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Everything posted by BLACK VIKING

  1. Thanks for the likes . Cheers for looking in Michael and the brilliant comments A bit more done on the SR . To break up the ratlines I have made up some of the upper masts and fitted some of the braces fore and aft as I needed a break from tying nearly 3000 half hitch,s and still quite a few to go. Thanks for following I am off to do some more ratlines Martyn
  2. Superb start Michael, l think I will be pinching a few ideas of you when I start mine Martyn
  3. Pulling up a chair for this one. Looking forward to your build Martyn
  4. Pulling up a chair for this one Michael. Great minds think alike as this one is the my next build after the Sol . Martyn
  5. It has been a pleasure to watch this stunning build come together Michael .The work you have put in has lifted this model to another level Martyn
  6. Well done my friend the stern is really looking the part, wonderful job 👍 Martyn
  7. Hi Michael I have got myself some crew for my Sol they are made by Red Box 16-17c British sailors 1.72 scale so should be just the right scale for your Vasa . Hope this helps Martyn
  8. Stunning work as always Michael. I think the lantern looks good and certainly better than the fantasy one offered by Corel Looking forward to seeing your next update m8 . I went to Portsmouth last year and the Mary Rose museum is brilliant well worth a visit Martyn
  9. Nice to have you back Michael and as usual your Vasa is looking stunning 😎 Martyn
  10. Cheers for the comments EJ I think everyone has one of these but hayho Still fitting the ratlines but have broken them up by fitting the mane stay and crowfoot, but it's on with the ratlines Martyn
  11. What a brilliant idea with the frames Chuck. Let me know when this is on sale as I will be first in the queue Martyn
  12. Cheers for the comments EJ . The Vasa was a nightmare to build as the instructions were rubbish and the ship was so historically inaccurate I very nearly gave up but plodded on . She is not the best I have built but hayho Martyn
  13. Thanks for the brilliant comments Michael she is slowly coming together and here's a few pics of the Vasa for you. Not quite up to yours but after the problems I had with it but not to bad Martyn
  14. Thanks for the comments guys and the likes A little bit more work done on the SR . I have finished fitting the shrouds to the lower formast and have completed the fun job of the ratlines. Now moving on to the mainmast . Once all the lower masts have been completed its on to the next level. Thanks for following Martyn
  15. Yet another superb update Michael the work you have done is out standing Martyn
  16. Thanks for the comments EJ A bit more done on the SR . I have built the lower masts and have started the back stays and shrouds Thanks for following Martyn
  17. Well all I can say is wow . Well done my friend, looking forward to the next update Martyn
  18. Stunning work EJ the blue really makes the windows pop . Happy holidays my friend. Martyn
  19. I'm not sure but the flag looks like the cross of St George so the picture might have been taken on St George,s day Martyn
  20. Glad it was only the car that was damaged and not yourself but I would be mortified if I owned a car like that and someone crashed into it . They have done a great job at the body shop Happy holidays my friend Martyn
  21. Thanks for the likes and looking in All the carvings have been fitted to the stern so have cracked on with fitting the smaller cannons to the upper decks. I have made some small blocks for the out haul tackle as the kit blocks are to large. Once rigged up some rope coils where added. A few more to do but slowly getting there Thanks for looking Martyn
  22. Totally stunning work EJ , those windows look brilliant Martyn
  23. Superb work on those ropes they look brilliant I will certainly be pinching that idea Martyn
  24. Thanks for the likes and for looking in A lot more work done on the stern. The carvings have been painted and fitted to the stern with two pack adhesive , still a few more to do The figurehead has also been painted and dry fitted to the bow stem . l have completed the dead eyes and chain plates. The chain in the kit was gold and looked out of place so I have painted it a dark iron paint which looks so much better. Still lots more to do so till the next time happy building Martyn
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