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    maggsl_01 reacted to firdajan in Revenge by firdajan - FINISHED - Shipyard - CARD - (1577) 1:96   
    The  rigging is finished, chainplates too. The finishing work still continues

  2. Like
    maggsl_01 reacted to firdajan in Revenge by firdajan - FINISHED - Shipyard - CARD - (1577) 1:96   
    Thank you, my friends, thank you,  for your replies
    Matti: it´s not comparable - there are two different ways, how to get a hull of ship. Simply said - with wood is much more work, and in my opinion the wooden model is in absolutely other level than cardmodel. And the rest of ship - the work is the same in both ways, I´m also using wooden masts and yards, ropes, etc. BTW, if you know my older projects - I´m mainly the scratchbuilder, and I´m working with plans for wooden kits ( Mary Rose is the exemption - this is my own project simply absolutely from nothing )
    As I said, I start with the final surface. Pictures says more. Now I have to cut out the foil in places of gunports, and patine the hull because of planking effect. You will see.
    btw, the last pictures is my collection ( just hull of the Golden Hind and Sovereign are missing  )

  3. Like
    maggsl_01 reacted to Vivian Galad in Red Dragon by Vivian Galad - Artesania Latina - 1:60 - modified   
    Hi again and well, I coundn´t hold myself that much. 3 days after finishing my caravel I´m beginning a new project and hope you all enjoy it. Took me 3 months and some days to my last ship to be finally complete, and, today I started a new counter ^^ (not that I want to beat it).
    So, first thing first, I´ll say my impressions on the kit. I bought it from an e-bay auction. The box is a little bit worn, with some small scratches on the fringes. Since the kit is from the 80´s, there´s that look in it:

    Opening we can see a good care with pieces and wood, all arranged in a practical manner. My last experience was a bit disappointing regarding opening the box, cause the fittings and everything else were almost thrown in the box, with no preoccupation about the pieces´ overall look. AL, in other hand, do know how to sell it´s fish.

    Unboxing the fittings box I found a beaultifull set of small wooden and metal parts. Loved the distribution and care. Didn´t like the brass fittings for doors and windows, or even the lanterns - decided those will be made by me.

    The wood planks with pre-cut parts are easy to cut. It´s not laser cut, since in 1989 it wasn´t that common, lol. There´s a fine selection for woods, all woods. I detached the first parts to take the false keel and mount the structure.

    For this build I just designed a holder - Big change for better, for my last ship was builded almost in my lap, or on the kit´s base, which devastated my hull, as I saw sometime after the mistake. So, false keel on holder ready to receive framing.

    After cutting and sanding the frames, got numbers to them so I could follow the instructions - and make no mistakes.

    So, I took care to align all frames with the false keel, since some of them needed some fixing to go smooth with the keel. After that I glued them and the girders, as follows




    I got the impression that it was a little bit crooked and drawn a line to compare, but was just an impression. Began first planking but need to buy a small hammer, so, all paused till I buy one.
    Other consideration - after studying the plans I found it easy to give the ship some cabins. With a little modification on the castle I can put some nice furniture inside the ship and, following Doris inspiration, will let the windows and doors show the inside (after scratching my own windows and doors, of course).
    Well, that´s it!
  4. Like
    maggsl_01 reacted to DSiemens in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Max black is a good color for the rigging and one I use often.  The reason these lines are black and running lines are tan is because the standing rigging doesn't move and is constantly exposed to the weather.  To protect the lines from wearing out they would cover them with tar and sap which turned them black.  The running lines on the other hand need to move through block and tackle and tar would gunk them up so they were left as is.  As the lines wore out they would have to replace them.  Which is why they keep big coils of rope below decks.  
    Great work on your model she's really beautifully done.  
  5. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from NAZGÛL in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hi all
    another little update... the rigging needs ist time... it is not as difficult as I thought, but to tie the knots and to keep everything under tension - but not to much - is quite tricky. I decided to color the standing rigging in black as it is seen on many pictures of origins and models. The shrouds of the foremast are almost ready, on one side I did the ropes connecting the shrouds (sorry did not find the english word, in german it is "webleinen"). I read that this ropes were used in a way like rope ladders to climb up the mast. So there should not be too much tension... hmmm... but I am not sure if I like the result as it is now. I used knot on every junction, perhaps the second side I will only tie the rope to the shrouds - without knots... perhaps this will look more as I want.  Any suggestions, tips or comments (pls be honest) are welcome
    Thats it for today... my ship calls me

  6. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from DSiemens in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hello my fellow friends...
    I finished the masts - and now will start the great adventure with ropes, lines and a lot of Fittings... also called rigging
    But I admit that the building up to now is not as difficult as I expected. I thought there would be much more problems but everything became good.  I had so much fun and joy and relaxing moments - and the few problems were great to find solutions. I learned so much about modelling - not only put some parts together but more and more create the model. Ist amazing, great and really fulfilling. I promise - the Half Moon will not stay alone in my living room... At the moment I feel dashing to build the Derfflinger by Euro Models as next model... Has anyone any expierence with this model?
    Well - the bowsprit is glued, he foremast also. I will do like Popeye recommended: From bow to stern and starting with the standing rig.

  7. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from Aussie048 in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hi all
    another little update... the rigging needs ist time... it is not as difficult as I thought, but to tie the knots and to keep everything under tension - but not to much - is quite tricky. I decided to color the standing rigging in black as it is seen on many pictures of origins and models. The shrouds of the foremast are almost ready, on one side I did the ropes connecting the shrouds (sorry did not find the english word, in german it is "webleinen"). I read that this ropes were used in a way like rope ladders to climb up the mast. So there should not be too much tension... hmmm... but I am not sure if I like the result as it is now. I used knot on every junction, perhaps the second side I will only tie the rope to the shrouds - without knots... perhaps this will look more as I want.  Any suggestions, tips or comments (pls be honest) are welcome
    Thats it for today... my ship calls me

  8. Like
    maggsl_01 reacted to greatgalleons in Niagara by greatgalleons - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    bell and ladders

  9. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from Bindy in 15th Century Latin Caravel by Vivian Galad - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1/50   
    Perfect... Congratulations Vivian
    Its a very very cute ship, a super built model... Hope my Half Moon can compare
    Best wishes
  10. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from Vivian Galad in 15th Century Latin Caravel by Vivian Galad - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1/50   
    Perfect... Congratulations Vivian
    Its a very very cute ship, a super built model... Hope my Half Moon can compare
    Best wishes
  11. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from mtaylor in Frigate Essex by Rafine - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Kitbashed   
    Hi Hi.. Bob...
    I understand very well what you say... and looking into my shipyard she says... The roof on the gardenhouse needs to be done... and the veranda need new planks... What the hell has this to do with me and my ships???
  12. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from 3sheets10 in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hello my fellow friends...
    I finished the masts - and now will start the great adventure with ropes, lines and a lot of Fittings... also called rigging
    But I admit that the building up to now is not as difficult as I expected. I thought there would be much more problems but everything became good.  I had so much fun and joy and relaxing moments - and the few problems were great to find solutions. I learned so much about modelling - not only put some parts together but more and more create the model. Ist amazing, great and really fulfilling. I promise - the Half Moon will not stay alone in my living room... At the moment I feel dashing to build the Derfflinger by Euro Models as next model... Has anyone any expierence with this model?
    Well - the bowsprit is glued, he foremast also. I will do like Popeye recommended: From bow to stern and starting with the standing rig.

  13. Like
    maggsl_01 reacted to 3sheets10 in Swift by 3sheets10 - Artesania Latina - first build   
    Well......after three days of working getting the keel and the frames straightened out.......I get this
    And she is able to sleep after what she did. 

  14. Like
    maggsl_01 reacted to pirozzi in Royal William by pirozzi - FINISHED - Euromodels - 1/70   
    Two more steps in the hull construction.
    1. The mizzen mast bottom rests on the lower gun deck. A stepping block needs to be fabricated and secured to the lower gun deck before things get covered up. With all 3 lower decks either secured or dry fitted in place, the mizzen mast is inserted through the decks and placed vertically and at the correct cant. A wood block with an 8mm hole is then located on the gun deck and glued in place. It is also painted black to keep it hidden.
    2. The solid bow blocks are carved down to the contoured shape. The photo shows before and after. Make sure to do this in a ventilated area. The amount of saw dust created was enormous. I am still coughing.
    Vince P.

  15. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Thx Popeye...
    the deadeyes are originally like in teh kit ... no changes...

  16. Like
    maggsl_01 reacted to Mirabell61 in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hello Max,
    a real Little Beauty is being created under your Hands, lovely build!
  17. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from Anja in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hello again my friends
    just a Little update. I started with the standing rigg now... the stay from bowsprit to foremast (foremast-stay... not sure if this is the correct term). The instructions could be a Little more detailled, but I think the more you understand what the ropes are made for the easier it will be to follow the plan. Next will be the shrouds on the foremast... I am curious...  Pls comment when you see any discrepancy in the rigging. I want to improve my knowledge and techniques always...
    Thats it for the Moment... next update will come soon (after the shrouds... obviously in two weeks or two years )
    Happy modelling to all


  18. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from Mirabell61 in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hello my fellow friends...
    I finished the masts - and now will start the great adventure with ropes, lines and a lot of Fittings... also called rigging
    But I admit that the building up to now is not as difficult as I expected. I thought there would be much more problems but everything became good.  I had so much fun and joy and relaxing moments - and the few problems were great to find solutions. I learned so much about modelling - not only put some parts together but more and more create the model. Ist amazing, great and really fulfilling. I promise - the Half Moon will not stay alone in my living room... At the moment I feel dashing to build the Derfflinger by Euro Models as next model... Has anyone any expierence with this model?
    Well - the bowsprit is glued, he foremast also. I will do like Popeye recommended: From bow to stern and starting with the standing rig.

  19. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from maddog33 in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Howdy all
    the work takes its time - but it goes on an on. I am very pleased with this kit. It gives me tasks zu fulfill, but in a way I can do. Even as I am not expierenced with wooden modelling I get along with it. And I can learn how to handle the materials and the things to do - like planking the deck or the hull.
    I enjoy the building very much
    Some pics show the progress of my Half Moon
    thx - max

  20. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from NAZGÛL in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hi all...
    just a little update: I started the shrouds on the foremast... it works out quite good... there is tension, but not too much, the deadeyes weren't that difficult as I thought. For every side it took about 1,5 hrs all in all. Now I am wondering if I should color the ropes.  I see in almost every model that the stays and shrouds are black. Perhaps I should do this too. I would use black stain - usually for wood, but a test had a really good result on the ropes. Whats your opinion?
    Thx - cu soon


  21. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from Mirabell61 in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hello again my friends
    just a Little update. I started with the standing rigg now... the stay from bowsprit to foremast (foremast-stay... not sure if this is the correct term). The instructions could be a Little more detailled, but I think the more you understand what the ropes are made for the easier it will be to follow the plan. Next will be the shrouds on the foremast... I am curious...  Pls comment when you see any discrepancy in the rigging. I want to improve my knowledge and techniques always...
    Thats it for the Moment... next update will come soon (after the shrouds... obviously in two weeks or two years )
    Happy modelling to all


  22. Like
    maggsl_01 reacted to Mirabell61 in Heinrich Kayser 1898 by Nils Langemann - FINISHED - scale 1:96 - as she appeared in 1922   
    Hello Max,
    what a cute member Icon you have, gives me a smile on monday morning. Thanks for your words, and enjoy the further parts of the Heinrich Kayser build log
  23. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from Mirabell61 in Heinrich Kayser 1898 by Nils Langemann - FINISHED - scale 1:96 - as she appeared in 1922   
    Hello Nils,
    I am really overwhelmed by your build... This is modelling on its top-level. I will follow your log and I am very very curious to see the progress.
    Good luck and a lot of fun

    Max aus Hof in Oberfranken
  24. Like
    maggsl_01 reacted to Mirabell61 in Heinrich Kayser 1898 by Nils Langemann - FINISHED - scale 1:96 - as she appeared in 1922   
    Steamship Heinrich Kayser
    Introduction to this build log, by Nils Langemann
    The steamship Heinrich Kayser was launched in 1898 baptized to its birthname „Elbing“ and was one of the typical new fast merchant vessels built for the D.A.D.G. (Deutsch Australische Dampfschiffahrts Gesellschaft) shipping company at the FSG shipyard in Flensburg, northern Germany. It served the trade route Europe via Cape of Good Hope or via Suez Canal and the red sea and across the Indian Ocean to several Australian Ports together with her sister ships on regulary basis for many years.
    After WW1 and in compliance with the Treaty of Versailles demands the Elbing went under command and management of a british shipping controller, from which the “Elbing” was bought back again by the Hamburg based Kayser & Sohn shipping Company in 1921, which renamed the vessel to “Heinrich Kayser”. In 1922 my grandfather was appointed as the master in command on its last fatal voyage from England to the US eastcoast, down to Florida and back touching Norfolk Virginia as last port and thereafter went down with all aboard her in a heavy full gale and with broken rudderchain and broken hatchcovers. The last SOS radio signals came from position of the New England Seamount Chain, some 500 miles off the US eastcoast where the Atlantic is 5000m deep. No survivers, not a trace was ever found. This type of ship was a mere cargo steamer of 5600 tons, which may have been able to accommodate 2-3 passengers, midships. The Heinrich Kayser was capable of cruising at max. of 12 knots with her twin-boiler arrangement in tandem setup, and having appr. 20 firemen (stokers and heaters), working in shifts to keep the boilers at pressure accordingly.
    I built this model, which is already completed to date, after a shipyard overview plan in honor to my grandfather and all its 43 souls crew and three passengers.
    It is only a couple of weeks ago that per incidence, and 91 years after that foundering, on a raised web forum thread I was able to take up contact with an american lady, who`s great grandmother as well as her great aunt have been on board the Heinrich Kayser at that time and lost their lives as passengers way back in 1922
    The build log shall comprise probably 21 individual parts due to limit of pics per post, and shall document all building sequences in pictures. Comments, questions, etc. shall be welcome and answered along with the build log as it grows.
    The model took me appr. 1800 manhours to build over 2 years including the search for a plan, new modeling techniques like metal- plating /”riveting”, soldering, glass-case making, all trials, etc.
    The fully completed model can be viewed in my album (steamship Heinrich Kayser) under topic : Gallery of completed scratch built models
    Have fun and enjoy whilst studying this oldtimer steamer of 1898 in its buildup
    Here it Begins.....
    Build log part1

    this is one of the ship under its birthname "Elbing"

    this is one of the very last Pictures of the Heinrich Kayser

    overview plan frontsection

    overview plan aftsection

    stringers and single-layer planking in pine



    planking under way, propshaft built in

    Frame plan, self drawn, not included in overview plan

    planking nearly completed
    Part 2 to follow....
  25. Like
    maggsl_01 got a reaction from Bindy in Half Moon by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:50 - First wooden modelship   
    Hello again my friends
    just a Little update. I started with the standing rigg now... the stay from bowsprit to foremast (foremast-stay... not sure if this is the correct term). The instructions could be a Little more detailled, but I think the more you understand what the ropes are made for the easier it will be to follow the plan. Next will be the shrouds on the foremast... I am curious...  Pls comment when you see any discrepancy in the rigging. I want to improve my knowledge and techniques always...
    Thats it for the Moment... next update will come soon (after the shrouds... obviously in two weeks or two years )
    Happy modelling to all


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