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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. hi Rowand at the moment most my time is concetrated on finishing the King of the mississppi so not much progress. i am about to start planking the deck . My aim is to try and make her look like the replica but i know that would require some major changes
  2. haha david . i d prefered if you just call me Adriaan (or Adrian in english) as thats my real name thansk Randy
  3. thank you Wayne i l be congratulating you soon thank you Mick a bit of planning on those railing and i should have them all looking ok i hope and yeah i already used a bit too much and anded up with th epaint glued on my fingers thank you Anja thank you Sjors . an honour to be in all that good company thank you Edwin
  4. thanks Sjors and Robbyn actually Robbyn there is no deck below just a little ledge and the paddle wheel (when I install it )
  5. I have done some research ( googled lots of pics of her) and I need to make the decision now on if I want to build her like the kit or adapt her to what the replica looks like. do I have the skills for this or not I don't know but I am going to find out. first I l need to stock up on the different paints needed (red blue yellow(ish) black and white)
  6. hi Rowand wow she Is looking really good . I am building the same kit but am way behind you
  7. yes was getting a full time job building the ship and watching Sjors redid the back railing and no more gap:) but those tiny triangle brass bits are really annoying took me half an hour to finally get them right :mellow: before with gap after without gap
  8. well done Anja next time Danny says not too difficult we knew we are in for a search lol
  9. thanks Randy , yes lots to do but i have to pace myself and not start on them yet til i got the 3rd deck sorted out as i dont want to damage anything. thanks Robbyn , i am happy with the look thanks Mark , i cna do the same thing for all the railings out of 2 parts on that level but the higher ones wil be visible from both sides so a different aproach wil be needed
  10. a big decision and lots more work but i can tell from your post it is the right thing to do for you. the longboat wil be a good diversion until you feel ready again
  11. not as easy Danny closest i have come to a match is this one : unity XII
  12. thanks Jim I have redone the railing in 2 parts that had the big gap (I glued a small scrap of brass left over where they link to give a bit of strength) and repainted so it looks like it is one piece now also had a try at finishing of a railing on the 2nd deck. have learned that its best to add the 2 triangle ornaments first before adding the railing
  13. hi Thomas modellers shipyard seems to have them but its very expensive if you ask me : http://www.modelshipyard.com.au/product.asp?id=2048&pid=129 have a look on this forum i think there are some jigs made by memebrs here that wil do the trick
  14. hello David soak the plywood in some hot water for just a few seconds then using rubber bands make it bend agsint the hull and let dry it will spring back after wards so the next step is to soak again and then use somethign like a round paint tin to bend it a bit further . not too much as it wil break. i usualy make it so the bend is more then it sould be and then resoak and put aginst hull again that wil get the best fit and glueing it afterwards goes easy
  15. Randy that is sort of what i am doing but to screw the bolts in from above i need to get access to them and unless i want them visible from the outside i need to put them inside. i ll take some pictures to show you mre in detail thank you Geoffrey thanks you Mick i ll be checking out you tram now and then as i have been tempted to buy a similar one thanks Wayne. i notice i am getting more and more critical. sometimes i have to let them go because it would require too much work but these ones i can and will fix
  16. while trying to figure out the best way to hold the 3rd deck stateroom I had to remove the wiring and lights from the 2nd deck. in doing so I broke off one of the pins from a LED so I need to redo that one. I didn't want to remove that part but as I wasn't sure if it will all fit in again . lets hope I did it right looking at the curved walls on the stateroom i have decided to redo them. the mistake i made there was that i oriented them wrong and the plywood doesn't bend as good as in the other direction. i decided on a construction of 2 bolts that will screw in to a little metal plate that sits underneath the deck. this means i will also need to be able to remove the ceiling of the stateroom to be able to reach the bolts. its getting more and more complicated and maybe i should just put it all in and not worry about being able to open it up again the railings on second and third deck require 84 x 35 mm pieces of 1.5 x 3 mm sapelli so i taped a stop in the mitre box so i could easily cut them. and here all the pieces i finished all of the bottom parts of the railings on deck 2
  17. HI Mick sorry but not sure what is best to do . its a bit slack that they didn't make these parts out of proper wood instead of ply.
  18. I cant anything to good advise already given just agree with it. that's why i have a few builds going that I can go too when i am getting too frustrated. but i usually do think about solutions to the problems i am facing and then the light goes on and fix it
  19. correct David your turn
  20. hi Mick. they are just clothes pegs and are good for small things like this but they don't open very wide. on the Virginia I stained the railing tops and in some of the pics in the gallery you can see the unevenness. the same for the spiral staircase handrails on the kom. I use a dishcloth to dab some stain on , wipe it off so its not as runny and then gently rub it on the wood. that way I seem to be able to get the best consistency. I am sure there are others that have better ways as I am very new to staining and am very wary when doing it as my first staining of the Virginia hull came out pretty badly .
  21. thank you Anja
  22. Weerschip cumulus
  23. I was warned from other build logs that the bow needs to be sanded down for the keel to fit properly this special piece of compressed wood or whatever it is , is pretty hard to sand even with my rotary tool but I got it almost perfect still a lot of sanding to do but I am getting there I had to replace one of the light bulbs in my cars headlights. turned out I had to take out the whole assembly just to replace it. brilliant design lol
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