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Everything posted by Jeronimo

  1. Hello Wes Cook. Volume two of this series is important. Regards Karl
  2. Hello friends, my next project in the planning: The 74 GUN-SHIP " L E C E N T A U R E 1783 " after the plan drawwings of: Jean Boudriot, publishing company ANCRE, France. Timbering Plans of Jean C. Lemineur as well as numerous photos and pictures of the construction of his 74 GUN -SHIP Gaetan Bordeleau, Canada I here with once again warmly thanks. The construction of the rear section is planned as a cross section model with complete inside removal. Scale : 1 : 48 NEW : 1 : 36 Type of wood : Deutsche Elsbeere Karl Hi friends. Link: all photos during the construction phase: https://cloud.web.de/ngcloud/external?locale=de&guestToken=22n438epR2m22PUrLw7l4A&loginName=karl.weinmann#/_
  3. Hello friends, thanks to all for your kind comments. My next project is the construction / build of the 74-Gun Ships, rear section as a cross-model with complete interior outfitting. Karl
  4. Hi friends, many thanks for the comments and Likes. Unfortunately, a picture with three model segments of the BHR is not possible together. Every model segment is for itself in a seperate glass cabinet / protective bonnet and stand on different places. Here, however, some pictures of my private ship model -museum. Karl
  5. Hello friends, construction end of the model. Originally, the model was planed with a complete main mast and complete rigging. Massive objections and pressure through my admiralty and government with regard to the enormous size of the display case required an amendment to the plan. Karl T e i l 59 / Ende
  6. Hi Johann, very nice work and great performance. Regards Karl l
  7. Hi Giorgio, absolutely perfect work. Great. Karl
  8. Hi friends, Completion of the main mast with shrouds and ratlines. Karl T e i l 5 8
  9. Hi Siggi, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful work. Modellbau vom feinsten. Karl
  10. Hello Alex, meine Worte. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Karl
  11. Hi Ed. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards Karl
  12. Hello Gaetan. I take off my hat. Je tire mon chapeau vos travaux. Ich ziehe meinen Hut vor deiner schönen Arbeit. Perfect. Karl
  13. Hi Dave, many thanks. Deine Info hat mir sehr geholfen, vielen Dank. Gruss Karl
  14. Hello Friends. Who can help? What function these ropes? Rigging Plan Main-Mast: 6. Main winding-tackle pendant 26. Main winding-tackles Many thanks in advance. Greeting Karl
  15. Hi Remco. Beautiful.WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Karl
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