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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. tsk I come back after a few days see pages of new posts and no progress pics
  2. correct Danny the largest ship ever build also know as happy giant, Jahre viking and Knock Nevis. She was sunk during the Iran-Iraq war but was salvaged and restored into service and was sold to India for scrap metal in 2009. i came across her when i was on this website http://www.industrytap.com/6-billion-floating-city-freedom-to-dwarf-worlds-largest-ships-ever-built/3007
  3. shouldnt be too dificutl this one
  4. the Marwa aka MV Troubridge yeah i wonder why they make these special research vessels not look a bit more attractive
  5. andy i think all of us here doing the game have to have the patience to go through pages and pages of ships all looking the same
  6. you got it David might be Andy as i havent been playing this game that long
  7. yup David sometimes you spend hours wihtout noticing anything changed but in the end it wil make a difference she is looking good
  8. no worries Jim will wait patiently for any updates
  9. i found her on www.jumboshipping.nl my next one :
  10. jumbo javelin ?
  11. hi Wim stumbled across your build log . looking good are you still working on her ?
  12. finally caught up to all 64 pages while training not to laugh out loud (we are not aloud to enjoy our work at work :|) you can be proud of yourself its turning out to be a beautiful model
  13. here have some "schweddy" balls ( I think you pronounce that sweaty)
  14. hi Zyxuz . I found an online store selling it for 142.99 pounds. since you have building experience even with the AL instructions you should have no trouble finishin git
  15. try this one :
  16. hello Daniel thanks for the comments and for looking in on my build. the lights have added a lot of work but I am glad I took up the challenge . thanks Ed. I was pondering on where to get some small plastic tubes when I saw the straws sitting on the kitchen bench so I guess technically the admiral did give me the idea not going to work on the lights tonight having a bit of a headache (migraine) . I might just start on fitting those pesky triangles
  18. going well David. ona a model there is always lots of things to do . sometimes can be tedious but mostly it just extends the fun of building
  19. thank Anja yup Sjors most likely one of them is faulty. its not the one in the steering cabin already checked that one. atleast one thing i have learned : test them before soldering them in
  20. ok not a good night. after finishing soldering I did a test and only 4 of the 8 lights are working. I had a check but as far as I can see all the LED's are connected the right way. so either one of the solderings didn't hold or one of the LED's is faulty I thought I d finish painting the triangles and somehow lost one of them . I should have 2 spare if I counted correctly so fingers crossed on that tomorrow I ll see if I can figure out whats wrong with the lights
  21. thanks Sjors I should be able to do a test by next weekend. depending on how I feel maybe even finish the doors and outside walls too 2 more months and I should be close to finishing
  22. started on the wiring on the bottom I added 2 half's of a connector. the idea is to add a piece of metal in them together with the wire end. these metal bits will then fit into a connector attached to the 2nd deck. this way it will be easy to lift the 3rd deck /wheelhouse assembly and still make connection for the wiring also started soldering the LED's together. so far the plan is working
  23. I am confident you ll make it fit Sjors and then when its all planked and/or painted it will look great
  24. looking forward to seeing the result of your little scratch project
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