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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. hello Pete I myself think either staining or varnishing the deck. if you do that now know that most glues don't stick will on top of stain/varnish. most solve that by drilling small holes in the deck where the fittings go and then insert small pins/nails in the bottom of the fittings. i think you can also use epoxy glues if you want to paint her admiralty has got paint sets for the endeavour and there are lots of photos of the replica that show how she was painted
  2. hi Mark sorry I think I am confusing you honestly I am myself still confused the rash is all over me except the places that are not reachable by hands (like my back) . the only thing that makes sense is that one of the meds I was taken started this all off and made my skin ultra allergic and itchy so anything like scratching makes the rash come up and all that may have caused the cellulitis in my lower right leg. anyway at least that seems to be healing .
  3. thanks jpet. now that I feel some improvement I am feeling positive Keith I was thinking of what things I started using when I got it but the specialist said it mostly is something you have been using a lot . I started building with wood about a year and a half ago so it might be the glue the paint or anything else. first worry is to get the rash/itch under control then try out what is causing it. it is looking like it could take awhile. first thing now is to see that my lower leg gets back to normal so i can at least go back to work Mark i doubt i am allergic to nuts as i have eaten plenty of then during my life. I just hope its nothing that will permanently prevent me from building in wood
  4. hi Popeye. yes health care has been pretty good here. your leg does sound like what I have . mine was diagnosed as fungal but the dermatologist seems to think its bad blood circulation. the rash he thinks is from something I am in contact with on my hands as its only place I can reach to scratch. which mostly means no building until he can determine what its is ( I hope not glue or wood as that would mean the end of building ) good news is that the iv treatment seems to be working as the swelling is slightly down and my leg is feeling better. hi Mobsie sounds like I have a bit of that busy leg syndrome now and then. hi Edwin only if you tie my hands down can I stop scratching but I am hoping the new creams I got will help hi Keith good to hear from you mate I have what they call a cannula which they put in for 3 to 5 days and then they have to take it out and put it somewhere else. the picc line my wife called a long line (she is a nurse ) . yes I was going well with the kom but as mentioned above building is totally halted for me for quiet some time. in 3 weeks I need to go back to the dermatologist and hopefully most of the itchy errors will be better then so he can start on determining the cause. anyway thanks for al the comments. even without building once I can move properly again I ll be more here to follow all your buildlogs
  5. thanks Randy, Popeye,Robbyn, Mick and Anja I am going to see the dermatologist/immunologist this morning hoping he l have some answers to whats happening Popeye it started with a fungal infection on one foot that spread to my other foot and lower leg. so far no medication has helped and one of them triggered an allergic reaction that caused an itchy rash all over. just when I finished the medication and the rash seemed under control my lower leg swelled up. the doctor diagnosed as a sever case of cellulitis . that's what the antibiotics is for. but the fungal infection is still there too. I am mostly alright just that I have to have my leg up most of the time or it will start to hurt. Also the itchy rash seems to be returning. mostly I am bored watching TV or playing ps3 games and am dying to go back to work/building hopefully I have some better news today thanks for all the comments keeps my spirits up
  6. you got her David
  7. well they put me on another 7 days off IV antibiotics twice a day now and also have to take some oral ones this morning they tried twice to get the thing back in but failed so had to go back to emergency to have it done. its in my right arm at the elbow so I am a little less restricted
  8. its still cold here (down to 6 degrees at night) tomorrow of to see the Doctor . hoping I wont need any further IV medication because I cant do much while that thing is in my hand. at least my wife drove me out for a bit to catch some fresh air and to be away from here
  9. nice going Mick lots of sanding ahead of you now . will be looking in to see the result
  10. not Belem name starts with an i
  11. hello olopa67. you need to use 5x0.6x500 veneering strips. just cut them to the length of the 3 false decks and glue them on it. if you want to simulate caulking there are several methods you can use. I myself use a black pencil. thanks Timmo
  12. I used to think over 30 unbearable but I have adapted living here in oz. hottest ever I been in was January 06 around 47 degrees and bushfires all over. we had gone up the coast and couldn't get back home because all roads where closed.
  13. wow MIck you got lots done question I see the bow is not planked. do you have filler blocks for that ?
  14. thanks Jim I am going ok just getting pretty bored I am watching the test match Mick Sjors I had a look at the temperature at your place. for me that sounds like perfect weather . we only think it shot here if its getting close to 40
  15. good to hear she is ok but yeah things like that suck . kids should not need to go through something like that.
  16. might be Wayne didn't listen to much because it was rather painful at the beginning. I guess its better then having to be stabbed every time hope your littlest grand daughter is ok ?
  17. hello Bankie. looking really good about the gunwale sanding. you will notice what is meant easily when dry fitting the ones on the lowest deck. where they sit against the bulkheads of the higher decks you will notice that the top of the gunwales will stick out because the bulkheads curve in. so you will need to sand them till the have the same curve. this so that when you start planking the planks will flow smoothly. My concern with this is that at the bow and aft you hardly need to do any sanding. so you will end up with them being wider there then the ones at the lower deck. offcourse the only part visible of these 5x5 wood dowels is the inner part so it might not show at all later on. maybe one of the guys that are further in the build can tell us how it worked for them and sorry I didn't look at your build log either but assumed you didn't have one as it isn't in your signature looking forward to see your progress
  18. thanks Robbyn. Wayne and Mick apart from my leg and a needle ( I think its called a capillary or something) stuck in my hand I am feeling good. that's the problem I don't feel sick and sitting up with my leg on the couch most of the day is going to be boring. at least I can check in here and read now and then
  19. first tip : its a French ship
  20. congrats commodore augie. you now get to split the bill with Sjors
  21. cheers Bankie. I am still learning too. will you be putting up a build log ? unfortunately wont be much progress next week(s) due to some problems with my right leg
  22. thank you Randy, Anja,Edwin, Mark and popeye unfortunately no quick fix had to go to hospital for some treatment but luckily didn't need to stay over night. I will have to get some IV antibiotics next few days and then back to Doctor to see if they can switch to normal ones have the rest of the week off but will not be able to do much building on the kom or Endeavour. I might work a bit on the San Salvador
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