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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks for the picture Wayne......but the color is a bit off. Atlantic lobsters are a bit darker
  2. thanks Bob......the Goth is my first sailing ship........I'm a bit out of my expertise. I'll get back to her soon.
  3. see what happens when you have to wait for glue to dry.. although......I still need to download a couple pictures of 'em, so I'll know how to paint them.
  4. hold me Sjors...........LOL! cool site........good folk........what more could one ask for. I'm glad to be back.........and that a lot of you came back as well......I missed you while the site was down. the site is getting stronger.......folks are trickling back in......we're doing fine!
  5. yepper........I've already looked....that's where I'm getting them from. I need to paint them black, so it doesn't matter what they're made of, and at this point.........I don't care. want to hear something really stupid.......after I had canceled the order with those people, the admiral was looking at our bank statement online.......there was a charge from them for $3.99. she asked me about it........and all I could think of was that they shipped out the grating I had ordered {I ordered one of them to see what they looked like}. I had told them when I first talked to them, that since they did not have the 20 pack of dead eyes, I would buy the bulk pack {150 of them}. they didn't even send them. I'm not cross that they did that........it ticks me off that they didn't send the dead eyes too. anyway, I got the grating.......I like the way it looks, so I might order a few more to have on hand, when I order the dead eyes. I hope to get them within the next week or so....I need to talk the budget director into letting me get them though.........that might be a hard sell, after my last purchase spree....I spent a little too much. thanks for the good word, I'll keep you informed
  6. I used to write a lot of poetry at one time Wayne..........when I ws doing the Susan A build, I wrote a really good one for her: http://reginajagtdrydock.wordpress.com/2012/02/24/the-susan-a-a-regina-build-part-29/ I also used to do short stories......thanks for looking in and the good word! yepper Patrick.......I hope to get to her soon.......thanks a lot!
  7. .......and so, here it is........the end of the progress. I am all caught up with this build, in where it stands now. I'm still waiting until I can order the correct parts to continue the build. perhaps I can get something going with her......there are a few things I can do. to me, this build has gone on too long.....I'm not used to having a build last over a year. true, it's my first wood build of a period sailing ship, but I'm usually not in the habit of tabling builds this much. wood build have been a total eye opener for me.....the ideas and concepts are endless! now that I have built myself into a corner again......I have to build my way out. I find this hobby to be quite habit forming........when something pops into my head......I feel I have to get it out....or it bugs the heck out of me, until I do. I think I have a handle on my manic constructive disorder, and I look forward to the day, when I only have one.......or maybe two builds in the works at any given time. this last bit of progress deals with the dilema that I am faced with at the moment. the dead eye assortment is not correct as we have all discussed. the tops and upper crosstrees require a smaller dead eye. I have been trying to get some of them......but after one failed attempt, I still don't have them yet. I also found that the holes that are pre-drilled into the tops are not correct as well. I am having to redrill them...even if I get the proper size dead eyes - 3.5mm. this is with the 5mm dead eyes.......clearly too big! they are even too large for the tops.......I would never be able to get the correct number of dead eyes on any of the given tops. the crosstrees are not even correct......something else that I have to do. I have pretty much used up all of the 3.5mm dead eyes that came with the kit........I wished that I had done the masts differently.......I would probably have the first level ratlines done already. I would be reveling in the fun that the rest of you folks are having I feel like I'm at a school dance, sitting on a bench.....like a wallflower. I do have one picture that I have here, that has been in my computer for a while now.......I was hoping that I could get back to the build. I had done some of the 3.5mm dead eyes on one of the tops. so, that's it my friends.......here I am at this point. the AmericA build is almost done.........as well as the lobsie twin build.........I will make a promise to you all.......when these are done, I WILL have the deadeyes......and then......look out!
  8. you'll note that I had also cemented a length of wood on the the inner edge of the chain plates.....this was to get a better cement point, and to bring them out just a tiny bit more. 11 - 14 - 2012 with the chain plates assembled and cemented in place, it is time to make and install the actual chains for them......here is how they were done. cutting off all the eye bolts on these wires, really built up my eye bolt inventory.......I'm so filthy rich! they were all hung on the hull side with care.......a slight bend to the bottom would soon be there (SIC) with masking underneath...a definite must.....they were given some paint, to protect them from rust they were nailed in place.......but wait, there's more.......they were touched up with paint, to match the decor. with the starboard side done, all painted with black........I turned to the port side, where the progress did lack. when I was done, with this new batch......I checked them all over, to make sure they match they were painted as well, to protect then too.......I bet you can guess, the next step, I did do the touch ups were done, the paint brush was clean.......the chain plates were finished, flat black, a light sheen. I looked her over, up and down......from front to rear, and all around I came to the conclusion, from what I could tell.........for my first time, I did rather well I put her aside, but not out of sight.......happy modeling to all, hope you think it's alright!
  9. 11 - 1 - 2012 I got back to the chain plates.......as well as a small forray into a bit more rail making. the dead eyes were added as well. the rail making.... getting the dead eyes ready railings were cut to size the progress so far......
  10. 10 - 19 - 2012 the rudder was the next little project I under took. too bad it wa all for naught.......I had my gungeons and pintles upside down. my thanks to John for pointing that out to me.....it's a good thing I didn't fasten it to the stern.......just a dry fit. I wasn't going to bore you with pictures.........but, in the interest of "he who shall not be named", I have. here is the redo of the rudder. I had to make another rudder to start off with.......the original one was riddled with bullet holes........looks cool........but, no. I did make up a few gungeon / pintle assemblies, to replace them......but I believe I did use one or two of the original ones I made. 10 - 21 - 2012 10 - 30 - 2012
  11. 10 - 18 - 2012 I started to do some further work on the chain plates. I had seen some decorative work to theirs, that I liked a lot.......I started to try this out on the Goth. of course, the pictures don't lie........this was not done on the actual ship........so I had to change my direction on this.....just as well. the edges were built out, and a outer border was installed after they were fitted to the hull, they were painted.
  12. 10 - 17 - 2012 this session pertains to the picture you saw earlier.......I was quite pleased with how they came out. on other ships, they were lashed to the sides of the mast.......added support {I suppose}, but on the Gothenborg, they were lashed on the fronts of the masts. they were sanded {edges removed} and notched to accept the wooling lashes. how and what they show in the instructions diagrams more on the assembly cleats were also added at this point as well and of course.....the dry fit
  13. 6-1-2012 I had gotten back to the Gothenborg build, to lash on the raw timber....in the event that repairs needed to be made during a journey. 10 - 12 - 2012 the gothenborg took another break......I forget why, but I got the jones again and brought her out. I did one rigging line at the bow....according to the instructions. after browsing through the pictures, I think better of this and I will change it. I did some touch - ups at the stern then I began to work on the masts, painting the tops and caps. the mast steps went on as well....I had to make new ones, because the kit supplied ones didn't fit. then a dry fit to see how they looked towards the end of this session.....I got stupid and knocked off one of the stern railings from the balcony......don't really remember what I was doing......so I can't safely say this won't happen again. I had seen this in the pictures.......I forget what this part is called, but they are quite prominant in the pictures, so they will be added, along with the woolings that hold them in place.
  14. 5 - 31 - 2012 in this point in time I worked on the fittings, the capstan, the fife posts, and the bow spirit. I did the gammoming on it as well. the bow framing was installed and the main mast deadeyes were installed as well.. then all the belaying pins were added......made the deck look even more interesting.
  15. that's the bonus with getting the deck planked........so much more to play with! I thought too with what Pat mentioned, but I suppose with control on the glue amount, that little problem can pretty much be avoided. it does look great there, mark......I have to go look at it again!
  16. rodger that Sjors.......I took the day off 'cuz I heard that you might have an update for us. this way I can sit back and enjoy!
  17. I'll pass on 'em as well........sounds too much like a fetish....LOL! wouldn't have the foggyest on how to catch them .......perhaps the correct term would be snared......rather than caught.
  18. glad to see your planking the deck.........looks so much better! I too love the clamps.......they seem to work well. superb decking!
  19. all I see is .50 cents for the nose! I think I can still cash in after all these years!
  20. the chains look superb Andy........I kinda share the same notion about the popcorn.......it tends to stain the rigging thread.......and don't EVEN get me started about the nasty finger prints......LOL!
  21. I tried the beveling idea for the AmericA planking.......of course the wood for that build wasn't cut in the best shape. it does work well though. I do wonder if a jig could be made so a perfect slant could be made every time.
  22. no Sarah...it wasn't a pun.......just can't wait to see this one being rigged. I'm sure a man of your talent and knowledge will do a splendid job Andy........piece of cake
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