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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks sherry.....the kit assembles quite well. now I can get set up to do some sail making........progressing right along. thanks for the good word.
  2. thank you everyone for your kind word! I'm almost there......one more big push, I think! Patrick and John : you can see how thin those decals really are. I have dealt with ones like them in the past......but not like this! I was pretty bummed when the decal broke into pieces on the backing........I thank Tom and Susan for getting me the decal replacements so quickly.........thanks again everyone!
  3. While I've been playing around with the AmericA build, I took a little time to work up the buoys for the traps. the ones supplied in the kit are too big..... I took different size dowel and cut up a bunch of billets. I don't have near enough of the really small dowel.......so I scaled up just a little.....I have plenty of bamboo skewers. I was going to drill through to the other end, but I didn't have a way to get them on center, so I just drilled one end. After shaping them with my dremel......I had to sand them the rest of the way.....I made eight of them. I already put the first color on one of them after they were all sanded, they were painted the first color then they were given the second color later I will band them with white, and paint the eyebolt on the end, a flat black. I'll have the five for the traps, and extras to stow in the compartments with some rope. I hope to find some time tomorrow to make other fittings for the lobster boat. as far as the Phylly C .......I didn't do much with her at the moment. I did manage to pair up the skis and paint them. I want to do a bit more to them, as well as the bindings. I'm still thinking of other aspects to put in the build.......I'll get back to these two soon!
  4. I think you'll find that most instructions are pretty vague........Billing's seem to get the high honors with this.... the thing is to understand what it is that they want you to do. it is good to read well ahead of the step you are on, so you'll get a good idea how the step your doing affects the build later on. not to worry though.......after you've done a few, you'll start to draw your own conclusions, as for what to do.....and when. I get a kick out the the 'suggested level' that a kit is intended for. the kits I've built so far {except for the Nordkap} have been advanced beginners kits. you not going to see a wood kit that is 'snap together'.......even a seasoned veteran, would find challenge in most of these kits.
  5. well.....anyway.....I have not been idle. I would have liked to see more done, but I did as much as I could fit in. to start of with..........the eagle has landed! I sprayed the decal sheet with bonder, and I affixed the eagle in place. blocks were set in place at the aft section of the deck the fore mast has already been painted with clear gloss to bring out the wood grain, and fitting are in place. the tripple block and the double block is in place as well. blocks were placed at the fore section the main mast was fitted and painted as well....when it was dry, it too was cemented in place. the only fittings left to put on.....are the cleats for the main mast. I did forget one little thing though.........can you say..........mast hoops the fore mast was easy.......all i had to do was remove the triple block. but, for the main mast.....it was a bigger project. I had to remove the mast and the mast step, in order to put them on. footnote: no model was harmed in this process the hoops were wired to hold them at the top of the mast, so it could be cemented back in place and the cleats installed. the booms have to be done......and then, I guess I'll have to bring out the sewing machine again.......I be mak'in sheet!
  6. I have seen some drawings.....but they are inconclusive to me John. I am going with the double blocks for the boom lifts, and I am going to add a third shroud for the main mast {it seems logical that it should have them}. pictures I've of a Mamoli kit shows that it doesn't even have a main sheet horse........just two sets of double block pulleys.....one port and one starboard. seeing that I already have the horse in place....I'm going to leave it.......I'll see how it looks. that's funny Pat........I need all the help I can get! I's a landlubber, don't forget.......
  7. it's not a big problem Augie........just a few thing that don't add up. same goes with the shrouds......on the main mast, they show three shrouds........I'm going to put the extra one in.......since there are two steps to the main mast......it sounds logical.
  8. I'm like Sjors...........pictures........pictures........pictures......PLEASE!!! I love eye candy@!
  9. I want the Dr 1........there was the D series, and an F series......both of these designs was done on the D VII and Dr 1. the only real difference was with the ailerons and stabilizers. the endecker came out shortly after the D VIII. the Germans were experimenting with single wing construction.......the D VIII had the wing fixed over the fusalage, strutted and cabained, and the Endecker had the wing fixed into the top section of the fusalage.......that is, if my memory serves me correctly... I built a D VIII back in the 70's Guillow's has a nice one. this was my best flyer.......rubber powered. it had the habit though of prolonged gliding, after the rubber was done.........I always had to chase it. I was living in Florida at the time. the most memorable flight was also the most funniest! it flew until the rubber died......and then it glided into a marshy field bordered off with barbed wire. then it veered to the right, and went into another marshy field....bordered off with barbed wire. I had to wade through waist high saw grass and scrug bushes to get it......not to mention the barbed wire. I came out of there with the plane to meet up with this old guy, telling me I shouldn't go out there again.....the area was loaded with gators and snakes!
  10. I think I had better take that back. I was looking through my fittings....having the masts ready for assembly, and I noticed a few things. the majority of the blocks supplied in the kit, are single blocks. I found one 5mm double block.......I think there should be at least six of them. these should be for the boom lifts......one set for each mast, as well as the one for the aft horse {on other kit pictures, there were two sets here}. I went on a hunt to find other rigging diagrams for the ship, but so far it's been a bust. I will have progress shortly, to show the block layout I have done so far.
  11. does you kit show the mast {s}.........in the fittings are there collars that ne to go on the mast tops? tapering masts depends from ship to ship. on your particular ship, the tapering might start 2/3rds towards the top of he mast. if you have a rigging sheet......this might give you clues as well......but mostly.....get familiar with the fittings that go on the masts and where they are located.......they will be your best barometer. Wayne had his mostly rigged......perhaps he will post some pictures for you........won't you WAYNE!
  12. still.......you've done a fantastic job there, Frank! gonna look great when all the sails are on!
  13. guess what I watched the other day Augie.........the Blue Max!.........MAN!!!! I want to get that fokker.......NOW!!!
  14. nice work Sarah......the added structures and fittings are well placed. cool deck layout! oh, you were still adding more progress........even better now!
  15. don't feel bad Augie..........I do the same thing. there are times where I'm doing something really intense......the camera can be stiing right there {or in my pocket}.......but I fail to get a picture. you did a swell job.......nice recovery..........the fact that you even mentioned it, is enough for me. I don't need a blow by blow......"with the circle and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one " do you know where I got that phrase from?
  16. superb job on her Alex.......so clean and neat........nice lines! the time you spent on her is quite realistic.......took me five months to do the Cux........but it all equates to just how much time, at any one sitting, you can devote to the build. you've built a very nice ship here......I'll look forward in seeing your next build!
  17. your making some good ground getting caught up Kats.......you'll be caught up in no time! lots of good info for all who look
  18. my main tool for simulated calking was crayon. while on a later build, I had a conversation with John {jim lad} about the use of archive pens. the one that I bought, you can find in any craft store......but to be honest, the secret is in the type of ink. regular markers contain ingredients that allow the marker to do just what it does.....seep into whatever you apply it to. this and you have to remember....wood, especially the type we use......is porous. the archive pen that I have is a non fillable pen, that is filled with india ink. India ink is a condensed ink......containing little to no ingredient as such........it will seep into whatevery you apply it to, but will not leech out to the other side.... {paper, or light material}. I use a med to fine tip. still, it is an ink, not something you want to dottle on......you have to move the pen over the edge without stopping.......but it will seep in if your too slow. try a couple test pieces to get a feel for it.....careful on the ends, because it will seep in quick, due to the cut of the wood. also, you do have to wait a minute or two, so the ink will dry to some degree.
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