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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. @noel_colledge No of course not. These are so-called hatagane - these are Japanese bar clamps. These delicate clamps allow finely-fitted small and delicate work pieces to be clamped for fitting and glueing. Here LINK I bought them.
  2. Hello Mike this is an extremely clean model construction work. I'm excited.
  3. Hello Albert, many thanks for the nice comment. Hello Doris, I would like to return the compliment Your ship models are great modeling art.
  4. Hello Doris, It is a great pleasure that you are back with a great model building project. I am very happy about it. Again a wonderful model construction project, which I can follow with great interest. I admire your art to create these beautiful models.
  5. Hello Thomas, Hello Carl, many thanks for the interest and the nice words. Also thank you to all for the LIKES. Here is an update: The wood processing for the top of the foremast is finished. Now the fittings are made.
  6. @druxey Thank you for the kind words. And here, continue with the report: The Grätings for the top of the foremast are ready for installation. Fitting in the frame is very carefully carried out. The size difference between the tops of the foremast and the mainmast can be seen here.
  7. HI Albert, this is absolute top model construction! I'm excited. How long do you build on this model?
  8. Hello Greg, here are two images of drilling a 0.6 mm hole in the ball of the stanchions.
  9. @all Many thanks for your interesst und the LIKES. Here is my interpretation of the Bolsters on the trestle trees. This gives an optimal support for the shrouds. Thanks to Dirk @Dubz for this. He gave the decisive hint. And here we continue with the top for the foremast. The following two pictures show the basic structure of a top.
  10. Hello, meanwhile, I have completed the assembly of the top of the main mast. On the first picture all parts to see. The second picture shows how to make holes with the 0.3 mm drill. On the last picture the mounted top can be seen.
  11. @druxey Thanks for the positiv comment. The railing is finished except for the blackening.
  12. Hello Albert, Jim, Greg, Carl and Thomas, thanks for the kind words, and all others for the LIKES. @ dvm27 Hi Greg, I use these saw blades. It is also important that the saw blade have 32 teeth.
  13. Thanks to all for the interest in my report. In the meantime, I have made some progress on building the top of the main mast. Currently, I'm going to make the supports for the railing.
  14. @ jose_b Yes that's right. This small wooden part serves as a guide and has exactly the distance corresponding to the perforation of the gratings.
  15. Hello, Ed and Carl, thanks for the nice compliments and all others for the LIKES. The floors of tops at La Creole consist of grätings. Here I show some pictures of the production. Furthermore I show how I make the frames for the tops.
  16. Hello Ed, Thank you for the compliment. I admire your work as well.
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