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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I tried the beveling idea for the AmericA planking.......of course the wood for that build wasn't cut in the best shape. it does work well though. I do wonder if a jig could be made so a perfect slant could be made every time.
  2. no Sarah...it wasn't a pun.......just can't wait to see this one being rigged. I'm sure a man of your talent and knowledge will do a splendid job Andy........piece of cake
  3. Sjors..........you are 'too cool!' tha's an interesting thought Augie.....must be so sad not to taste 'real seafood' that far inland....my brother in law lives in Texas, and he hates the seafood down there.....nothing like up here. that's an interesting observation John.......they say that every creature is adapted to it's enviroment......can you imagine what a mountain lobster would look like.........scarry!
  4. chicken lobsters go for anywhere from $4.99 to $6.99 / LB around here right now. they can be found on sale for $3.99, if you look for them. I like to look in the tanks at the big ones
  5. their best when cooked to order.........wow!! they're expensive! thanks Sjors.......now would I try to fool you with something else?
  6. I've never seen that kit before.....by all means.....start a build log, I'd love to see it thanks Sarah......these decals were very thin. that's the main reason why the eagle {the first decal I went to apply} broke when I tried to move it around on the backing. Testor's has a product called decal bonder......I use in on the decal that I make, to seal in the ink from the printer. it has many uses too.......as you can see. when I built my Revell Cutty Sark, I had gotten a new decal sheet for it, since the kit supplied one was garbage. when I went to use it, I found that they were too old and that they had micro cracked. if I had the bonder at that time, I could have saved them. I usually don't have too much of a problem setting the decals, but if I do, I use a product called decal set, put out by Testor's as well Testors
  7. great job on the standing rigging.......she looks superb! I hope my build {when I get to it} looks as good as your does! we just had our storm.......thursday into friday.......crappy, yucky wet snow. one good thing though.......it will be spring soon we have a couple nice day ahead of us, so most of it is pretty much gone now.......I think we have rain for tuesday. thanks again for those pictures......you build planes with just as much love as you build your ships..........simply superb workmanship!
  8. terrific job Andy........glad to hear that your close to rigging......but don't fret about it yet.....I'm sure you'll see other thing that should be done before that time comes {usually what happens to me}. from the looks of your build, it's going to look superb!
  9. yea......back in the old days {when I was a lot younger} there were so many of them, the fish and game used to pay 50 cents for the nose of every one you shot. they would wreak havoc in corn fields and gardens......and dig their burrows in just about every place imaginable. look forward in seeing morte progress on the stag John.......
  10. I see you didn't waste any time......quite a vessel you've chosen. your off to a great start!
  11. thanks Daniel......I'm getting to the the good part.......thanks for the good word. parhaps a larger scale of this one in the future thanks Frank.........I have two trimmed and treated at this point.......all they need is the reef lines
  12. spent most of the day on just making the sails..........now they need to be trimmed and washed with diluted white glue. I should have an update soon
  13. no I just have to get working on the two lovebirds again........that'll put everything on an even keel. I made the sail for the Denny-Zen today........progress soon........I will try
  14. can't wait to see your progress, Augie...........hmmmmmmmm.....eye candy!
  15. that small an increment probably wouldn't have been noticed.......only you would have known that you did a great job with the stern..... and the waterways look terrific! can't wait to see her planked!
  16. primer is not a bad thing.........I follow a simple rule. for light colors, I use a light primer......for darker colors, I use a darker primer. it doea help to seal the wood........the paint won't get sucked up so much. Obechi is an African wood, from what I heard.......and it's rather rough. it is easy to sand though, so that's a plus. it is possible to bend basswood to the shape you need. then wait until it is almost dry to install it. use pins to keep it tight against the other plank.....you should be alright. I tried just using clamps......they just don't have the holding power that simply pinning it will do.
  17. the waterways look really good larry! I like the way you shaped them at the bow........very nice indeed! I do my planking on the moist side as well. I cement on the first plank and let it dry before I continue. when I pin the next one, I cement in between the planks and press them against the other.......I don't seem to get that degree of gapping. is that basswood?........that might be an explaination why, because I use obechi {kit supplied}. if your going to do a second planking, I wouldn't be too worried about it..
  18. yepper Bob........that's what I'm getting ready for! funny to see my table cleared.....LOL! I'm also going to do the sail for the lobster boat as well........I seem to have lost the diagram for it, but I just took measurements, and I've drawn it out.......all is good the admiral will be shocked to see the sewing machine coming out of the closet......perhaps she'll do them for me.........nawwwww, not a chance.....I'm on my own, good buddy. thanks for the good word.......
  19. I've never read the book........I hear it's pretty good. I've rigged many plastic builds since the early 70's.....I've had more questions about proper placement, than about the art in itself. two things I have learned is to understand what 'absolute zero' is in string tension and how to apply it, and what lines will counter each other.......back stays counter fore stays,,,,etc. I find that wood kits are different.....I am happy to find though, that most of the same theories can still be applied. don't get me wrong........I don't knock books........but what works for one, may not work as well for another. now, if they came out with a book of common rigging diagrams, complete with the names of each line.......I'd be all over that in a heart beat!
  20. you gotta laugh Mario.......if you don't, it'll take all the fun out of it. I finally have some breathing room, and can look through the site nice job your doing so far........keep this up, and you'll be doing a scratch build before you know it! really looking good!
  21. love how you do some of these structures Paul.......it just goes to show you how much detail is not there, when smaller kits are built. it also shows just how many parts are involved! great job!
  22. just like a kit...........hurry up and build the boat..........so we can hang you up with the rigging! LOL! that's the major difference between plastic and wood kits..........if they showed you everything, you'd end up with a very thick volume! we'd be building these ship with chapters, rather than steps.
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