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    egkb reacted to Bill Hime in Pride of Baltimore 2 by Bill Hime - Model Shipways - 1:64 scale   
    Wow, FINALLY!!! It's here! I chose the Pride of Baltimore as my side build while building the USF Confederacy. I'm waiting to see if the Confed might be marked down during the holiday shopping season. So I ordered the Pride so I can dig in and get the doors of the C.W. Hime Shipyard open for business.
    Today's the day! This is a Model Shipways kit. I ordered it through ebay from a wholesale hobby outlet. As advertised, everything remains in it's original packaging. It even had an enclosed invoice dated 1999. 
    Tonight the Admiral and I are taking inventory of the kit. I'm also paying close attention to the integrity of the wood since this kit has been sitting since 1999.
    I'm already planning on replacing the Basswood planking/decking with Boxwood. as of now, I do not plan on painting the Pride except for her mast where black is noted.
    I have built cabinets of the highest grade. I have done historical restoration in libraries, manor homes and more. But I do not kid myself for a moment, this is a very different endeavor. Here, among all of you, I find myself once again an apprentice.
    I look forward to the challenge and most of all learning, adding to my skill set, and perusing what has beckoned me my entire life, building tall ships.
    I welcome all of you to pick up a chisel, choose your favorite mortise and set a peg!
    Warm Regards,
    Bill Hime

  2. Like
    egkb got a reaction from Bill Hime in Narrowing down the field for first ship model   
    Hi Bill, am loving the flow and prose of your posts and I shall  be looking out for your log !
    Quick question, could you perhaps put a mention in this post when you begin it.. that way we can be in at the start, I feel this may be one not to be missed both from the work and the writing.
    It is a simple pleasure to read this log..
    From a long line of Boat owners, Master Mariners & Marine Engineers.. sailors all, yet could hardly hammer a nail, and I've inherited the ability, alas
  3. Like
    egkb reacted to Bill Hime in Narrowing down the field for first ship model   
    Thank you so much for your kind words!
    I started drawing pictures of tall ships when I was in the 4th-5th grade. I think my interest was sparked by my teacher reading Moby Dick to us everyday in class. She would turn the lights down, it was quiet time, and she would read. Later that same year, I saw the movie Moby Dick with Gregory Peck in black and white.
    I grew up in a family of artisans. One grandfather a wood carver. The other a carpenter in the winter and a lumberjack in the summer. My father, a true genius. Not well suited for the world around him. He was a master mechanic, machinist and carpenter. He scratch-built HO gauge brass steam locomotives that belonged in museums.
    I've never built a piece of furniture or cabinet, house or barn that I didn't develop a relationship with. I feel like I'm finally home. This is that piece that was missing. I was always meant to build ships, whether the scale be 1:1 or 1:64, this brings peace to my heart.
    And now I have a wonderful wife and many new friends to share this journey with...!
    Warm Regards,
  4. Like
    egkb reacted to Bill Hime in Narrowing down the field for first ship model   
    Hi Jason! I understand what you're are saying. I think for me, taking on two builds simultaneously will give me the best of both worlds. I am most comfortable when challenged at the best of my current abilities. That's how I learn and grow. I've never been one to measure myself or others by limitations, but rather potential. The difficulty of any endeavor has never been a deciding factor for me. I look to the endeavor to feed me and fill my heart. That is what brings me peace
    I will definitely start a build log very soon, even before the kit arrives. I will share every detail, even my research and thought process. Finishing the new work space this week. The "C.W. Hime Shipyard" should be open for business by the end of this coming weekend!
  5. Like
    egkb reacted to Bill Hime in Narrowing down the field for first ship model   
    Thank you. I understand the points you make. I will definitely take a look at the Caldercraft models and the Lady Nelson, assuming her namesake!
    Casey S, 
    I do like the idea of doing both. Especially because I wanted to get into some rigging work as well this winter. The one thing I loved most about model railroading was that you could work on so many different aspects as you choose, while waiting for materials or taking a break from some of the more tedious task. To this point have not had the room to do the size of layout that would satisfy my needs.
    I completely agree about scale! I'm very detail oriented. My whole goal is to create as much scale detail as possible, and in time to push the limits of the craft. That's what satisfies me
    So here's my conclusion: I'm going to do the Confederacy as my first. At the same time, I'm going to find another, smaller project that is different enough to be a nice change up for the duration of the main build. The above imput all helped me come to this conclusion. Thank you, Andy, Casey S, and John !
  6. Like
    egkb got a reaction from NMBROOK in Name the Ship Game   
    That was the plan Jason, They had a big Eire (Ireland in the native language) painted on the side too.. didn't work for 2 of them though (if memory serves the Irish Oak & the Irish Pine) both were sunk in the Atlantic, bit before my time mind you These vessels were pretty much derelicts' bought up and put into service for the war period,  ISL bought all new ships after the war and got up to a reasonable tonnage in the late 60's early 70's wit a 70000  tonner in the early 80's, just in time for the company to fold up as I entered my Cadetship.. Typical 
    Bear them in mind as you might see a few from me in future
  7. Like
    egkb reacted to JPett in Rattlesnake by JPett - Model Shipways - Scale 1/64th - Kit #MS2028   
    Ahoy Mates
    Popeye: Thx
    Jason: I wise man told me if you want to win the war, pick your battles. I may have recently forgot this.
    Pat. The sheave was not as hard as I thought either. I still need to make one more though.
    Augie: Your  turn
    Sam: Nice to see you again THX for the compliment
    Ben: U2
    Bill: Thank you very much. Your comments meant a lot. Good luck on your build.
    Martin. I still need to do the other side. Due to my wales being wrong it is slightly off in height and I may need to delete the trim that should run directly above it. All my attempts to include it looked awful so far.
    Sport: Thx, Yours looks great too and has inspired my work.
    Back to the build
    Well I must say that finishing my gunports has really tested my resolve. Well it still is. I am redoing the starboard side for the fifth time. Finding the motivation has been difficult but I am not a quitter. Just someone who knows when to take a break.
    In typical JPett fashion I painted the gunwales and wales three times. If it helps it was not hard to do. Just let the paint you want to remove completely dry for a few days before sanding it off. Best to put the model somewhere that you can not see it too. I am very happy with my choices. I spent a considerable amount of time experimenting with paints to achieve this look. The gunwales are Windsor and Newton water based Oil, (Yellow ochre) Thinned 75% and around three coats. I painted the bare wood then sealed it with WOP after painting. I wanted to stain the wood with the paint. The wales are Windsor and Newton Acrylic (Mars Black). Originally sealed first with the WOP then painted with enamel, this took around four days. I did not like the contrast however. That and screwing up the step in my wales meant I needed to paint anyways.
    As for the Step, painting this side without having completed the other, which BTW is "out of order and bad practice" needed to be done. It was a low point in the build when I felt I had to sand off this step which I spent so many hours on. Seeing that I could still produce a kit I would be satisfied with, with all the mistakes I have made so far was important. Call it a test before proceeding with the other side.
    I need to keep things in perspective here. Had I not been satisfied the picture posted there would have been a completely different model shown. One with some of the first planks I ever laid ripped out. In all honesty I feel that, that redo is above my skill level and may have resulted in my permanently damaging this kit.
    I will continue to pay for this as without this 'lip" the anchor guard may also have to be either just painted on or removed. Suggestions welcome
     And some of you were wondering

  8. Like
    egkb reacted to Kevin in Bismarck by Kevin - FINISHED - Trumpeter - 1/200 - PLASTIC   
    Good evening everyone, amongst everything else going on within MSW and rl i managed to do some of my build
    the pe kit requires all the kit moulded items to be removed first, which takes some time, but achieved getting about 50 pieces on before my eyes said i have had enough, the portholes take the most time as they have to be f
    drilled out first.

  9. Like
    egkb reacted to Beef Wellington in Name the Ship Game   
    Eamonn - I'm guessing the flags were painted to deter U-Boat attacks?
  10. Like
    egkb reacted to mobbsie in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Thanks Popeye, I would have missed the pants off you guys, true friends cannot be replaced.
    I will be posting some progress soon but I have experienced a form of builders block so progress has been slow.
    The lower masts are dry fitted and I'm currently working on the blocking the fighting tops or mast platforms.
    I want to thank Grant so very much for sending me a full set of blocks for my Agamemnon, they are even better than the pictures show and deserve my best attention.
    Grant I promise to do my duty, to you and the blocks and to do my best at all times.( I knew the scout oath would come in handy.)
    I would also like to thank everybody who showed their support and sent their good wishes during what has been a difficult few days.
    Be Good
  11. Like
    egkb reacted to st george in Name the Ship Game   
    Irish Alder?
  12. Like
    egkb got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Le Soleil Royal by popeye2sea - Heller - PLASTIC - 1:100   
    Have only just found this build log as a result of your post to a now almost 'notorious' General Discussion Post! you know the one so I guess some more good has come out of it.
    I read your piece about how nobody dropped by for a month or so and decided to take a looksee.. Wow, how did I miss this little gem? and then after all your hard work she takes a bit of a knock.. This build has everything including 'drama' !
    Am looking forward to your progress.
  13. Like
    egkb got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    I see he has a bump on his head from the low beams.. sorry couldn't resist..
    Am loving your ideas here, the whole project has a real ship-board life feel to it, if you follow me, this looks a fun build.  Alas I ran out of 'likes' earlier today else I'd be liking those photos.
    BTW Buckets & Barrels look amazing.. clever stuff going on here in this log!
  14. Like
    egkb reacted to klimi in HMS Bounty by klimi - 1:60 scale - armed merchant ship   
    Next progress, finishing patina and the sides.

  15. Like
    egkb got a reaction from WackoWolf in Le Soleil Royal by popeye2sea - Heller - PLASTIC - 1:100   
    Have only just found this build log as a result of your post to a now almost 'notorious' General Discussion Post! you know the one so I guess some more good has come out of it.
    I read your piece about how nobody dropped by for a month or so and decided to take a looksee.. Wow, how did I miss this little gem? and then after all your hard work she takes a bit of a knock.. This build has everything including 'drama' !
    Am looking forward to your progress.
  16. Like
    egkb reacted to popeye2sea in Le Soleil Royal by popeye2sea - Heller - PLASTIC - 1:100   
    I had a bit of a set back (at least in my mind) and I would like your opinions.  After taking a long time with painting all of that gilt work on the ships sides, stern and quarter galleries, I wanted to put a coat of lacquer over all to protect the paint.  I sprayed the sides with dull cote and the result is to my eye a bit disheartening.  I do not like how dull the gold becomes, but I do not think there is any way to fix it, or if I should even try.

    I am thinking of leaving the quarter galleries and stern with more of a bright finish even though there will be a contrast with the sides.
    What do you think?   Any suggestions?
  17. Like
    egkb reacted to popeye2sea in Le Soleil Royal by popeye2sea - Heller - PLASTIC - 1:100   
    Finally have some new progress to report. Seems like there is never enough time to work on the build.
    I am working on correcting the deficiencies in the head of the ship. Since no one really knows what this area of the ship looked like I took some artistic license. I was also pointed in the direction of a build log on another site which gave me some good ideas.
    Here's what I came up with:
    I filled the space between the cheeks with a billet carved from styrene stock. Then I cast some silicone molds using the decoration on one of the quarter galleries and cast some pieces in resin.

    Here are the resin pieces mounted and painted

    Next I carved some head rail timbers from strip styrene

    And mounted them

    Then I cast another decoration to ornament the head timbers and mounted them to finish out this project

    And here is a couple of pics with the head rails and grating temporarily fitted

    That's all for now.
    Thanks for looking in on the build.
    P.S. I'm hoping this is not too horrible a build. No one has commented yet
  18. Like
    egkb reacted to popeye2sea in Le Soleil Royal by popeye2sea - Heller - PLASTIC - 1:100   
    First parts of the rigging.
    I decided to rig the ship using as a reference The Rigging of Ships in the Days of the Spritsail Topmast by R.C. Anderson. I chose sizes of rigging thread accordingly. Here you see the wooldings, the gammoning and the Main Stay. The thread is poly/cotton dyed black using Minwax Ebony stain. It took a few attempts to get an eye splice turned in; not so bad on the 0.08 inch diameter Main stay but a real bear on the 0.03 inch Gammoning. I don't think I will be making real eye splices on anything smaller than that. I'm sure simulated ones will look just fine for the smaller rope. The wooldings are 0.02 inch and seized around the masts using the method of taking the required number of turns round the mast and over a bight in the line and heaving the ends taught underneath by pulling the bight down beneath the turns. Not all the wooldings have been put on the Fore Mast yet. You can also see the mast coat I added to the main mast. I will put one on the Fore and Mizzen once the deck level can be determined.

    I still need to raise a mouse on the Main Stay and seize a treble block in on the lower end.

  19. Like
    egkb reacted to gjdale in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I am so glad to read that you are not leaving us.  You are clearly a man of considerable honour and character and I respect you all the more for your post above.  i look forward to the resumption of your log and the continuation of our friendship.
  20. Like
    egkb reacted to Bill Hime in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    You are a gracious and honorable man. Thank you for your character and example. I am so very happy you are back :)
    With Great Admiration,
  21. Like
    egkb reacted to mtaylor in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Very well said, Augie.  I hope everyone will read this.
  22. Like
    egkb reacted to Micklen32 in Will Everard by Micklen32 - Billing Boats - 1:67   
    Hi Eamonn
    What happened with the last mix that ran was that it was a shade too thin
    Normally when airbrushing the paint dries quite quickly
    If it is a bit thin and I put a bit too much on.........Runs
    As to the colour of the base coat it is best if it is slightly lighter, but it doesn't matter too much if it is quite a bit lighter
    You just may need an extra spray
    What it doesn't want to be is a fair bit darker as it will affect a lighter colour
    Just to let you all know I had a bit of a fall today and bruised my ribs so I may be a bit in an out of here
  23. Like
    egkb got a reaction from Micklen32 in Will Everard by Micklen32 - Billing Boats - 1:67   
    I love where this is going Mick, and to think this is a wooden planked hull!! I have never seen airbrushing done on a ship (have of course heard it mentioned here on MSW, just never seen it from the ground up as it were) why is there a difference between what you mixed yourself and 'proper' store bought spray paint? .. is it consistency or is the paint itself actually different? I assume (a dangerous thing to do ) that the base coat is very important from a colour and finish point of view (hope you don't mind all the questions here in one go )
  24. Like
    egkb reacted to Blue Ensign in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well said Augie, amen to all that.
  25. Like
    egkb got a reaction from NMBROOK in Name the Ship Game   
    All righty then Name the Shippers.. try this one for size, not on the same difficulty level with Pollux (I can think of a rhyming word that I would call that one.. )
    The clues are in the photo.. some BIG obvious ones there for a start
    I reckon ye should only take about 20 to 30 mins of searching to find this.. if even that long!!
    Clock Starts ... NOW...

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