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Everything posted by Pete38

  1. Nice rabbit cutting tool..... Lot of framepieces layed out on the table....Looks like fun time ahead...... Looking forward to your frame raising.......
  2. Very nicely done...thanks for posting the pictures on how to....will have to file this one back for later use...
  3. Martin..Happy Birthday.............Hope you have a good one.....
  4. Looking real good there 42rocker. nice to see your progress An observation: might want to leave just a little more meat at the line to have enough to fair the frames latter...(just my opinion only) Looking forward to more
  5. They look really nice sitting there....Will make a great Christmas gift.
  6. WOW!!!!!!! That is something you don't see every day. Really like it. PS: Do you got a bottle to fit mine
  7. Antony, just found your log here. Very nice build with lots of nice details.
  8. Congratulations...beautiful...amazing...can't say enough..thank you for reposting you build
  9. Thanks Grant.... No..that was not end grain...it was straight from the saw and had not sanded it...that may be why it was "blothie" in places and did not stain evenly...
  10. Bob...Good to see you back Planking looks very nice...as russ said just enough on the seems without being to much and distracting from the build..
  11. Thanks for looking in everyone and the nice words.. Have to agree with the majority here....I like the natural look also......may try one other....50/50 mix of natural and golden pecan..just to see how it looks will post picture later when done.
  12. Grant...have to agree with everyone else....your cordage looks great....very well done..... Cannons are turning out very nice
  13. I have another question for you...Thinking ahead on stain and or finish was wondering what your opinions were on these samples... These are all minwax stains and finishes and sitting on cherry with the Satin wipe on poly From left to right 1. Natural 2. Golden Oak 3. Colonial Maple 4. Golden Pecan 5. Satin wipe on poly Just courious to what you all think.....Thanks
  14. Also, quickly made me some more planking clamps...the first ones were to bi using the 1/4 x 20 inch bolts...would not fit between some of the frames.. So used some 6/32 screws and made these....
  15. Went back to the limber boards today and I think I have worked me a solution that I am satisfied with, Instead of making separate boards for each section will make one long and simulate the seem in between each board. Less chance of loosing them Here is what I did Layed out he 3 foot sections (1 1/8" scale) and drilled 3/16" holes marked each seem with the knife blade by scoring along the lines Darkened the seem with a pencel Then sanded down the boards and this is what I ended up with This will suit me for now, unless I change my mind later on....will be easy enough to make new ones....
  16. Way to go Rocker...not to long now and we will have a frame raising party for you......
  17. Very nice and smooth planking job....will look twice as good when the walnut goes on,,,
  18. Number 3 looks good to me...looks like it has a straighter grain and just a little bit tighter than the rest.... but like you said...final decision is yours and from what I have seen of your build you will make a nice decision....
  19. !@#%* hit the wrong button again.... stared with a new piece in one length and are (is) fitting this to the gap After I have fitted the board will mark off 3' length and drill a hole a little bit bigger then saw at the joint...Hopefully will work out better. The way thing are going right now..Can not type...hard to concentrate to fit board properly...so will wait until tomorrow to start again and post progress then. Thanks for taking the time to look at my post Off to the fridge for a cold one and time to relax.....
  20. Sorry about that...hit the wrong button. to continue Ended up with an angle like this Here is where the ERROR comes into play Cut the board into length of 3' about 1 1/4" scale. Marked each board and fitted to the cross section. After fitting removed and tried (note I said tried) to drill a 1 1/2" hole in the joints ..about .0350 dia. This did not work out so good...Holes were off centered...did not align up with the board next to them and just generally looked like crap Cut to lenght Looking like !@#%& Unless your a very very very good...do not try it this way
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