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Nunnehi (Don)

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Everything posted by Nunnehi (Don)

  1. She looks great, Frank, I really like the precision of your planking! Don
  2. Matthias, your Winnie looks great, well done! What kind of case are you going to do? Don
  3. Yvesvidal, thanks, I agree although not historically accurate. Don
  4. Lou, I took your suggestion about using the OH-13 Sioux as a replacement for the kit helicopter after seeing someone who did it on, I think, Facebook. While not at all historically accurate, I think it looks nice and really completes the model. Thanks, Don
  5. Thanks, Bob, for the kind words, it’s appreciated! How are you coming on your Flirt? Don
  6. Thanks, Rusty, I really appreciate it, especially since your Winnie really sets the standard on how to build her - yours is beautifully done! Don
  7. Dusan, Thanks much for the kind words and for following my build, I really appreciate it! Don
  8. Thanks, JJ, I appreciate it! I’ve been following your build and it’s really the next level, your joinery is so precise, something I haven’t quite mastered yet. Yes, am looking for a case and mounting hardware - suggestions welcome. My son, his wife, and my two new grand babies live in Portland and we’ll be there in a couple of weeks. We’re considering moving out there to be close, and Bend is one of the places we’ve been looking at. Thanks again, Don
  9. Thanks, Glenn, I really appreciate it. Your build is looking great! By the way, I’m using your Cheerful as my primary reference for the build - it’s so nicely done! Don
  10. I’ve got one bottle of 5-O ocean gray MM # 2157 that may be useable that I’ll be happy to send to you. PM me with your address. I will die mad about what MM did! Don
  11. That looks great, Glenn - the detail and precise fit really makes her pop! I’m really enjoying following your build. Don
  12. JJ, Fred, Chuck, Glenn, Bob, and Rusty, thanks much for the kind words, I really appreciate it! Fred, yes, I’m happy with it and have learned tons about how to do this. Thanks also for the Grandchildren comments, I’ll be 73 in a couple of weeks and these are my first - unfortunately they are on the other side of the country from us here in Alabama. Chuck, my next project is Cheerful and have already gotten a bit of a start - am really being careful with the fairing so I don’t have the problems I’m having now. Also, please put me on your Speedwell list. Thanks again, guys Don
  13. I just realized that it’s been almost a year since my last post and three years since I started this log. Much has happened since last June including the Admiral’s knee replacement surgery that developed major complications, and the arrival of our first Grandchildren, twin boys! Progress on the Winnie has been slow, but I’m in the home stretch and should be finished in a couple of weeks. There are still a few tweaks and paint touch ups that are needed, but I’ve installed the headrails and other bow stuff. Because of some early fairing errors, the port and starboard bow shape is not symmetrical, which has really complicated everything. I’ve tried to compensate, but getting the shapes right is probably the most difficult modeling challenge I’ve ever experienced. Anyway, here’s some pics. Don
  14. Rusty, you have created a masterpiece, she’s beautiful! I have really enjoyed following along and look forward to what comes next! Don
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