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    puckotred reacted to bryanc in Navio Rayo Puesto de Combate by bryanc - Disarmodel (Spain) - 1:32 - 1748 (year she was built)   
    I thought I’d better do an update as things are moving on surprisingly rapidly (partly because the weather has been appalling and I’ve been indoors more than usual). Once the initial inaccuracies reported earlier were (sort of) resolved, the next stage, the planking of both the hull (inside and out) and the lower deck was carried out. The deck was no problem at all, and I’m pleased with it.

    Given the much larger scale of this kit as opposed to earlier work I’ve done, this time I elected to use “proper” treenails on the deck. It’s been very much experimental, as I’ve never done it before, but apart from some awkwardness at the start it’s gone OK, and I’m fairly pleased. The stain I use on the deck will make or break it of course, and I’m still unsure what exactly to use. I also elected to tree nail the front of the hull, I'm being a bit of a masochist, but it will add to the realism, hopefully.

    The planking up both inside and outside of the hull continued apace, and it was very enjoyable and satisfying (the supplied wood is very good). Ordinary carpenter’s wood glue was used exclusively throughout, with every batch of two or three planks being clamped while they set, whilst I busied myself with treenails. Each plank needed to have a recess along the edge, which I must confess I used my Dremel to provide (why I haven’t got recessed fingers as well I’ll never know)!
    The gun ports were tricky as one might expect, especially the top two which were redone several times. One thing about working at this scale is that it’s got to look right, and that takes work, and more creativity than I am used to!

    The rubbing strakes went on last and here again the manual was at odds with the actual kit. The strakes sit at 8mm above and below the middle gun port openings, the planking is 8mm wide, so it’s not rocket science to work out where they sit. The manual photograph however shows them much closer to the ports in both cases, so much so that the model I am constructing has one full planks’ worth of space more than the manual allows for and shows. I pray this extra height isn’t going to reflect badly when the fittings are presented to the inside later. Similarly no mention is made in the manual of the lowermost strakes, which is probably why I missed them, and they don’t appear in my photographs. They are on now, but again fall one planks worth short of the lower gun ports.

    I think for appearances’ sake I think I’m going to add an additional strake to all three of the groups of rubbing strakes, so they match up with each other and the lower set of the uppermost strakes (I hope that makes some sense).  This all makes me wonder if the overall height in the kit is as much as the three planks worth more than in the manual. The photographs are beginning to suggest this :-(
    This all sounds like I’m having a miserable time, but I’m thoroughly enjoying this kit. Manual apart it’s well-designed, very good quality, enjoyable to build and is already looking good.
  2. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from tasmanian in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Another tiny update:
    Some color on the decorations

    It's place:

    Bronze cannon and ebony stain on the carriage

    And while I'm waiting for the next parts to come I have some time with one of the other projects
    Corel's Amphion

  3. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from coxswain in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Here's a zoom in of Part #5 and #5a:

    No sanding. That's a nice fit!
  4. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from WackoWolf in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Hello Jan,
    36 shipments.
    2 first shipments with 2 issues each, the rest 4 issues in every shipment.
    That would be 132 issues all together.
  5. Like
    puckotred reacted to ggrieco in Heroine 1838 by ggrieco - FINISHED - Scale 1:24 - Western River Steamboat as she appeared before hitting a snag in the Red River   
    Thanks everybody,
    I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to respond sooner.  The family spent the day swimming with at the inlaws house.  It was nice to come back to your encouraging comments.
    Bob,  I finally decided on the Ronan flake white.  I wanted to try Admiralty but, it only came in sets of colors and I would have needed a couple sets to get enough white.  I bought a bottle of Tamiya and it gave nice coverage but the water base penetrated the wood and with the long strakes of unsupported planking I was afraid there might be some flexing.  The ronan is semi paste but with a little mineral spirits and a soft brush it covered well with two coats but still gives a whitewashed look.
    I used the photos below of the Ellen Hardy as an example of the effect I wanted.  I think I will still use the pastels to give it a weathered look.


    Greg, Yes the edges of the planks are chamfered.  The original planks were 5 inches wide including a 1/4 to 5/16 inch tongue leaving about a 4 3/4 inch face with about a 1/4 inch bevel on each side.  The inner face had no bevel.
  6. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from coxswain in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Small update;
    Decoration for the stern is full of detail. Not ordinary white metal casting but more like the old die-cast cars way back when...
    They sound like coins.
    To be painted gold with blue,red and green details.

    lasercut looks clean and good:

    This could turn out to be a good kit...
  7. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from tasmanian in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Well, I got the first two issues today. 

    Unlike the Victory and such there is no magazine, only the building instructions.
    There was also a poster of the Vasa.
    3 frames, stern decorations, thread  and one cannon is what you get in these first two issues.
    I promised my 10-year old son that he could "help" me build it so I have to wait until he comes home from school before building can start.
    I will continue later this evening.

  8. Like
    puckotred reacted to Nirvana in S/S Bohuslän by puckotred - Nordic Class Boats/Türkmodel - Scale 1:45 - abandoned   
    Puckered, ouch!
    I read about Chuck's incident while trying to get rid of a wasp.
  9. Like
    puckotred reacted to baskerbosse in S/S Bohuslän by puckotred - Nordic Class Boats/Türkmodel - Scale 1:45 - abandoned   
    That's sad,
    Beyond repair is it?
    I have been looking at the Mariefred and the Bohuslän, but hard to find either an Australian supplier or a webshop that ships here.
    What's your opinion on the kit?
    Value for money?
  10. Like
    puckotred reacted to Sjors in HMS Sovereign of the Seas by Sjors - DeAgostini - 1:84   
    Thank you very much for the birthday wishes.........
    You know, I went to sleep  as a young men and wake up as a oldtimer.....  
    But again Thanks !!!!!!!!!!
    @ Bob,
    She will be on hold for a while so the Aggy will be finished before she is   
    @ Hennie,
    We will see you tomorrow .
    Please with coffee and vlaai     
    Then an update who is not totally an update but more a demolition.
    Yep, again !!!!!
    I was planking with the bamboo and that's was not fun to work with.
    There are so many bad parts in each of the planks that I need a pound of filler to get that straight !
    So ,it was demolition time.
    I remove all of it and start all over again with planks that I had left from the first planking of the Aggy.
    I'm happy that I save that !!!!!!!
    The lower part of the hull are gonna be the planks from the Aggy and above that ( see the pictures ) I'll be using the bamboo planks.
    I cut all the bad parts away and use the good parts that there was left.
    And that works a lot better !
    I know there must be a lot of sanding but that's no problem.....
    On sunday or monday I will sand the parts that is done.
    Then I can see what to do further.
    Tomorrow ( saturday ) we are going to Hennie to see what he is doing with his Aggy.
    Whe n I have another update I will report it.
    Before I forget, there is also a launch at the SotS.
    A few pictures of how it looks also.




  11. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from coxswain in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Another tiny update:
    Some color on the decorations

    It's place:

    Bronze cannon and ebony stain on the carriage

    And while I'm waiting for the next parts to come I have some time with one of the other projects
    Corel's Amphion

  12. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from Sjors in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Here's a zoom in of Part #5 and #5a:

    No sanding. That's a nice fit!
  13. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from tasmanian in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Small update:
    Constructed the cannon:

    Gun carriage to be painted red:

    Tamiyas Gold leaf worked as a charm:

    One more coat and I will paint the red, green and blues...
  14. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from ndeconte in S/S Bohuslän by puckotred - Nordic Class Boats/Türkmodel - Scale 1:45 - abandoned   
    The last batch:
    A bag of mahogany:

    Doors, panels and steps:

    Tables and chairs:

    Closeup of the doorpanels:

    Colour scheme?:

    This is the full written instructions on the left: On the right parts list.

    Building plans: Quite good actually. But it feels like building a plastic kit...

    Example of the wiring plan:

    And that's it from the box! 
    I'm quite satisfied with the quality of the kit. I don't like the plastic parts though.. The winch is made of partly white metal and partly plastic. Strange...
    I don't understand why they have instructions in bad English since the kit is manufactured for Sweden. How hard can it be to translate one page of instructions (that mostly explains how to soak planks) and a few sentences scattered around in the plans...
    Not that it is a problem for me personally but I know some old farts that don't understand a word English and shy away just because of that...
    The LED kit is a fun extra. It usually cost SEK 180 but I got it for free. The kit cost me about €280 and that makes it a lot of ship for the money.
    I have some rigging to do on another model before I start building Bohuslän. A couple of days...
  15. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from ndeconte in S/S Bohuslän by puckotred - Nordic Class Boats/Türkmodel - Scale 1:45 - abandoned   
    More of the stuff in the box:
    Bag with plans:


    Quality kind of OK: Called Ayous, like harder balsa and easy to bend. will be difficult to get a smooth finish.

    A small box...

    ...with lighting LED's!!! 

    Plastic sheet for windows:

    Bag of plywood:


    Hull parts:

    Lower decks:

    To be continued...
  16. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from Sjors in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Another tiny update:
    Some color on the decorations

    It's place:

    Bronze cannon and ebony stain on the carriage

    And while I'm waiting for the next parts to come I have some time with one of the other projects
    Corel's Amphion

  17. Like
    puckotred reacted to Captain Slog in S/S Bohuslän by puckotred - Nordic Class Boats/Türkmodel - Scale 1:45 - abandoned   
    Hi Puckotred,
    Sorry to hear of your mishap.  Its a shame you have put it away as was enjoying the build and it was looking very nice.  But I know where you are coming from as doubt I would have the heart to repair major damage either.  Its fun putting to together new parts not so much redoing them.
  18. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from EJ_L in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Wacko: I also have a half built Pegasus and the Pinco Genovese (hull built), and a "Section Deck Between Gun Bays"
    going, so busy I am indeed...
    Peter: yes I know. I got the Amphion and Pegasus more or less half built at the cost of picking them up. Since I knew a little of the history of the real Amphion I was quite surprised at what the kit actually was. But as you said, still a nice model of a yacht.
  19. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from WackoWolf in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Wacko: I also have a half built Pegasus and the Pinco Genovese (hull built), and a "Section Deck Between Gun Bays"
    going, so busy I am indeed...
    Peter: yes I know. I got the Amphion and Pegasus more or less half built at the cost of picking them up. Since I knew a little of the history of the real Amphion I was quite surprised at what the kit actually was. But as you said, still a nice model of a yacht.
  20. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from cobra1951 in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Wacko: I also have a half built Pegasus and the Pinco Genovese (hull built), and a "Section Deck Between Gun Bays"
    going, so busy I am indeed...
    Peter: yes I know. I got the Amphion and Pegasus more or less half built at the cost of picking them up. Since I knew a little of the history of the real Amphion I was quite surprised at what the kit actually was. But as you said, still a nice model of a yacht.
  21. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from fmodajr in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Another tiny update:
    Some color on the decorations

    It's place:

    Bronze cannon and ebony stain on the carriage

    And while I'm waiting for the next parts to come I have some time with one of the other projects
    Corel's Amphion

  22. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from Jörgen in S/S Bohuslän by puckotred - Nordic Class Boats/Türkmodel - Scale 1:45 - abandoned   
    Well, I was almost finished with Bohuslän, only the lifeboats to go when I decided to put her in my youngest kids room as a nightlight. My youngest daughter got a little too excited and managed to topple the model down from the shelf and most of the protruding stuff went off. My own fault and no big loss actually. The kids where more upset than me cause their nightlight was gone. 
    So the story of Puckotreds "Bohuslän" ends here. She is somewhere deep in a wardrobe now.... (The ship, not the kid...)
  23. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from cobra1951 in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Another tiny update:
    Some color on the decorations

    It's place:

    Bronze cannon and ebony stain on the carriage

    And while I'm waiting for the next parts to come I have some time with one of the other projects
    Corel's Amphion

  24. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from Sjors in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Small update:
    Constructed the cannon:

    Gun carriage to be painted red:

    Tamiyas Gold leaf worked as a charm:

    One more coat and I will paint the red, green and blues...
  25. Like
    puckotred got a reaction from BLACK VIKING in Vasa by puckotred - DeAgostini - Scale 1:65   
    Another tiny update:
    Some color on the decorations

    It's place:

    Bronze cannon and ebony stain on the carriage

    And while I'm waiting for the next parts to come I have some time with one of the other projects
    Corel's Amphion

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