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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. if its a different one then from their website then yes please
  2. here you go Sjors thats what you meant wasnt it (just kidding my friend no one would ever push that button )
  3. you are right Sjors. I will wait to see if I get an answer to my latest email soon. if not I will contact OcCre themselves
  4. its now 3 months since I bought the kit and another month after the last reply from the hobby store. if they ordered the missing parts from the manufacturer as soon as I emailed them the details I am sure they would have arrived by now. not impressed at all with their after sale service
  5. thanks Popeye . I hope to have the wiring module back inside this weekend and maybe finish it off. if so I can do a full test of them thanks Michael . its a bit fiddley but I am enjoying it thanks Mobsie . haha yeah but they are behaving now and installing one now only takes a minute or 2 thanks Jim I drilled out the holes and test fitted the poles though them. I also adjusted the length of the poles according to the 1:1 plan . now I just have to duplicate them I also had some time to install 4 more railings . 8 more to go on this level then finish off with the triangles and that finishes off every thing on deck 2
  6. very nice Randy . now they actualy look like rope instead of a piece of thread
  7. thanks Mick. yeah i am having a hard time on the spoke wheels of the stagecoach too. hopign to get back to that after this build thanks Robbyn not as much progress but those railings do make a lot of difference
  8. happy birthday Doris always eager to look at your build log and the pictures of your beautiful model
  9. thanks Wayne I hope so too thanks Popeye . the allergic reaction was to some medication I was taking for an infection on my foot finding the way to install those pesky triangles I installed them without much trouble the last bit of railing on that side is done before I can do the other side I need to make the poles that hold up the lower deck and drill out the holes as the bow and stern ones need to have an angle. I had already done that for this side although I might need to adjust the lengths a bit so that the cable (to be installed later ) will run straight through the premade holes in the 2nd and 3rd deck when I have done all the railing on the 2nd deck I ll need to check and touch up any of them with white paint
  10. spot on Danny
  11. thanks Edwin. I am using creams on my hands but with me everything takes a while to heal. steadily working on the railings . almost done one side
  12. i did a search online and couldnt find anything in oz
  13. former beatles boat vagrant
  14. thanks Sjors and Anja sorry about worrying you , i did look in a few times but just didnt feel like i had anything to post. i had planned to do lots as i had a 4 day weekend but we had some cold and rainy weather here so was not to pleasant in my workshop. But mostly i just needed a break as my mind just kept thinking of one thing when i was workign on her. my hands are ok still itchy and skin is peeling off but the soreness is gone. hopefuly in a week or two this alergic reaction wil be totaly gone. progress wil be slow but i wil be workign steadily to see those lights on
  15. i struggled with them until i got the solution. use a toothpick to sort of spear them on then i dab the 2 sides in some CA and then with the ship up side down i put them in place holding on to the toothpick until i can hold them with a finger slightly pressing them against the head post and ceiling. then carefully pull the toothpick out (rotating it make sit easier). wait a little bit till the CA starts to dry then you can let go
  16. thanks Randy. i am glad i could fix it so quickly . bare with me i know it will be slow going but i am working towards a final test of the lights all in place thanks Mick i am glad i am at 70% . yes if i can pull these lights off together with fitting the 3rd deck and steering cabin on without glueing them i ll be laughing i am working on getting the railings and triangles done on the second level. this because for the triangles i need her up side down and i cant finish anything on the 3rd deck before that's done with the easy method of installing the triangles its now better to install the railings first i need to retouch them a bit with white paint but that should not be too dificult
  17. sorry haven't been posting for awhile but it has been difficult getting back into it. the cold and my hands being all sore (not sure why but they are all dry and cracked and even bleeding ) hasn't helped either anyway I am back I thought I started with the pesky triangles but they where driving me insane until I found the way to install them without to much trouble : offcourse after I installed most of one side I realised that I had done them a bit different so I took them all off again . now they need some more painting. the problem with the lights was easily fixed as it was just some soldering come loose here a test off all lights (except the most bottom ones) now I can start on fitting it all back inside and work on the 3rd deck walls doors and windows
  18. looking really great Sjors and a late crongats on your promotion to commodore
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