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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. @jose_b Hi, the last monograph by Mr. Delacroix to Le Rochefort would probably be a beautiful present for Christmas. A small ship, but with a lot of potential.
  2. Hello, That makes me happy that I have inspired you with my longboat for the La Creole. Your model from the Le François and the longboat are just great.
  3. Hello, for your interest a very warm thank you, and of course also for the LIKES. Drilling with the template has turned out to be inaccurate. Therefore, I now drill with a dividing head. Because I can make the holes exactly.
  4. Hello, for the nice feedback I thank a lot. Regarding the question of deadeyes, whether round or pear-shaped, I follow the recommendation of G. Delacroix. Before the production I made a drawing. The basis for this was the Atlas du genie maritime and Atlas de Poulierie in 1855. To make the deadeyes I need a few tools as seen in the following picture.
  5. Hi Albert, thanks for the nice words. The next detail I have made for the backstays. The lower blocks of Shifting backstays were fitted with a hook, which was engaged in a ring bolt on the Channel.This ring bolt has its own small chain plate. This part was there 3 times per ship side. Now to the production. I hope the pictures explain so far.
  6. @juhu Thanks for the positive note. I assume that the two swivel guns were used only in the case of close combat. Which means that these were actually fired only once, and probably with scrap. I do not know another explanation.
  7. Hello, about your nice hints and positive comments. I am extremely happy. Here we go on with the building report: Further details have been installed, such as pin rails.
  8. Hi Albert, great craftsmanship !
  9. @albert Thanks for the nice feedback. After the completion of the supports of the channels I looked back as the model looked without equipment. Four years have now passed. If I compare the state of the model from the year 2012 with today's so, it is already sobering. On the one hand, I find that a lot of details have now accumulated on the ship model. On the other hand, other model builders build complete models with full rigging during this time. Nevertheless, I will continue soon ...
  10. Hi Ed, it is always a great pleasure to admire your fantastic work.
  11. Hi Chuck, It is always a great pleasure be allowed to see the work fantastic.
  12. Hello, many thanks for the nice comments. It continues with a short update:
  13. Hello Albert, the framework is simply amazing. Your performance impressed me.
  14. Many thanks, for nice and appreciated words. And here is the continuation with a few pictures:
  15. Hello, the decision to form the dead-eyes is not yet done. But I think that I will abide by the recommendation of G. Delacroix. Meanwhile, I make the the lower supports of the channels. Some time ago, I have already begun, as seen here LINK. To further manufacturing are a few recent photos.
  16. I have followed your advice and G. Delacroix questioned for Shape of the dead-eyes. Here is his answer:
  17. Hi Carl, Hi ofencer 29350, that would be helpful. I would appreciate this support very much. Which one of you would ask Gérard Delacroix for me? Many thanks in advance.
  18. Hi Carl, my French is much worse, as my English ... In earnest, I can not speak French. Why you ask this question?
  19. Hi Carl, *) These documents were valid general for the French navy in the 1st half of the 19th century. Accordingly, all warships were equipped by the largest ship of line to the corvette, etc. . In addition there were also tables that the required sizes specified. **) I think that it is not due to the availability of timber. ***) Exactly, that is the question!
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