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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. thanks Randy I hope I was smart enough to make it all turn out ok I am still a fair bit away from scratch building . at the moment I don't think there will be many changes on the GF but maybe she ll have some lights on her too thanks Carl still working on the 3rd deck glueing the curved walls and all in place so wiring is still not done. maybe tonight i can start
  2. you are correct Anja
  3. thanks Anja yes they are drinking straws . it will keep the wiring where I want it to be thanks Sjors I should have all lights working soon
  4. finished drilling the holes to the right size also added two more false walls this will make it I will only need 2 tubes to the bottom and will mean less wiring underneath parts all painted . when they are dry the wiring wil begin the 2 tubes to guide the wiring seen from above and below
  5. sunborn barcelona
  6. maybe after the GF I ll be ready for a scratch Sjors Scott yes the head posts lean in as the top deck is slightly less wide. the angles get even more awkward at the front and back curves which makes fitting the railings and the triangles a bit annoying I will try Carl but I want to finish her especially now
  7. I am typing this with tears in my eyes farewell my friend , I will miss your encouragement and your good nature , MSW will not but the same without you for me. my condolences to Suzanne and family
  8. very nice work Greg and thanks for the rigging pdf
  9. hey Mick. yes to hide and support the wiring . the endeavour wil be a nice build and i l be looking forward to seeing your log thanks popeye thanks Keith i am not too bad but sometimes the itching still drives me crazy . i have learned a lot from other buildlogs so i hope explaining it all wil help others even if its mostly how not to do things tanks Carl i thought i was going slow
  10. marked out all the walls and ceiling bits to cut out of 1.5mm plywood and after cutting, bit of sanding and drilling the holes for the lights tomorrow cleaning up the pieces more enlarging the holes and then paint one side white then its ready to add the wiring
  11. MSW 2.0 shoudl come with a warning like foodproducts: " may contain traces of nuts"
  12. nice work Mobbsie i have never done coppering but it seems very difficult in getting each piece nicely lined up
  13. haha Sjors will take a bit longer there is still lots to do . i have to rethink the second deck stateroom wiring construction as i am having trouble putting it back in but dont worry i will sort that out soon thanks David me too because then i can relax and slowly finish her off thanks Randy i promise you wont need to wait too long thanks Mick i made it more difficult then it can be just because i dont trust on it breakign down easily so i made it i can repair wiring if necessary but that has required me to think a lot. do you want to walk the plank Mick dont worry there are no sharks around thanks Jim i am particualr wanting to see how the sterring cabin one will look
  14. Sjors don't worry you are very understandable even after 5 years here and reading novels in English and IT manuals ( that was before windows was born and anything IT was only available in the English language) I still make a lot of mistakes didn't do much today except finalising what I am going to do with the wiring in the 3rd deck stateroom the picture below shows my intentions : the red square parts will be 1.5 mm thick plywood that will hold the wiring . the red circles will be little tubes through which the wiring will be guided from below the deck and will be invisible from outside . the green line is the wiring itself. to guide the wiring from the middle 2 rooms to the 2 back ones I will add a bit of wood on each side of the middle wall so that it will lie between those 2 and invisible from the 2 high windows. I am hoping tomorrow to draw and cut out all the pieces of ply wood (including the 2 new curved walls) for the 4 tubes I ll use cut off drinking straws
  15. the fun is in the search not googling the image and have it straight away and i am learning a lot about ship types and all so i get soemthing out of it
  16. lol i mean David that i dont forsee any problems . knowing my luck murphy is going to prove me wrong thanks Jim and yes a diving board i blame Sjors and early mornign in not picking that up
  17. thanks Sjors. yes it does look like a swimming plank for now but please dont use it because you wil only end of splashing on the lower deck
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