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paul carruthers

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About paul carruthers

  • Birthday 01/05/1955

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  • Gender
  • Location
    UK, Whitley Bay
  • Interests
    Kendo, cycling
    New to model ship building

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  1. I always pull my thread thro’ beeswax and then hit with a hair dryer when under tension, minimises the fluff.
  2. If you have to enlarge the hole use a band of cartridge paper to hide the gap, it’s all painted black and will not be seen
  3. I used a mini iron, the type used for covering model aircraft, I lightly wet the planks as per Chuck’s lateral bending method but I bent the planks into shape on the hull’s primary planking and held them in place with the iron, it gave a good result. I found chamfering the rear top of the planks essential to a tight fit.
  4. Mine warped too despite usin CA and clamping. I re-clamped it against a steel rule and removed most of the warp.
  5. I’ve not posted for a bit, to be honest struggling with shaping the mast profiles but I’m getting there. from the drawing hilited I’m struggling to understand the band running vertically, is it a metal strip? thanks.
  6. Well the boats are beyond my skills and patience I’m afraid, hopefully 3D printed options will be available. James H must be applauded for completing these on the build for the manual.
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