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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. Thanks Anja. I am feeling better just in time for work tomorrow thanks Ed. at least I was able to do a bit of work
  2. well what a great long weekend been in bed/sleeping most of the time as I haven't been feeling well only thing I did was work on the stairs leading to the steering cabin. AL just makes you put 4 supports and then put the planks on it. doesn't make sense to me as the middle p[lank would have no support. so I crated a frame that supports them
  3. sorry haven't been feeling well this weekend so no updates thanks for the pics Rowand saved them to my collection thanks calt thanks for the information Slog. I intend to do some testing before I dare use it on the ship. the mat varnish is supposed to give it a museum quality finish unless I read it wrong
  4. thanks Tom just a picture of the paints most likely I wont be using the white but I can use that for the GF which has lots of white to paint lol
  5. yay the admiral just informed me my paints have arrived : talk about quick : ordered on sunday paid on tuesday here on friday from melboune
  6. ill decide this weekend get a good close up look of the thread provided to determine how good or bad it is
  7. coorect David over to you again
  8. looking really good and i hear you done some blood offering to her too . that will maker her cooperate better
  9. the flag at the back gave me the country . from there it was easy since its the only one they have/had next one :
  10. is it the htms chakri naruebet from thailand the smallest aircraft carrier ?
  11. wow what a difference . hmm Randy not fair now i am thinking of having to buy better thread for the "endy"
  12. i drilled some holes just through the deck as i had forgot to glue in the reinforcements so i needed to know where to put them. they should be at the correct position but i wil check when i get to that point. what i ma thinking is of buildign some jig where the angle can be adjusted and add an agle measuremnt tool and a wire with lead on it so it shows the angle. i ll make a drawing of what i have in mind
  13. well it wouldnt be AL instructions without some inconsistencies
  14. thanks Tom. no worries i am on the home stretch i think which is good because 'endy' (endeavour) is winking at me to come and paint her thanks Mick . yup still waiting on my parts from OcCre for the GF and going to mail them for my personal plaque . it is going well just a few things to figure out but i am confident i cna take those last few hurdles . whta i want done this weekend is finish those pesky brass triangles then i wont have to put her upside down again thank Robbyn . yup been tempted for weeks to put it on but i knew with my clumsy hands i would break soemthing when fitting the back rails (and i did even without it on lol)
  15. thanks Jim yup I usually work on several projects at the same time. just lately this one has taken up most of my time. yes I have started some work on the stagecoach. fixing the broken wheel which was why I had stopped working on here I ll get some pics on there as soon as I can
  16. hello rowand . although AL's instructions tell you to get the angles from the longitudinal section they are actually mentioned on the mast instructions on plan 2 (at the back) and plan 3 the foremasts angle is 89 degrees the mainmast 88 degrees and the mizzenmast 87 degrees
  17. thanks David thanks mobbsie lots of work and fun yup today I finished adding the triangles on the head posts of the lower level with that I have now finished all steps to 34 out of a total of78 steps (photographs). of course since I didn't follow the instructions there are several steps after that I have already finished too I have also glued the steering cabin on to its deck . I cut a hole into the deck as initially that's how I would access the lights on the 3rd deck stateroom. however I changes tactics a bit and the whole deck together with steering cabin will be removable. this makes the hole now an access to the steering cabin lights wiring underneath which you can see a bit on the second picture below tomorrow I will start on finishing the lower level railings . I will need to bend 4 strips of wood to follow the curve at the back of the ship
  18. and dont ask pictures of the what either could be emotialy damaging for us all
  19. i know it wasnt available for awhile. thats why when i saw they had it in stock again at the hobbystore i bought it (without informing the admiral )
  20. thanks David @ Keith yup thats why the door is locked for now dont want anyone falling in especialy after a few beers and yes it would be driven like that . i ll get some side pictures that will show it better i actualy tought oif putting an electrical motor in wiht a crankshaft to make it work but they are all 3V and i would need to figure out how to slow it down enough so not this time. would be cool making one of these with a reall working steam engine i suppose these things dont need to be that agile and stuck on sandbanks proabaly meant getting help from another ship thanks Sjors i am happy with it
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