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About Paryzek

  • Birthday 04/17/1972

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  • Location
    Kostelec nad Orlicí Czech
  • Interests
    Historic warship, rock music (heavy metal)

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  1. Another topic to watch, I'm sitting in the front row. La Renomme is a beautiful ship. May you be successful.
  2. These huge ships from the end of the sailing era absolutely fascinate me. My favorite is Le Valmy, I have some plans, but I'll probably never get around to building this model. Too big a challenge. I enjoy following your construction diary.
  3. These "modern" ships are not in my area of interest, but I'm happy to rate something that is really good. Beautiful model.
  4. Another small step. I finished the horseshoe plates and stern fifshplates on both sides and the rudder complete hinges. The wood under the walles got its first coat of wax. I also folded the rest of the bow under the grating and installed it on. The second layer of siding doesn't look bad, so I decided not to use white paint. I like wood. Today I also installed gun port parts on the closed gun ports on the bow and stern and am working on the hull side stairs. I will take pictures later.
  5. Clark, thanks for your opinion, I discussed it with a friend and we came to the same opinion, I decided to let it go so as not to make it worse.
  6. I think if I were to remove everything from under the side gallery windows. I can first glue the wooden moldings properly, and then install the new brass ornaments between them. The problem is that they cannot be removed without serious damage. I can make the ornamental moldings myself, I have pear wood, but I can't deal with those etchings. And if I pull them down, I will destroy them.
  7. I tried debonder to remove the adhesive, but it won't budge, I'd damage it more than fix it. The decorative moldings don't fit. I put it together wrong. They should be connected at the corners. I don't understand how I could have messed it up like that.
  8. I'm reporting the next step. Unfortunately, I did something wrong. Very wrong. I installed the decorative moldings on the side galleries incorrectly and the whole thing didn't fit properly. It can't be removed without serious damage. I'll try to order new brass etchings from Mr. Watton (if possible) and redo the whole thing. I can make wooden moldings myself, but unfortunately not brass etchings. Where were the main mistakes? 1, I didn't read the instructions, my fault 2. I don't know how to work with CA glue very well, I'm more of a carpenter. 3. I was in a hurry and didn't think, another fault of mine If it's not possible to buy a plate with etchings, I'll have to leave it like that
  9. I use an oxidation stain on brass parts. I think it's better than paint.
  10. Hello, I'm back after a while. Health problems caused a delay. (sore back, herniated disc) I added the second layer of planks. It's not quite 100%, but I like it quite a bit. I decided not to use white paint on the bottom part and leave only wood. After adding the brass parts, there will be wax. Now I'm figuring out how to install the rudder Small hole.
  11. I continue with the planking of the second layer. Unfortunately, little free time. Nice weather outside. .
  12. I report further progress. The first layer of lining is ready. I used wood putty on the small bumps, sanded it smooth. I will apply some thin wood glue and I can continue. Linden is a fairly soft wood. I had to grind carefully. It would probably be better to use a stronger profile. At least 1.5mm. But the second layer will strengthen the whole thing.
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