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Geoff Matson

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Everything posted by Geoff Matson

  1. Ken Looks like you solved your problem. Sometimes I think think the save is more fun than building the model
  2. Hello Ken I agree with Tom, there was fiddling with them. I went back and here are a few pictures that may help you. Hope this helps a little. I used weld bond glue from Ace Hardware which is easy to debond with rubbing alcohol. It saved me more than once.
  3. I installed the two bulls eyes on the lower foremast. I use the figure eight knot to install the bulls eye and then tighten it up and then slip the other loop over the mast, position it, and then tighten it up. The thread looks like a little bow tie with two adjustable loops. Here is the upper one And here is the lower one
  4. You know Bill, I learned a long time ago if something bothers you DO IT OVER otherwise you will be kicking yourself you did't fix it when you could. I am so hoping to lessen my do overs by rigging as much as I can off the model. I think I am realizing why Admiralty Style models are so popular
  5. I now have my shrouds for the foremast set in place on the mast. Here is a shroud ready to install Lots of fiddling with ropes to line everything up right. Here is a view looking up. All the lines were served around the mast head.
  6. Thanks for your interest Ken. I do have your book Modeling Building with Brass. Our club President, Kurt Van Damn recommended it and it is a great addition any modeling library.
  7. I have been working on the foremast swifter. I picked up those little copper clamps from Radio Shack and found them to be helpful with my rigging. They are small and light. Lots of lining up and getting thins right before applying some diluted white glue to help set the lines in place. Now it will be on to the shrouds. There will be four pairs of shrouds to both the port ans starboard sides of the foremast. I am trying to get as much rigging to the foremast before placing it on the model. I am really fearful of breaking something trying to rig this mess of sticks and strings as my wife refers to my rigging
  8. Just found your build. The boats are outstanding. I am looking forward to you taking the Conny to a new level of modeling.
  9. I finished up the fore mast runner pendants and am now ready to move on to the foremast swifters. I am rigging as much as I can off the model. Here are few pictures of my progress. The runner pendants were served and seized. I leave the tails on to help adjust everything and then clip them when I have it the way I want it.
  10. Great build. For me the bow section with all the rails was by far the hardest part of the kit to build. You really have to think in 3-D to picture what you want to build.
  11. Just found your build. Things are looking great. Looking forward to following your progress
  12. Go for it Jay. Half the fun is figuring out how to do it. If you can make hammocks, you can cut the cannon in half. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
  13. I know what you mean George. Dust in the bedroom will get you in trouble. I hook up an shop vac to my tools to help keep the dust down. For small sanding I even hook a funnel up to the shop vac and sand my parts over the funnel. I made sure to insert a small screen in the funnel so I don't suck up any parts. I also made a boat dock to keep my model protected from dust and cats!
  14. Greg Believe it or not, my shop is in my bedroom! I have one end of it for my shop. We live in a really small farm house with a good size bedroom. Here is a quick picture of part of it.
  15. I finished up my off model rigging of the bowsprit I think I will mount the bowsprit last so I can lessen my chances of breaking it off. Here are some of tools I use for my rigging. I dilute with white glue with water and apply it to the rigging using the paint brush. With the cotton rigging the glue absorbs into the cotton for a clean contact. Here are few pictures of the finished bowsprit. When you live with a St. Bernard you have to remove a few white hairs from everything.
  16. My Conny has been on hold for some time now because I was just burned out and not happy with the way things were turning out. To me the rigging just looked over sized. After much time I decided to re do the rigging. So from this point forward will be my new progress. All rigging will be done with my Byrnes rope walk. Here is my progress so far with bowsprit. This is the rigging sp far before trimming all the tales
  17. I have one and love it
  18. Hello Jay Glad to see you are back at it. I too have taken some time off, but am now in the process of getting back to it. Will be posting soon.
  19. Tom Nice job on the blocks. I am into the Masting and Rigging part and found the kit blocks really need some modifications to help them along. Great job so far.
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