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Everything posted by Jeronimo

  1. Hello Greg, the images show off my assistance the transfer of different heights on the model Karl
  2. Hello friends, new Pictures. Regards Karl T e i l 7
  3. Hi John, view Picture. Regard Karl
  4. Hello friends. Thanks to all for your Kind comments. Hi Siggi. No, I do not work around the clock on my model, but about ten hours already. Nein, ich arbeite nicht rund um die Uhr an meinem Modell, aber so zehn Stunden täglich werden es schon sein. Regards Karl
  5. Hello friends, many thanks to all for your kind comments and Likes. Built gun ports and jamb walls. Karl T e i l 6
  6. Hi friends. Plan amendment. I now build the model of the midship to Stern. Regards Karl T e i l 5
  7. Hi Giorgio. WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful. Karl
  8. Hello Merchen. Beautiful work. Karl
  9. Hi Alex. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perfect. Da staunt der Laie, und der Fachmann wundert sich. Karl
  10. Hi Alex. Excellent model, perfect. Karl
  11. Hi Soren, Pictures: Ropewalk, Taue, Seile Regards Karl
  12. Hello friends. The residual frames built in, aligned and sanded into the required shape of the hull. Karl Teil 4
  13. Hello friends. The all remaining frames mounted, aligned and bonded. Now handwork is called for sanding. Help in this case, belt-sander, long-neck angle grinder and various sanding blocks. Karl T e i l 3
  14. Hello friends, new pictures of the construction 74 gun-ship. A provisional aligment of the frames. Every double frame consisting of 22 - 26 fragments. Karl T e i l 2
  15. Hi friends, Thanks to all. Gaetan I am building just one model at a scale 1:36. Scale 1:48 was an attempt and originally planned. Karl
  16. Hello friends. Assembly of the deck transom and filling transoms on the fashion piece. Karl T e i l 1
  17. Hi Ben, very nice carving,wonderful. Pictures : Pegasus model von Ivan Trtanj. Regards Karl
  18. Hi Christian, the eleven plan drawings are drawn style in Boudriot and value for money. Regards Karl
  19. Hello friends. Against my original plan, I'm building the model in scale 1:36 instead of building it in scale 1:48. This means change of plans. Regards Karl
  20. Hello Alex. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful. Karl
  21. Hi friends. Thanks to everyone for your kind words and comments. Now it comes with a lot of joy to the construction of the 74- gun ship. Regards Karl http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/10455-the-74-gun-ship-by-jeronimo/ http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/300-le-bonhomme-richard-by-jeronimo/ http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/497-chaloupe-armée-en-guerre-by-jeronimo-1834/ https://fotoalbum.web.de/ui/gallery/karl.weinmann
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