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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. i downloaded and started this free model from the Maritime Museum of San Diego to see how it is building in card first some of the parts needed to be on 1mm and 2 mm thick cardboard upper hull structure assmebled
  2. John nice work did you have a look in the plastic containers. in my kit there where a few short pieces of the ramin ther efor the steps
  3. wel he came out with his guns blazing on that one
  4. lol Sjors sorry but i have just too much on with the rest of th ebuilds . it will have to wait i did work on cleaning up the workbench here all empty : attached the light magnifying glass in the middle so i can reach most of the workbench if needed storage containers with parts, tools all on the shelves and here is everything back on . in the corner behind the endeavour you can just see th estage coach and the mini golden hind next to it to compare if you look good yo see a plastic mat wiht flowers on it. thats basicaly how much room i had before the big cleanup all the boxes are stacked nicely on the shelves now i just need to keep it that clean so i have plenty of room to work
  5. if you are dedicated you can finish any ship. there are plenty of buildlogs on here for the Syren so should you get stuck there are plenty of people to help you
  6. hi Yves it would be easy to just search it on the internet. in this case as far i can see that is the only kit for the Mayflower on that scale
  7. just to let you know i am tryin gthis model out not sure how it wil end up but i am giving it a try
  8. the redecoration wil have to wait till this weekend working on 3 ships at the same time with 2 others on hold and a stage coach. i think its goign to be too much and i ll finish nothing oh and for the fun of it i also started the San Salvador in paper. yup i am nuts
  9. he must have been preparing his breakfast when he posted that
  10. lol i ll be showing my wife this so i cna say . see they made me do it it did make me think and i have reshuffled some stuff around to create more room on the workbench every other week i get all tools and stuff and put them neatly but in no time its messy again and so crowded i can hardly work or have to look for the tool i need for ages i think i already foudn a spot for the TV. Dont want to get rid of it as i do like to watch tennis,F1 , V8 its just that right now everythign ios stacked in front of it
  11. thanks Anja sorry Robbyn always seem to forget to include links
  12. thanks for the commetns John and WIm today more of the same . i am running out of windows so i ll finaly have to finish them
  13. after some googling i found this one offered on the website of the maritime museum of San Diego they have 2 versions : advanced and medium difficulty i think this would be a great idea to try it out without it costing much all you need is some photo paper and some card stock
  14. hmm you know if i can find some room on the shelves to store the connie and put the tv somewhere else (although i hardly ever watch it these days) i d have enough space to put both the endeavour and the gorch fock on there
  15. you know Sjors if you had started the rigging and you get too frustrated you can go back to those things you havent done yet . that would give you a bit of variety. now you have to do it all together. i havent done any real rigging but i think id actualy enjoy it. just tying knots and not having to think soulds goot to me. a while back when painting the canons for the uss connie . i was at for 4 hours straight wihtout realising
  16. have searched for history of this vessel and will post it later. translation of instructions is going well . the hobbystore has received my email with the missing parts and are assessing it and wil contact me when done to let me know whats happening
  17. slowly getting there all the windows on one side are now repositioned . i will wait to add the shutters till i have installed the doors and added the holes for the railing construction
  18. yup i think all the kits have the same funny picture. good quality control isnt it
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