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Everything posted by Pete38

  1. Here is a few pictures of my meager progress for the month...Hopefully will have more time here soon to devote to the build. Using an old marking gauge I found in my pile of junk to lay out the line for the treenails. Originaly had a metal point to scratch the line but remove it drill the hole bigger and is using a pencil. Seems to work rather well. After marking use a sharp point to mark the hole locations so the bit will not wander. I found the cutting the treenails into short lengths instead of using one long and cutting each time it is inserted into the wood was easier for me. This gave me a small pile to work from. Put a few at a time next to where I am working so I don't have to hunt for them Once I get a few more in and some sanding done will post some more pictures. So back to the shop while I have time. Hopefully will not be as long between post next time.
  2. Sorry that I have not responded to your post. With summer here been hard to find time for the build. Paddy..Russ thanks for the comments David the cherry is stay flat with no problems...so far. The Cherry is a real @#&*# to pull...but I am getting there. Cherry is what I started with and will stay with it, even though it is hard to pull and get any treenails out of...I like the look Using the .030 kerf blade in the saw to rip the cherry strips to pull
  3. I second, and third everyone else's comments. Very nicley done!!!
  4. Looking good. Once you get the cherry block in,,,,you will be surprised how much more rigid the section will be.
  5. Thanks for the heads up on the filler. You may want to try using a scrapper (ie small razor blade) this will produce a very smooth finish and should have less "smearing" than sanding. Just a suggesting if using the filler again. Buildl is looking great, looking forward to more.
  6. Your thinking seems spot on to me. Myself, I would sand the flat in the floor first before installing the keelson, should make it easier to sand level for each side, then install the keelson for added support for sanding the rest of the frames. Keep up the great work.
  7. Very nicely done. When you sanded...did the wood filler have a tendency to smear or did it sand verily well.
  8. Very nice job on the trim.... that is looking really good Does the pear trim have a slight bevel to it? [like a scallop] or is it just my eyes? Keep up the great work
  9. Welcome to the group...You will find lots of help here........ Nice start on your build....looking forward to more.
  10. Looking real good. The way you are being carefull and the jig you use, should make fairing a little easier. Great work
  11. Congratulation on starting your frame raising... You buildboard/jig looks like it will be a big help on keeping the frames straight and in the corret position. Looking for to more!!!!!!!!!
  12. Very interesting.....Going to have to get my printer up and going so I can get in on this... will be downloading the post and saving them on my computer... Thanks very much....very nice and detailed tutorial
  13. Very nice job on the steps.Put this one away in my notes for further reference for when I get to them 1. Place ruler for stop for steps 2. Always place build AWAY from the edge of the table
  14. Love the look of the red heart,,,,great contrast between that and the holly on the deck.
  15. Ron...I will have to agree with Daniel.... I like the look of your cross section...every individual puts their own touch on the model But as you said this is a learning experience for most of us [me include]....so we will just put a different "touch" on our next build Keep up the good work
  16. Small update...with summer not much time to work on the cross section.....just a little at a time Since I decided to go with cherry for the treenail.....don't know if this was a good idea or a really stupid one Got down to making me some First I had to make a zero clearance insert for my saw...did not have any aluminium or plastic so I used cherry ripped some cherry strips down to about .040 square Then started pulling them through my draw plate. Taking them down to about .023 in size. This is smaller in scale than it should be at 1:32 but with them be so much darker than the maple the will not look like the section has a bad case of the measles....I hope So now it is time to set back turn on the music and PULL for awhile
  17. Very well done. Glad to see you left some of that great looking framing uncovered.
  18. Did not think it was this long since I posted in my log....need to keep it up better Not a whole lot done but still at least moving forward... Finished up a section of the inside planking...still need to trim and a little sanding Once the trimming and sanding are done plan to install the treenails... I am either going to use the bamboo or cherry for the nails Bamboo on the right and cherry next to it Leaning toward the cherry....will take some extra time...is not a forgiving when pulling through the drawplate...have to pay closer attention Thats all for now...hope to post more frequently with updates...
  19. Rusty.... Very nice touch on your models...the result was worth the extra effort. It is so amazing how this many people can start with the same plans and come out with what seems endless variations of the model by adding their own touch. You have done a great job on yours
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