in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    Hi folks,
    Well since my last post much has happened. I have had serious technical, construction and philosophical discussions with JMaitri (Jay) regrading where to take BOUNTY. Also a lot of soul searching on my part as I really don't have a great amount of interest in BOUNTY - but being the glutton for punishment that I am and not shying away from a challenge - here we go!
    Jay and I have gone back and forth regarding getting the scale correct (as much as possible) and I have gone so far as to work on the NMM plans as well as conduct some additional BOUNTY research I promised myself I wouldn't do (for time considerations). 
    There were a number of discrepancies between the AOS book and the Mamoli plans (not surprising) but the differences were significant enough for me to go the additional research route as well.
    Here's what I'm now doing in my "re-fit"
    I have stripped the hull down to the skin. I'll build the bulwarks back up to correct height (they were low and uneven) The deck was single sheet (although nicely done in scale) it was de-laminating from the false deck. I will replace with strip decking,  this will also allow me to lower the Bow which is about 10" high in scale due to higher bulkhead arms. The original builder attempted to 2nd plank just below the LWL and copper over this. It didn't work out so well so I'll finish planking below and re-copper with tape plates in scale. The deck fittings will be addressed as they come into play. The masts and yards are accurate to the AOS and not to badly done. They lack a little detail and finesse so I'll keep and touch up. The one launch at present will serve as the "famous" 23' launch Bligh was set off in. It's pretty accurate in scale and not too poorly done. I'll repaint though. I'll also add in a 20' cutter. NO SAILS!!!!! (had to add that in)
    I'd like to thank Jay publicaly for his help and humor.  Being able to "talk" with everyone is what makes MSW so great!

  7. Like
    samueljr reacted to mathewp in HMS Bounty 1787 by mathewp - Mamoli - Scale 1:64 - second kit build   
    This post is a fairly short one, mainly because of the repetitive nature of working on deadeyes and ratlines. Still I've managed to get them done . I've also added the anchors and once the ratlines were finished, I put thebackstays on, so that they didn't get in the way while doing the ratlines. That completed the standing rigging. The 10 half pounder Carronades?, I yhink thats what they are callled, they're on too. Next it will be the stern decoration and the side windows. The final stage of running rigging is not far away.

  8. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jay 1 in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    Lot of good people out here. Looking forward to seeing your current build with laundry hanging...........
  9. Like
    samueljr reacted to cookster in USF Constitution by cookster - Model Shipways - kitbashed to 1812   
    Thanks Geoff. I know I'm sticking my neck out, as someone more knowledgeable than me is bound to come along and point out my errors.  But hey, I said it was in the "spirit" of 1812, right?
    Been watching your build, hope I can get mine look as good as yours.  Might as well ask, what black paint did you use, enamel or acryic?  I'm partial to enamels, seems most everyone on here likes acryilcs.  And my favorite paint, Floquil, is going away.  Darn....
  10. Like
    samueljr reacted to Geoff Matson in USF Constitution by cookster - Model Shipways - kitbashed to 1812   
    I used Model Masters flat balck enamel. I like Model Masters flat colors and have good luck with them.
  11. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from ModelBoatMaker in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    Hi All,
    Seeing how I have so little else to do..........LOL?  I thought I'd take on a self -indulgent project of sorts. Let me explain.
    A while back a local builder (to me) asked if I would be interested in finishing his BOUNTY. He started it about 15 years ago and for a number of reasons has never finished it. Now that he has retired and has time he finds himself no longer interested in modeling and would rather work on his motorcycle.
    I guess there's no accounting for taste..........
    Having SO MUCH FREE modeling time on my hands I of course said sure.  So now I own a BOUNTY.
    The model was about his third project and he made some very sincere attempts at "bashing/upgrading" the kit based on McKay's AOS (which I have also taken possession of from him). Alas, being only his third ship the attempts found a wide range of success or failure. 
    So here's what I'm going to do (I think)
    I'm going to break the build down but not disassemble the kit as a whole. It will almost be akin to the refits the Admiralty would undertake when bringing a damaged or purchased ship into service.
    Over the next few posts I'll be describing in some detail what I intend to do with each aspect of the ship and we'll see where it goes from there...........
    I've attached a few pics. Unlike ESSEX or any of the Expo projects the pics will be from the work bench only. I'm not going to the trouble of the whole background/lighting "thing" for photos.
    And as always for those of you who will inevitably ask............... I don't know at this time if I'm including sails (but feel free to ask again and again)............ LOL

  12. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jay 1 in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    Thanks Jay. I'm excited. The previous builder didn't do a bad job and should be commended for his efforts. Like I said the execution of details were just kinda' "heavy handed" at times. I'll continue to check scale and make corrections were practical in the contect of just a -refit as it were.
    I'm not much of a BOUNTY historian either. Not much affinity for the ship but it's got a cool story (although much distorted). As far as a second set of Admiralty Plans - I doubt it. What I do know (and it's stated in the AOS) is that the BOUNTY was a purchased ship (BETHIA) so the Admiralty of course took her lines off. They made significant  modifications and re-christened BOUNTY with a new set of lines. This could be what you've heard. Also (don't quote me) I think the AOS was re-issued and included additional images so that may also add to the misconception of a second set. Someone please feel free to correct me.
    The 3-D idea has my attention. I believe it will play a large role in the future of our mutual endeavors. I know there was a thread on MSW debating it's merits as it pertains to scratch building. I'm not here to say either way. I do think that in the creation of a master for a kit (say a figure head or stern decorations) it can be an exponential leap forward in the single master used for casting multiple items. 
    I have a ROYAL CAROLINE sitting on my work bench that I am chomping at the bit to do. I have the AOS for it. If 3-D can be used I have entertained the idea of drawing out the carvings and having them produced with 3-D. The level of detail would be incredible as compared to the kit's offerings or individually sculpted/carved items. But that's a conversation for another time.
    As it pertains to BOUNTY's stern and quarter badges I'd love to be able to get the stern with a really well done cornucopia and scrolling. The same holds for the badges.
    I think that Testor's moves were based on the environmental aspects of the enamels vs. water based. I don't airbrush at all (don't like it) so I'll see how the Admiralty paints work without it. I may run some tests on scrap soon just for my own curiosity. I'll let you know.
    I am encouraged at your restraint regarding the sails. I'm sorry I had to be so hard on you but sometimes the important lessons in life are the toughest.............. I'm proud of you.
  13. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from realworkingsailor in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    I am anxious as well to see. I ordered 1 each of every color. I am a die hard old time Floquil enamel Classic Marine and Railroad paint guy. I am pissed that Testor's is discontinuing the line(s). I ran out and bought all I could of the colors I use.
    Should have a BOUNTY update tomorrow night.
  14. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jay 1 in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    I actually never liked Coors when it finally became available out here. And now (due to medical reasons) I am a 100% tea-totaller of any alcohol so I'll just have a coke with my pop corn.
    I'll have to wait to make decisions until I have the ship stripped down a bit. Once I've made my scale assessment then I'll know where I'm headed.
    Keep in touch (you're still on the list though - lol)
  15. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Mirabell61 in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    A new "voice" to this undertaking - welcome. Obviously my first inclination was just to tear it all apart - or not do it at all. But it seems to be fairly well built. I don't know much about the kit itself although I've done a couple of Mamoli products and they're OK.
    Where it seems (so far) to be lacking is in the "finesse" of the finishes so the trick for me will be too find the spot to stop at.
    Keep checking in and feel free to comment, offer suggestions or ideas
  16. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from SkerryAmp in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    Hi All,
    Seeing how I have so little else to do..........LOL?  I thought I'd take on a self -indulgent project of sorts. Let me explain.
    A while back a local builder (to me) asked if I would be interested in finishing his BOUNTY. He started it about 15 years ago and for a number of reasons has never finished it. Now that he has retired and has time he finds himself no longer interested in modeling and would rather work on his motorcycle.
    I guess there's no accounting for taste..........
    Having SO MUCH FREE modeling time on my hands I of course said sure.  So now I own a BOUNTY.
    The model was about his third project and he made some very sincere attempts at "bashing/upgrading" the kit based on McKay's AOS (which I have also taken possession of from him). Alas, being only his third ship the attempts found a wide range of success or failure. 
    So here's what I'm going to do (I think)
    I'm going to break the build down but not disassemble the kit as a whole. It will almost be akin to the refits the Admiralty would undertake when bringing a damaged or purchased ship into service.
    Over the next few posts I'll be describing in some detail what I intend to do with each aspect of the ship and we'll see where it goes from there...........
    I've attached a few pics. Unlike ESSEX or any of the Expo projects the pics will be from the work bench only. I'm not going to the trouble of the whole background/lighting "thing" for photos.
    And as always for those of you who will inevitably ask............... I don't know at this time if I'm including sails (but feel free to ask again and again)............ LOL

  17. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from gieb8688 in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    Hi All,
    Seeing how I have so little else to do..........LOL?  I thought I'd take on a self -indulgent project of sorts. Let me explain.
    A while back a local builder (to me) asked if I would be interested in finishing his BOUNTY. He started it about 15 years ago and for a number of reasons has never finished it. Now that he has retired and has time he finds himself no longer interested in modeling and would rather work on his motorcycle.
    I guess there's no accounting for taste..........
    Having SO MUCH FREE modeling time on my hands I of course said sure.  So now I own a BOUNTY.
    The model was about his third project and he made some very sincere attempts at "bashing/upgrading" the kit based on McKay's AOS (which I have also taken possession of from him). Alas, being only his third ship the attempts found a wide range of success or failure. 
    So here's what I'm going to do (I think)
    I'm going to break the build down but not disassemble the kit as a whole. It will almost be akin to the refits the Admiralty would undertake when bringing a damaged or purchased ship into service.
    Over the next few posts I'll be describing in some detail what I intend to do with each aspect of the ship and we'll see where it goes from there...........
    I've attached a few pics. Unlike ESSEX or any of the Expo projects the pics will be from the work bench only. I'm not going to the trouble of the whole background/lighting "thing" for photos.
    And as always for those of you who will inevitably ask............... I don't know at this time if I'm including sails (but feel free to ask again and again)............ LOL

  18. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jay 1 in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    You're on my "list".....................lol
  19. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from mtaylor in BOUNTY by samueljr - Mamoli - refit   
    Hi All,
    Seeing how I have so little else to do..........LOL?  I thought I'd take on a self -indulgent project of sorts. Let me explain.
    A while back a local builder (to me) asked if I would be interested in finishing his BOUNTY. He started it about 15 years ago and for a number of reasons has never finished it. Now that he has retired and has time he finds himself no longer interested in modeling and would rather work on his motorcycle.
    I guess there's no accounting for taste..........
    Having SO MUCH FREE modeling time on my hands I of course said sure.  So now I own a BOUNTY.
    The model was about his third project and he made some very sincere attempts at "bashing/upgrading" the kit based on McKay's AOS (which I have also taken possession of from him). Alas, being only his third ship the attempts found a wide range of success or failure. 
    So here's what I'm going to do (I think)
    I'm going to break the build down but not disassemble the kit as a whole. It will almost be akin to the refits the Admiralty would undertake when bringing a damaged or purchased ship into service.
    Over the next few posts I'll be describing in some detail what I intend to do with each aspect of the ship and we'll see where it goes from there...........
    I've attached a few pics. Unlike ESSEX or any of the Expo projects the pics will be from the work bench only. I'm not going to the trouble of the whole background/lighting "thing" for photos.
    And as always for those of you who will inevitably ask............... I don't know at this time if I'm including sails (but feel free to ask again and again)............ LOL

  20. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from fnkershner in RIGGING MODEL SHIPWAY'S ESSEX   
    Floyd I gotta agree with you on that. With scratch building - the project's your's - good, bad or anywhere in between.
    With kit design it belongs to EVERYBODY! LOL!
  21. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jay 1 in RIGGING MODEL SHIPWAY'S ESSEX   
    Floyd I gotta agree with you on that. With scratch building - the project's your's - good, bad or anywhere in between.
    With kit design it belongs to EVERYBODY! LOL!
  22. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from Jaxboat in RIGGING MODEL SHIPWAY'S ESSEX   
    Floyd I gotta agree with you on that. With scratch building - the project's your's - good, bad or anywhere in between.
    With kit design it belongs to EVERYBODY! LOL!
  23. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from trippwj in RIGGING MODEL SHIPWAY'S ESSEX   
    Sneak another one in - she'll never know! We wont tell! LOL!
    Thanks for your kind words.
    Kit designing is "interesting" - to say the least.
    For me especially as I'm not a scratch builder by any stretch of the imagination. I'd rather buy a kit and bash it. So go figure............
  24. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from coxswain in RIGGING MODEL SHIPWAY'S ESSEX   
    Well I thought I'd put the start of the plans out here and get the thread up and running. 
    I'm still counting out and converting block and line sizes (makes for hours of fun for the whole family)
    I have to actually do it twice as I'm going to use Chuck's (SyrenModelingCompany) blocks and line but I also have to have the comparable product accounted for from Expo/Shipway as well that will be included in the kit.
    In addition to the rig I have to draw out and construct the remaining open launches, draw and create the additional anchors and a few other details (ideas) that I have.
    I'll say it now (although I'm certain I'll say it again) there will be no sail plan.
    ESSEX RIGGING PLAN 062013.pdf
  25. Like
    samueljr got a reaction from uss frolick in 16-gun brig captain's cabin furniture   
    To follow Frolick's post if you can take a look at the ESSEX PAPERS book. There is an entire indent of what Her Captain (Edward Prebble) had brought on board as his personal stores as well as what was "provided". 
    You'll probably find similar (records / stores) for most of the era you're researching
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