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Posts posted by SkerryAmp

  1. This is not deja - vu,  putting some of the same update across all my projects so much of this is a copy of what I updated the others with.


    So, I figured I would try to get around here a bit more and get back into the swing of things.  As I mentioned in the willie log our family was dealt another blow, my Mother in law passed away very suddenly a couple of weeks ago.   We have now been to 6 wakes/funerals since last summer.  4 on the admirals side of the family and 2 related to close friends of ours.


    On top of that I have decided to go back to school to finish up my degree.  1 year left for the bachelors and then another year to get my masters.


    So have been once again sidelined by life.


    However - the admiral and I decided this weekend we needed to get back to some sense of normal so have been back on the site at least and getting up to get back to the bench.



    The HL has been rough sanded into shape.  The outer hull is nice, right where I want it and now the inner bulwarks are sanded down to the proper thickness. I need to clean up the stern and bow a bit and then attach the keel, sternpost and stem.   Will get pictures soon.

  2. This is not deja - vu,  putting some of the same update across all my projects so much of this is a copy of what I updated the others with.


    So, I figured I would try to get around here a bit more and get back into the swing of things.  As I mentioned in the willie log our family was dealt another blow, my Mother in law passed away very suddenly a couple of weeks ago.   We have now been to 6 wakes/funerals since last summer.  4 on the admirals side of the family and 2 related to close friends of ours.


    On top of that I have decided to go back to school to finish up my degree.  1 year left for the bachelors and then another year to get my masters.


    So have been once again sidelined by life.


    However - the admiral and I decided this weekend we needed to get back to some sense of normal so have been back on the site at least and getting up to get back to the bench.



    I can say that since my last update and prior to getting sucker punched the Kara June now has one side of the hull planked.  Nowhere near as neat and tidy as I would like, much filler and sanding was used - one day i will get the hang of it!

  3. So, I figured I would try to get around here a bit more and get back into the swing of things.  As I mentioned in the willie log our family was dealt another blow, my Mother in law passed away very suddenly a couple of weeks ago.   We have now been to 6 wakes/funerals since last summer.  4 on the admirals side of the family and 2 related to close friends of ours.


    On top of that I have decided to go back to school to finish up my degree.  1 year left for the bachelors and then another year to get my masters.


    So have been once again sidelined by life.


    However - the admiral and I decided this weekend we needed to get back to some sense of normal so have been back on the site at least and getting up to get back to the bench.


    Not sure which project will get updated first but one of them will!


    Stay tuned...   we can even take bets on which it will be - because I have no idea myself at the moment,  they are all calling for attention!

  4. Pics will be soon hopefully,   base coat is on but haven't had time to get back to it for a couple of weeks.  My mother in law passed away incredibly unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago,  her side of the family has had a very rough year so far - we have had to go to 4 wakes for her side of the family and two wakes for close friends since last summer.   Helluva a year let me tell you.


    We have started trying to get back to some sense of normalcy and am working on getting back to the bench,  hopefully tonight I can get back to one of my projects.

  5. John - having some spare time last evening (no World Series game to watch) I did some interweb crawling pursuing all i could learn about the elusive half moon.  The end result - probably more myth than reality.  When the proverbial outhouse was most in use, it tended to be unisex - everyone used it.  Space was at a premium to dig the pits and place the shacks, not too mention the cost to a family of building the shelter, so not many separate facilities.  The Half Moon tends to be a relatively modern addition (along with the 2 story outhouse, but that's a different story altogether).


    On your ship, I would leave a small air vent near the upper part of the side walls (also allows a bit of sunlight to enter) but definitely no moons (at least on the door - Augie would like one included, though, based on his response above).


    Maybe a moose shaped carving in the side walls?



    Err. uhh...    A TWO story outhouse?


    Am I the only one who sees a design flaw with that idea somewhere.... I have to be missing something.

  6. Augie the framing looks awesome, but then again what else would I have expected - it isn't me building it :D .


    I actually totally get your love of blueprints etc,  I always love looking at the structure, the nuts and bolts etc and while planking looks great from a full ship point of view,  it always seems a shame to cover up all that work! That happened with me and the willie, put all that into the frame and loved it - decked it now :angry: .


    But, tis the price we pay for building such wonderful ships.   They wouldn't exactly float very well if I left them where i wanted to :o


    Anyway, wonderful job and am sure it will look fantastic with the planks - but that is gonna be a lot of planks!!!

  7. YAY Sarah!   Havn't seen ya in a bit, good to see you again, and thank you!   Yeah - you and Wayne are bad influences.  Watching the logs you two put together had me wanting to, then with the stall in progress on the other ships topped by Waynes wonderful ocean side pics - just was far too much to resist.


    And yes  9 years of not ticking someone off too much! (She got a kick out of that and agreed btw :D ). Although.. I THINK I probobly should finish one of these 4 before starting another or that record may end :o:D .


    Thanks for stopping in - I have plenty of inspiration and shoes to fill with this one!!

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